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Chapter 9 The Urinary System.

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1 Chapter 9 The Urinary System

2 Related Combining Forms
Structure Related Combining Forms Kidneys nephr/o, ren/o Renal pelvis pyel/o Urine ur/o, urin/o Ureters ureter/o Urinary bladder cyst/o Urethra urethr/o Prostate prostat/o

3 Functions of the Urinary System
Maintaining homeostasis by: Proper balance of water, salts, and acids by filtering of blood flowing through the kidneys Filtering blood to remove urea, creatinine, uric acid, and other waste products Converting waste products and excess fluids into urine in the kidneys, and excreting them from the body

4 Structures of the Urinary System
Two kidneys Two ureters One bladder One urethra

5 Structures of the Urinary System

6 The Kidneys Located in retroperitoneal space Filter blood to remove waste products and excess water Assist with maintenance of fluid level, production of hormones controlling blood pressure, erythrocyte production, and activation of Vitamin D

7 The Kidneys Renal cortex Renal medulla Outer region Contains nephrons
Inner region Contains urine-collecting tubules

8 Nephrons Microscopic functional units Site of urine production using filtration, reabsorption, and secretion Contains glomeruli (clusters of capillaries) Renal artery supplies blood from kidney to nephrons Renal vein carries filtered blood from kidney to bloodstream

9 Nephrons Urine is transported to renal pelvis and collected in preparation for entry into ureters

10 The Renal Pelvis Funnel-shaped area surrounded by renal cortex and renal medulla Site of urine collection before it flows into the ureters

11 The Ureters Two narrow tubes transporting urine from kidneys to bladder, through process of peristalsis Ureteral orifices allow draining of urine from ureters into the bladder

12 The Urinary Bladder Located in anterior portion of pelvic cavity behind pubic symphysis Muscular reservoir for urine Lined with rugae allowing for expansion when full, and contraction when empty

13 The Urethra Tube extending from bladder to exterior of the body Urinary sphincters located at either end of urethra controll flow of urine from bladder to urethra, and from urethra to urethral meatus (external opening of the urethra)

14 The Urethra Female urethra Approximately 1.5 inches long
Meatus located between clitoris and vaginal opening Transports only urine

15 The Urethra Male urethra Approximately 8 inches long
Meatus located at tip of penis Transports urine and semen Surrounded by prostate gland

16 The Excretion of Urine Known as:
Urination Voiding Micturition Requires coordinated contraction of bladder muscles and relaxation of sphincters

17 Medical Specialties Related to the Urinary System
Nephrologist Specializes in diagnosing/treating diseases/disorders of kidneys (nephr: kidney; -ologist: specialist) Urologist Specializes in diagnosing/treating diseases/disorders of urinary system of females and genitourinary system of males (ur: urine; -ologist: specialist)

18 Pathology of the Urinary System
Nephropathy Any disease of the kidney (nephr/o: kidney; -pathy: disease) Renal failure Improper function of one or both kidney(s) Destruction of nephrons

19 Renal Failure Azotemia Uremia
Elevated BUN due to lack of blood flow to kidneys Uremia Toxic condition resulting from renal failure Urea and other waste products are retained in the blood (ur: urine; -emia: blood condition)

20 Chronic kidney disease
Renal Failure Acute renal failure Sudden onset of uremia Fatal if not reversed promptly Chronic kidney disease Progressive loss of renal function Can be life-threatening

21 End-stage renal disease
Renal Failure End-stage renal disease Final stage of chronic kidney disease Fatal unless kidney function replaced by dialysis or kidney transplant

22 Nephrotic (nephr/o: kidney; -tic: pertaining to)
Nephrotic Syndrome Nephrotic (nephr/o: kidney; -tic: pertaining to) Group of conditions when excessive amounts of protein are lost through urine Edema Excessive fluid accumulation in body tissues as symptom of nephrotic syndrome or other kidney diseases

