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TUFMAN 2 20-24 April 2015, Noumea, New Caledonia.

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Presentation on theme: "TUFMAN 2 20-24 April 2015, Noumea, New Caledonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 TUFMAN 2 20-24 April 2015, Noumea, New Caledonia

2 TUFMAN 2 Overview - Who am I? - What is TUFMAN 1? - What is different about TUFMAN 2 - TUFMAN 2 rollout - IMS integration

3 Who am I?

4 - Tuna Fisheries Management System - Data entry tool for fisheries data - Windows application, developed using Access - SQL Server database - In use in many Pacific countries, plus others What is TUFMAN (1)? Born: many years ago

5 What is TUFMAN (1)? Modules Logsheets Unloadings Port Sampling Vessels/National fleet Licensing Reference tables At-sea reportsVarious others…

6 TUFMAN 2 Modules Logsheets Unloadings Port Sampling Vessels/National fleet Licensing Reference tables At-sea reports Various others… Task lists

7 - Reduce redundant data entry - Better support e-reporting - Improve data quality and sharing - Modernise the development platform - Improve integration with IMS and other systems TUFMAN 2 Why are we rebuilding TUFMAN 1?

8 - Addition of cloud-hosting option and browser interface - Near real-time updating of TUFMAN Reporting - Centralised reference tables (e.g. vessels, ports) - Data sharing - No licensing, no national fleet - Increasing focus on data quality, rather than data entry TUFMAN 2 Key differences to TUFMAN 1

9 + Data entry/checking can occur anywhere + Systems are maintained elsewhere + New features are immediately available -Internet down = TUFMAN down -Harder to integrate with local systems (if any) Recommendation: cloud, unless your internet connection is very slow or unreliable Cloud vs Local What is different about the cloud option?

10 Browser interface


12 Audit log of all changes

13 Updating report data Current situation Logsheets National DB TUFMAN 1 user

14 Updating report data Current situation Logsheets National DB TUFMAN 1 user

15 Updating report data Current situation Logsheets National DB TUFMAN 1 user

16 Updating report data Current situation Logsheets National DB TUFMAN 1 user

17 Updating report data Current situation Logsheets National DB TUFMAN 1 user Full backup

18 Updating report data Current situation Logsheets National DB TUFMAN 1 user Full backup Send to SPC

19 Updating report data Current situation Logsheets National DB Reports DB TUFMAN 1 user Full backup Send to SPC Load backup

20 Updating report data Current situation Logsheets National DB Reports DB TUFMAN 1 user TUFMAN Reporting user user Full backup Send to SPC Load backup

21 Near real-time updates Manual data entry Logsheet National DB TUFMAN 2 user

22 Near real-time updates Manual data entry Logsheet National DB Reports DB TUFMAN 2 user

23 Near real-time updates Manual data entry Logsheet National DB Reports DB TUFMAN 2 user TUFMAN Reporting user user

24 TUFMAN 2 Q&A Questions so far? (Intro, cloud, real-time updates)

25 - To avoid duplication of effort - Purse seine logsheets initially… …other data could be shared (we just need the rules) The more open the data-sharing, the more we can help Data sharing

26 How it works – manual data entry Data National DB (FM) TUFMAN 2 user

27 Data sharing How it works – manual data entry Data National DB (FM) Regional DB @ SPC TUFMAN 2 user

28 Data sharing How it works – manual data entry Data National DB (FM) Regional DB @ SPC TUFMAN 2 user Data-sharing rules KIMH SB

29 - There is no licensing module in TUFMAN 2 - TUFMAN 2 will extract licensing information from… IMS Licensing TUFMAN 1 SOLLIC Horrible old Excel file (HOEF format) Any other system Licensing … in TUFMAN 2

30 Licensing


32 - Some TUFMAN reports - Applying data-sharing rules (some PS logsheets) Licensing What is the extracted data used for?

33 - TUFMAN 2 will expand the battery of checks - DQCs will be applied to e-reported data - Data will not be included in reports until it is correct - Check results can be exported and shared - Interface is designed for locating and fixing data issues Data Quality Checks TUFMAN 1 has DQCs, so what’s new?

34 - Completeness - Ranges - Plausibility User requests are supported! Data Quality Checks Types of checks

35 Error No port specified Lat/lon indicates vessel was just outside Vienna 300 metric tonnes of bubu Excessive speed Warning Unspecified species E-reported vessel data did not match Catch weight needs checking Data Quality Checks Some examples

36 Data Quality Checks Task list

37 Data Quality Checks Edit screen

38 Data Quality Checks Edit screen

39 - Pilot in RMI in July 2015 - Pilot in one other SPC member country Aug-Oct 2015 - Local-installation pilot at FFA Oct or Nov 2015 - Other SPC member countries in 2016 Regional training workshops Local installations will involve country visits TUFMAN 2 rollout The plan…

40 - Attend training – data-entry and data-management staff - Send SPC a backup of your data - Stop data entry for around 1 week - (If not cloud-hosted, your SPC friends will visit) - Switch to TUFMAN 2 TUFMAN 2 rollout What it involves for non-pilot countries

41 Or speak to me or email later… TUFMAN 2 Q&A (Still to come: Reference System, E-R and IMS integration)

42 Why? - Enable sharing of data - Reduce data entry - Reduce errors Reference tables Vessels, ports, species ranges…

43 Reference tables How it works Ref2 External data T2… T2 MH T2 TO T2 FJ SPC staff

44 - SPC-held data is poorly integrated with the IMS - Tools for integration are inflexible and flaky Integration with IMS Current status

45 - Authenticated web services - FFA (and other partners) can get data on demand - New web services can be produced easily Let SPC and/or FFA know what you want… Integration with IMS Future

46 - TUBS - TUFMAN 1 - TUFMAN 2 Timeline: 2015 Integration with IMS Future

47 -Pilot in 2015; rollout in 2016 -Improves quality and speed of data flow -Cloud-hosting option -Countries to receive support and training Questions and requests  TUFMAN 2 Summary

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