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Chapter 9: The Era of Thomas Jefferson Mrs. Straka.

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1 Chapter 9: The Era of Thomas Jefferson Mrs. Straka

2 Section 3: A Time of Conflict

3 Defeating the Barbary States Trade is important to the US economy Pirates began to attack the American Ships that were in the Mediterranean Sea. These pirates come from four countries off of the North American coast Morocco, Algiers, Tunisia, and Tripoli a.k.a. the Barbary States Basically they would raid the ships and enslave soldiers To stop the pirates both European powers and the US would pay tribute in exchange for the pirates to leave the ships alone.

4 Defeating the Barbary States continued Jefferson did not do this for long. He then stopped and sent troops to the Mediterranean sea to protect the ships. It didn’t go well at first, but then Marines traveled and captured Tripoli This really inspired confidence in the US to be able to deal with foreign issues.

5 Challenge to American Neutrality 1803 - Britain and France are at it again. War. The US remains neutral once again. Due to being neutral the US still tried to trade with both Britain and France. Again Britain starts seizing American Ships so that France can’t trade with Britain. French did the same. Britain turned to impressment again because they needed sailors. Thousands of Americans were forced to serve in the British navy.

6 Embargo Jefferson wants to find a non-violent way to ensure that Britain and France begin to respect the fact that the US wants to stay neutral. So he uses an embargo (forbids foreign trade) 1807 Congress passes the Embargo Act Didn’t turn out well for him. Export income fell. Crops declined which hurt the farmers. Thousands lost jobs. Americans mad about embargo. Embargo act repealed in 1809. Reopened trade, just not with Britain and France.

7 Tecumseh & Prophet Settlers moved westward and Ohio becomes a state in 1803. Settled in Indiana and farther. Settlement had impact on Native Americans. Diseases that settlers were bringing killed thousands of Native Americans. (Smallpox, influenza, measles) Settlers took over hunting grounds of Native Americans. Animals are driven away and land used for farming. Native American population decreased - traditional leaders of Native Americans declined

8 Tecumseh & Prophet Tecumseh and Prophet were Shawnee brothers who urged Native American resistance against settlers. Called on native americans to preserve the tradition They wanted to restore the Indian Lands

9 William Henry Harrison American officials were concerned about the Shawnee brothers. William Henry Harrison who was a governor of Indiana territory felt that action was needed. Sent soldiers to marched in against Shawnee villages. He defeated the Native Americans at Battle of Tippecanoe. Even though Native Americans were defeated, Tecumseh and his warriors continued their struggle during the next few years.

10 Section 4: The War of 1812

11 Move towards war Tension with Britain is high when James Madison takes office in 1809. Americans are mad that Britain was arming the Native Americans in the NW Also, Americans are upset about impressment still Americans are feeling like their nation’s honor is at stake. So a new sense of nationalism is taking wave. Nationalism leaders: Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun become leaders of the House of Representatives

12 Move Toward War Clay, Calhoun, and supporters were called war hawks (those who are interested in going to war with Britain). Many in the New England were opposed to the War because they didn’t want it to hurt American trade. Conditions with Britain worsen by 1812. Britain decides to inform the US that they will continue impress soldiers. Native Americans in NW begin attacking the frontier settlements. June : Congress declares war on Britain

13 Early Days of the War This war did not happen at a good time for Britain because Britain was still at war in Europe during this time. Even so, Britain was not willing to meet the US demands to avoid war. At first the US seemed to be very confident that they would win the war, but it quickly became really obvious that they were not as ready for war as they had thought. Jefferson’s spending cuts had weakened the American military. The navy and army were small

14 Early Days of War In the beginning of the War, the British set up a blockade along the American coast. British navy had many more warships and blocked off the American ports. After the British reinforced their troops, the British were able to close off the American ports by the end of war. A Major sea battle was fought at the beginning of the war. USS Constitution defeated the British Warship.

15 The War in the West and South In the West of the US, the US and British fought for control of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River. Both sides had Native American allies. War Hawks wanted the US to invade Canada They thought that Canadians would like the chance to get rid of British rule US invades Canada, but retreats because they get confused and now don’t think they have enough people. British takes advantage and attacks. Takes 2k soldiers. Huge defeat for the US

16 War in the West and the South US had better luck controlling Lake Erie. It was a huge advantage to control the lake. British were forced to retreat back into Canada Follow the British back to Canada Defeat them in battle of Thames Native Americans saw defeat in the South. Native Americans attacked American southern settlements. Andrew Jackson took command and defeated Native Americans. Native Americans were forced to sign treaty giving up millions of acres of land.

17 Final Battles 1814: British finally defeat Napoleon. Good for British, bad for US Now the British could free up troops and send them to fight in the US ________________________________________________________________________________________ Britain’s new strategy was to attack the nation’s capital. (Washington DC) British marched into the city in August 1814.

18 Attack on Washington and Baltimore British set fire to many governmental buildings including the White House

19 Attack on Washington and Baltimore Americans were really surprised and horrified to find that their army could not defend Washington DC British moved on to Baltimore Their first objective is to hit a fort that controls the harbor. Americans were able to beat off the attacks

20 War Ends 1814 -Britain had tired of war. Peace talks begin in Ghent (Belgium) Treaty of Ghent signed Christmas Eve, 1814. Returned things to the way they were before the War.

21 Protests and Peace From the start of the War people were already opposed to the idea within the US. Federalists were against the war. New England against the war (for trade reasons) In Dec. 1814 a group of Federalists met in Connecticut. Some of the people suggested that the New England states should secede from the United States. Word of Peace treaty came during the convention. Convention ended

22 Protests and Peace For some War of 1812 was the Second fight for independence. Again, we secured our independence from Britain. Now Europe would have to treat the US (while still a young nation) with respect. Confidence within the US was at an all time high. This era will start the way for American Democracy to grow now.

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