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ArtioSign and Receiver V5.2 Partner Webinar – 23 rd May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "ArtioSign and Receiver V5.2 Partner Webinar – 23 rd May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 ArtioSign and Receiver V5.2 Partner Webinar – 23 rd May 2016

2 Overview Receiver firmware V5.2 ArtioSign Display ArtioSign Create AvediaServer ArtioSign Application Please email any questions you may have to

3 What’s New in 5.2? Integrated ArtioSign Display software New receiver mode: Signage Secure file transfer with SFTP Mount a USB or NFS drive for digital signage content storage Simple digital signage software update mechanism Disable Telnet for increased security

4 Signage Mode Signage mode allows users to start and stop ArtioSign Display without requiring a reboot Signage mode will be greyed out if the receiver is not licensed, but still visible to show the user the unit can be licensed for signage Remote button can be configured to put the receiver into Signage mode Licensed for ArtioSign Display Not licensed for ArtioSign Display

5 USB or NFS Mounting Mount a USB or NFS drive to increase the digital signage content storage space on an AvediaPlayer receiver

6 Easy Installation and Updates Easily install or update ArtioSign Display software using the web interface. Simply upload the installation package to a TFTP server, and click ‘import’

7 Disable Telnet Disable Telnet access to a receiver to reduce the likelihood of unauthorized access to the receiver, and leakage of passwords

8 V5.2 - Other Features Playlist mode removed Failover media loops Screensaver removed SFTP secure file transfer TV model information over SNMP

9 ArtioSign Create. Display. Engage

10 ArtioSign Display Integrated into every new r9300 and r9310 receiver Simple, licence-based activation Change channel from director or web interface while in signage mode

11 ArtioSign Create Overview Hide advanced attributes Preview individual Screens Copy/paste Assets and Screens ‘Tab down’ attributes Non-Exterity receiver attributes/assets removed Exterity-written, built-in help included SFTP file transfer Scroll bars in Preview allow users to see entire screen on sub-1080 monitors Tidying up of interface and various bug fixes

12 Demo ArtioSign Create

13 Important note Local control is not supported at present This will be re-implemented, however not in the first release

14 AvediaServer ArtioSign Application Included in server 7.5, Director, Producer and Creator software modules Automatically discovers ArtioSign Display-licenced receivers on the network Drag entire content directories onto AvediaServer, and ScreenLists and content will automatically be sorted Create ‘Signage Groups’ to change what is being displayed on multiple receivers simultaneously Dragging a ScreenList to a receiver will automatically put it into signage mode, if it is not already

15 Demo

16 Publishing When publishing from ArtioSign Create, you can publish multiple ScreenLists to a receiver, as you can with the current Cilutions product – These ScreenLists are selected with remote button presses When publishing from AvediaServer, any ScreenList you publish becomes ScreenList 00 and will be displayed automatically – All content not associated with the currently displayed ScreenList will be deleted from the receiver

17 Publishing SFTP file transfer now used for publishing Faster and more secure than FTP Publishing speed test with 50mb video ----- FTP publishing from Cilutions Screen Builder - ~ 15 minutes SFTP publishing from ArtioSign Create – 4:30 SFTP publishing from AvediaServer ArtioSign Application – 27 seconds

18 Compatibility ArtioSign Display will be compatible with r9300 and r9310 ONLY Compatibility Table ProductOrder CodeCompatible with r93xx ArtioSign Create softwareartio-crt ArtioSign Display feature licenceartio-dsp

19 Thank you for your attention. ArtioSign Create. Display. Engage

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