23 Nephrotic Syndrome Hyperproteinuria
Abnormally high concentrations of protein in urine (hyper-: excessive; protein: protein; -uria: urine)

24 Nephrotic Syndrome Hypoproteinemia
Abnormally low concentration of protein in the blood May be associated with hyperproteinuria (hypo-: deficient or decreased; protein; protein; -emia: blood condition

25 Additional Kidney Conditions
Hydronephrosis Dilation of one or both kidney(s) due to obstruction resulting in reflux of urine (hydr/o: water; nephr: kidney; -osis: abnormal condition or disease) Nephritis Inflammation of kidney(s) (nephr: kidney; -itis: inflammation)

26 Additional Kidney Conditions
Glomerulonephritis Inflammation of glomeruli causing erythrocytes and proteins to leak into urine (glomerul/o: glomeruli; nephr: kidney; -itis: inflammation)

27 Additional Kidney Conditions
Nephroptosis Prolapse of kidney into pelvic area when a person stands (nephr/o: kidney; -ptosis: droop or sag) Nephropyosis Suppuration of kidney (nephr/o: kidney; py: pus; -osis: abnormal condition or disease)

28 Additional Kidney Conditions
Polycystic kidney disease Genetic disorder Growth of numerous fluid-filled cysts in kidney which replace much of the mass of the kidney Leads to reduced kidney function and kidney failure (poly-: many; cyst: cyst; -ic: pertaining to)

29 Additional Kidney Conditions
Renal colic Acute pain in kidney area caused by blockage during passage of kidney stone Wilms tumor Malignant tumor of kidney Occurs in young children

30 A stone also known as calculus
Stones A stone also known as calculus Abnormal mineral deposit formed within the body Nephrolithiasis The presence of stones in the kidney (nephr/o: kidney; -lithiasis: the presence of stones)

31 Nephrolith: located in kidney Ureterolith: located in ureter
Stones Nephrolith: located in kidney (nephr/o: kidney; -lith: stone) Ureterolith: located in ureter (ureter/o: ureter; -lith: stone) Cystolith: located in urinary bladder (cyst/o: bladder; -lith: stone)

32 Stones

33 The Ureters Hydroureter Ureterectasis
Distention of ureter with urine due to blockage (hydr/o: water; -ureter: ureter) Ureterectasis Distention of ureter due to hydroureter or congenital abnormalities (ureter: ureter; -ectasis: enlargement)

34 The Ureters Ureterorrhagia Discharge of blood from the ureter
(ureter/o: ureter; -rrhagia: bleeding)

35 Cystalgia (cystodynia)
The Urinary Bladder Cystalgia (cystodynia) Pain in the bladder (cyst: bladder; -algia: pain) Cystocele Hernia of bladder through vaginal wall (cyst/o: bladder; cele: hernia) Interstitial cystitis Chronic inflammation within bladder walls

36 Vesicoureteral reflux
The Urinary Bladder Vesicoureteral reflux Backward flow of urine into ureters from the bladder (vesic/o: bladder; ureter: ureter; -al: pertaining to) Vesicovaginal fistula Abnormal opening from bladder to vagina allowing constant involuntary flow of urine from bladder to vagina (vesic/o: bladder; vagin: vagina; -al: pertaining to)

37 The Urinary Bladder Neurogenic bladder
Caused by interference of normal nerve pathways associated with urination (neur/o: nerve; -genic: created by) May cause urinary incontinence May cause inability to empty bladder

38 Benign prostatic hyperplasia
The Prostate Gland Benign prostatic hyperplasia Enlargement of prostate gland May cause difficulty in urination Prostatism Results from compression of urethra due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostat: prostate gland; -ism: condition of)

39 The Prostate Gland Prostate cancer Prostatitis
One of the most common cancers in men May be asymptomatic or aggressive Prostatitis Group of disorders characterized by inflammation of prostate gland

