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A.Done Already B.Confident C.Could read text and figure out D.Unsure – need help E.Clueless how to start.

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Presentation on theme: "A.Done Already B.Confident C.Could read text and figure out D.Unsure – need help E.Clueless how to start."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.Done Already B.Confident C.Could read text and figure out D.Unsure – need help E.Clueless how to start

2 A.Done Already B.Confident C.Could read text and figure out D.Unsure – need help E.Clueless how to start

3 Use the USGS NWIS website For the gage you choose give the following a)Use computer screen captures to give a map showing the location of the gage you selected b)A hydrograph plot of streamflow at this stream gage (computer screen capture from website) c)Watershed area, d)Mean annual discharge, e)Months with highest and lowest mean of monthly discharges f)The maximum discharge on record and the date that this occurred g)The ratio of highest mean monthly discharge to lowest mean monthly discharge. Comment on the seasonal cycle of discharge at this gage. h)Compute the mean annual runoff expressed as a depth (yearly discharge volume/area). A.Done Already B.Confident C.Could read text and figure out D.Unsure – need help E.Clueless how to start

4 A.Done Already B.Confident C.Could read text and figure out D.Unsure – need help E.Clueless how to start

5 A.Done Already B.Confident C.Could read text and figure out D.Unsure – need help E.Clueless how to start

6 A.Done Already B.Confident C.Could read text and figure out D.Unsure – need help E.Clueless how to start

7 Groundwater Learning objectives Be able to quantify the properties of water held in and flowing through the subsurface (soil and rock). The properties of interest include –porosity, –moisture content, –pressure, –suction, –hydraulic conductivity Mays Chapter 2

8 Schematic cross section illustrating unconfined and confined aquifers From Mays, 2011, Ground and Surface Water Hydrology


10 Soil properties related to water Porosity Volumetric Water Content Gravimetric Water Content Saturation Percentage

11 Example 2.2.1 An undisturbed sample of a medium sand weighs 484.68 g. The core is 6 cm in dia and 10.61 cm high. After oven drying the core weighs 447.32 g. Determine the bulk density, void ratio, water content and saturation percentage of the soil.

12 Text Correction

13 Illustrative grain-size distribution curves. The boundaries between size classes designated as clay, silt, sand and gravel are shown as vertical lines. Uniformly graded sand Well graded silt, sand, gravel mixture 0.002 mm0.05 mm2 mm

14 Soil Texture Triangle From Mays, 2011, Ground and Surface Water Hydrology

15 Macroscopic and microscopic concepts of a porous medium. (from Freeze and Cherry, 1979)

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