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Implementation and Testing of RDB Channel Archiver with MySQL Richard Ma, DePauw University Supervisor: Richard Farnsworth, Argonne National Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation and Testing of RDB Channel Archiver with MySQL Richard Ma, DePauw University Supervisor: Richard Farnsworth, Argonne National Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation and Testing of RDB Channel Archiver with MySQL Richard Ma, DePauw University Supervisor: Richard Farnsworth, Argonne National Laboratory 1

2 Overview Archive System of the Control System Studio (CSS) collection – CSS is a collection of tools including the Channel Archiver, the Data Browser and other control system diagnostic tools Built as Java/Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) products Interfaces to Relational Databases (RDB) for data storage: MySQL, Oracle Developed by Kay Kasemir at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2

3 CSS-based OPI ArchiveEngine config.xml IOC RDB (Oracle/MySQL) Channel Access Protocol Source: RDB Channel Archiver Documentation Samples Config. EngineConfig -Import Other tools for config & samples Reads Engines Configurations from RDB Samples Process Variables (PVs) from EPICS Input/Output Controllers (IOCs) via Channel Access (CA) protocol Stores data into RDB User browses data via the Data Browser Architecture of Archive System 3

4 Building the Archive Engine Prerequisite: - Eclipse IDE for RCP Developers - Java JKD Download Java sources from SNS CSS web page Import the *.product file and other needed plug-ins into Eclipse Compile, test and export the product 4

5 MySQL Setup 5

6 Preference Settings Preference information – RDB URL and account information – Channel Access address of IOCs – Engine parameters: write period, buffer size, etc. Stored in the preference.ini file of each plug- in, override by global plugincustomization.ini Choose preference file via command option -plugincustomization file_name.ini 6

7 Running the Archive Engine Command line tool – invoked from Windows Command Prompt via archiveengine –engine Demo –port 4812 (–pluginCustomization(/path/to/)test.ini) (–data Demo) 7

8 Archive Engine Web Page Access through the engine’s URL Information such as – Uptime – Preference settings – Engine and channel status Stop and restart the engine 8

9 Test Design Simulated signals from the engine’s plug-in that updates about every 0.1s A group of N channels will generate about 10N samples per second Compare the sample update speed and the archive speed The engine runs twice with the same settings for 5 minutes and record the average Groups of 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 500 PVs are tested 9

10 Factors that Impact the Archive Speed Write period Buffer size Batch size Network traffic Storage engine of MySQL CPU of the computer where the engine runs Memory of the Java Virtual Machine 10

11 Default Settings Write_period=30 seconds Buffer_reserve=2.0 Batch_size=500 Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit OS with Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU of 3.20GHz MySQL server version 5.0.77 for redhat-linux- gnu (x86_64), using MyISAM storage engine. 11

12 Archive Speed vs. # IOCs, 5-min Runs 12

13 13

14 Archive Speed vs. # IOCs, 5-min Runs 14

15 Archive Speed, Long Run No. IOCSample TimeBuffer_reserveArchive SpeedAverage Sample Size 1001.02d=88128s4989/sec74 Bytes 1502.86h=10296s81479/sec76 Bytes 1502.5h=9000s161466/sec75 Bytes 1505.7h=20520s41485/sec76 Bytes 15018.55h=66780s41160/sec76 Bytes 1501.82d=157248s161390/sec76 Bytes 2001.29h=4644s81512/sec76 Bytes 2001.72h=6192s161536/sec75 Bytes 20011.97h=43092s41484/sec76 Bytes 15

16 Conclusion Short run reliable archive speed can reach 5000 samples per second Long run reliable archive speed is estimated at 1000 samples per second, but needs more tests 16

17 Further Researches The memory of Java Virtual Machine seems to be the bottle neck of long run speed and should be verified More reliable signals that have exact update frequencies should be used, such as EPICS soft IOCs 17

18 Acknowledgement Richard Farnsworth, Marty Smith and Kay Kasemir for advising and helping the research Argonne National Laboratory for hosting me Lee Teng program for funding the research 18

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