40 The Urethra Urethrorrhagia Urethrorrhea Bleeding from the urethra
(urethr/o: urethra; -rrhagia: bleeding) Urethrorrhea Abnormal discharge from urethra (urethr/o: urethra; -rrhea: flow or discharge)

41 The Urethra Urethrostenosis Narrowing of urethra
(urethr/o: urethra; -stenosis: tightening or narrowing)

42 Abnormal Urethral Openings
Epispadias Congenital abnormality Male: urethral opening located on upper surface of penis Female: urethral opening located in region of clitoris

43 Abnormal Urethral Openings
Hypospadias Congenital abnormality Male: urethral opening is on ventral surface of penis Female: urethra opens into the vagina

44 Urinary Tract Infections
Cystitis Inflammation of bladder (cyst: bladder; -itis: inflammation) Polynephritis Inflammation of renal pelvis and kidney (pyel/o: renal pelvis; nephr: kidney) Urethritis Inflammation of urethra (urethr: urethra)

45 Urination Anuria Diuresis Absence of urine formation
(an-: without; -uria: urine) Diuresis Increased output of urine (di-: through; -uresis: urination)

46 Urination Dysuria Enuresis Difficult, painful urination
(dys-: painful; -uria: urination) Enuresis Involuntary discharge of urine (en-: into; -uresis: urination)

47 Urination Nocturnal enuresis Nocturia Oliguria
Urinary incontinence during sleep Nocturia Frequent, excessive urination during the night (noct: night: -uria: urination) Oliguria Scant urination (olig: scanty; -uria: urination)

48 Urination Polyuria Urinary hesitancy Urinary retention
Excessive urination (poly-: many; -uria: urination) Urinary hesitancy Difficulty in starting urinary stream Urinary retention Inability to completely empty the bladder

49 Inability to control excretion of urine, feces, or both
Incontinence Inability to control excretion of urine, feces, or both Urinary incontinence Inability to control voiding Overflow incontinence Continuous leaking from bladder

50 Incontinence Stress incontinence Overactive bladder
Inability to control voiding under physical stress (running, sneezing, laughing, etc.) More common in women Overactive bladder Bladder muscles contract involuntarily when bladder is not full enough to indicate need to urinate

51 Diagnostic Procedures of the Urinary System
Urinalysis Determines presence of abnormal elements (urin: urine; -alysis: a study of the parts) Bladder ultrasound Assists with visualization of stones, elevation of bladder by enlarged prostate, or measuring of residual urine

52 Diagnostic Procedures of the Urinary System
Urinary catheterization Insertion of a tube into bladder to procure a sterile specimen for diagnostic purposes Procedure must be performed under sterile conditions Obtaining sterile specimen, draining urine from bladder, placement of medication into bladder Cystoscopy Use of endoscope for visual examination of urinary bladder (cyst/o: bladder; -scopy: visual examination)

53 Diagnostic Procedures of the Urinary System
Voiding cystourethrography Use of fluoroscope to determine flow of urine from bladder and through the urethra Computed tomography For evaluation of urinary system Glomerular filtration rate Blood test for determination of filtering of blood by the kidneys

54 Radiographic Examinations of the Urinary System
Cystography X-ray examination of bladder Requires contrast medium (cyst/o: bladder; -graphy: the process of creating a picture or record) Intravenous pyelography Provides image of kidneys and ureters (pyel/o: renal pelvis)

55 Radiographic Examination of the Urinary System
KUB (kidneys, ureters, bladder) Assists with detection of bowel obstructions and nephroliths Does not require contrast medium Retrograde urography Observes upward flow of urine Requires contrast medium (ur/o: urine: -graphy: the process of creating a picture or record)

56 Diagnostic Procedures of the Prostate Gland
Digital rectal examination Lubricated, gloved finger placed in rectum to palpate prostate gland Prostate-specific antigen blood test Screens for prostate cancer

