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Australia Looking at the Statistics. Populationgrows by…  Natural increase = births – deaths  Net migration = immigration – emigration  Population.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia Looking at the Statistics. Populationgrows by…  Natural increase = births – deaths  Net migration = immigration – emigration  Population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australia Looking at the Statistics

2 Populationgrows by…  Natural increase = births – deaths  Net migration = immigration – emigration  Population growth = natural increase + net migration  Growth rates = population growth/total population x 100

3 Historical Population Growth

4 How many Australians are there?  /0/1647509ef7e25faaca2568a900154b63? opendocument /0/1647509ef7e25faaca2568a900154b63? opendocument

5 Population Distribution  Describes how the population is spread across a country.  Do you think Australia’s population is spread evenly across the continent?


7 Population Distribution  Australia’s population is concentrated on the eastern coast  Australia is one of the world’s most urbanised societies  Why?  Economic  Physical and  Historical factors

8 Population Density  Refers to the population divided by the amount of land  Even though Australia has densely populated areas, overall it is the least populated continent on Earth, excluding Antarctica

9 Population Pyramids  Show the distribution of the population across age and sex

10 General shapes

11 Australia’s Population Pyramid

12 Dependency Ratio  Percentage of the population that are under 14 and over 65.

13 Is growth a good thing?  Yes, population growth = economic growth = technological advancements to meet needs of growing population  No, population growth = increased rates of resource depletion + land degradation + pollution +habitat loss  However, reducing population growth will slow economic growth leading to a decline in living standards….

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