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Peripetie 1 Arnold Schoenberg. Learning Objectives To understand the terms expressionism, atonal and serialism To understand the main features of expressionism.

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Presentation on theme: "Peripetie 1 Arnold Schoenberg. Learning Objectives To understand the terms expressionism, atonal and serialism To understand the main features of expressionism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peripetie 1 Arnold Schoenberg

2 Learning Objectives To understand the terms expressionism, atonal and serialism To understand the main features of expressionism which are used in Peripetie To understand what a hexachord is and how they are used in Peripetie

3 Questions 1.What is strange about what the cellos and double basses have to play in bar 2? 2.What unusual effects do you notice in the trombones in bar 2? 3.What interesting instruction do you find in bar 34? 4.What about bar 62? 5.Comment on the dynamics in bar 64.

4 Expressionism Early 20 th century (1910-1930) Vienna, Austria One powerful emotion per piece Features: Atonal (no keys; all 12 semitones equal) Extreme dissonance Angular (disjunct) melodies Irregular rhythms Use of extreme range and technique of instruments Use of extreme dynamics Find an example of each of these

5 Emotion What emotion do you think Peripetie portrays? Peripetie means “A sudden change of fortune”

6 Serialism Invented by Schoenberg in the 1930s Came after Peripetie (1909) – Peripetie is not serialist Involves creating “rows” of all 12 notes and then using them in order Guarantees that each of the 12 notes will get the same amount of airtime! Very difficult to write Very difficult to listen to

7 Timeline Romantic 1830-1900 Chopin, Wagner Impressionist 1890-1910 Debussy, Ravel Expressionist 1910-1930 Schoenberg, Hindemith Serialist 1930-1950 Schoenberg, Webern, Berg

8 Hexachords Bar 2: Write down all of the pitches used on the first chord. Cross out any duplicates. How many are you left with? Bar 6: Do the same with the woodwind parts A hexachord is a chord which contains 6 out of the 12 semitones The chords (harmony) and tunes (melody) are both built up using these The complement of a hexachord is…?

9 More Questions 1.In which country was expressionist music invented? 2.Name two features of expressionism found in Peripetie and give a bar number where they can be found. 3.What is the quietest dynamic used in the piece, and where does it happen? 4.Give an example of an unusual instrumental effect used in Peripetie. Do these on a separate sheet please

10 Even More Questions 5.Is the bassoon part in bar 8 conjunct or disjunct? 6.Is the clarinet part in bar 10-13 conjunct or disjunct? 7.Write down the notes in the hexachord used in the last bar (NB horns in , double basses in  ). 8.Work out the complement of this hexachord.

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