57 Treatment Procedures of the Urinary System
Medications Diuretics Increase urine secretion, primarily to rid body of excess water and salt Antibiotics Treatment of urinary tract infections Antispasmodics Block signals that cause urinary incontinence

58 Treatment Procedures of the Urinary System
Nutritional Interventions Monitoring of sodium, potassium, protein, and phosphorus in diet

59 Treatment Procedures of the Urinary System
Dialysis (dia-: complete or through; -lysis: separation) Removes waste products, and excess water from blood when kidneys do not function properly Hemodialysis (waste products filtered directly from patient's blood; cleansed blood returned to body through a vein) Peritoneal dialysis (lining of peritoneal cavity acts as filter to remove waste from the blood)

60 The Kidneys Nephrolysis Nephropexy
Surgical freeing of a kidney from adhesions (nephr/o: kidney; -lysis: setting free) Nephropexy Surgical fixation of floating kidney (nephr/o: kidney; -pexy: surgical fixation)

61 The Kidneys Nephrostomy
Placement of catheter to maintain opening from pelvis of one or both kidneys to exterior of the body (nephr: kidney; -ostomy (creating an opening)

62 Renal transplantation
The Kidneys Pyelotomy Surgical incision into renal pelvis (pyel: renal pelvis; -otomy: surgical incision) Renal transplantation Grafting of donor kidney to replace recipient's failed kidney

63 Treatment of Nephroliths
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy Breaking of stones into fragments, which are then excreted in urine (lith/o: stone; -tripsy: to crush) Percutaneous nephrolithotomy Surgical removal of nephrolith through small opening in the back (nephr/o: kidney; lith: stone; -otomy: surgical incision)

64 The Ureters Ureterectomy Ureterorrhaphy Ureteroscopy
Surgical removal of a ureter Ureterorrhaphy Surgical suturing of a ureter Ureteroscopy Treatment for nephrolith lodged in the ureter

65 The Urinary Bladder Cystectomy Ileal conduit Cystopexy
Surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder Ileal conduit Use of small piece of intestine to convey urine to ureters and then to abdominal stoma Cystopexy Surgical fixation of bladder to abdominal wall

66 The Urinary Bladder Cystorrhaphy Lithotomy
Surgical suturing of wound/defect in bladder Lithotomy Surgical incision for removal of nephrolith from bladder Surgical procedure is rarely performed; term now refers to physical examination position for procedures involving pelvis and lower abdomen

67 Urinary Catheterization
Sterile Procedure Indwelling catheter Catheter remains inside body for prolonged time Most common type is Foley catheter Urethral catheterization Insertion of catheter through urethra and into the bladder

68 Urinary Catheterization
Suprapubic catheterization Placement of catheter into bladder through small incision in abdominal wall just above the pubic bone Intermittent catheter Inserted as needed several times per day to drain urine from bladder

69 The Urethra Meatotomy Urethroplasty
Surgical incision in urethral meatus to enlarge opening (meat: meatus; -otomy: surgical incision) Urethroplasty Surgical repair of damage/defect in walls of urethra (urethr/o: urethra; -plasty: surgical repair)

70 The Urethra Urethrotomy
Surgical incision into urethra to relieve stricture (urethr: urethra; -otomy: surgical incision)

71 Prostate Treatment Ablation Prostatectomy
Removal of a body part, or destruction of its function Prostatectomy Surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland (prostat: prostate; -ectomy: surgical removal)

72 Transurethral prostatectomy
Prostate Treatment Transurethral prostatectomy Use of resectoscope to remove excess tissue from enlarged prostate gland Radiation therapy and hormone therapy Additional treatment for prostate cancer Watchful waiting May be prescribed approach due to slow progression of prostate cancer

73 Urinary Incontinence Training
Kegel exercises Exercises to strengthen muscles of pelvic floor Bladder retraining Behavioral therapy Teaches the patient to urinate at a scheduled time and at longer intervals as bladder capacity increases Assists with reestablishing voluntary bladder control

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