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Europe After Napoleon.  Students will be able to explain why the turmoil of the French revolutionary years resulted in a conservative European reaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe After Napoleon.  Students will be able to explain why the turmoil of the French revolutionary years resulted in a conservative European reaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe After Napoleon

2  Students will be able to explain why the turmoil of the French revolutionary years resulted in a conservative European reaction Objective

3 Congress of Vienna  Meeting of the major powers in Europe  Real work fell on Austria, Britain, Russian, & Prussia  Followed a conservative philosophy (tradition, stability, obedience to authority and organized religion)

4 Results of the Congress of Vienna  Surrounded France w/ strong countries  Prussia gets land along Rhine River, Austria controls Northern Italy  Restores monarchies that the Fr. Revolution or Napoleon destroyed (legitimacy)  Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria creates the Concert of Europe  Includes all major European countries  Pledged to suppress any uprisings inspired by Fr. Revolution (principle of intervention)

5  In what political boundary is Vienna located?  What new countries were created out of the former French empire?  What countries gained land from France?  How might the Congress of Vienna have increased nationalism? Map Activity

6  Liberalism  Civil liberties (equality, freedom)  Constitution  Religious toleration  Separation of church and state  Legislative assembly  Nationalism  Love, pride, devotion to your country  People identified with their nation, not a king Reaction to Conservatism

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