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Self Directed Support – East Ayrshire What makes a good life for you?  Lee McLaughlin > SDS Lead, East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership  Linda.

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Presentation on theme: "Self Directed Support – East Ayrshire What makes a good life for you?  Lee McLaughlin > SDS Lead, East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership  Linda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Directed Support – East Ayrshire What makes a good life for you?  Lee McLaughlin > SDS Lead, East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership  Linda Surgenor > Clinical Operations Manager, East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership Follow us @eacthinkdiff

2 Everyone Together Learning Event 6 learning events across East Ayrshire 2013/2014. 2 day event – March 2014. Attended by over 40 people who use Addiction Services, family carers & Health & Social Care. Learning Themes What makes a good life for you? It’s the little things that matter? The bottom line.... Power and Control Right Relationships

3 Self Directed Support – Testing Out Children with additional support needs. Young people leaving care. Adults with drug/alcohol addictions. Ten People One Outcome Small Individual Budget Positive difference in their lives

4 Self Directed Support – Testing Out – Organisation Outcomes Raise Awareness of Self Directed Support Workforce Development.... Thinking Differently Transformational Change – Culture – Stigma – Systems – Processes Self Directed Support is for everyone!

5 Community Planning In East Ayrshire ADP Strategic Aim 2011- 15 “To ensure people with alcohol and drug problems have the capacity, with support from well targeted, integrated and informed services, to pursue more rewarding and enriched lives beyond their use of alcohol/drugs.” ADP Strategic Aim 2011-15 “To ensure people with alcohol and drug problems have the capacity, with support from well targeted, integrated and informed services, to pursue more rewarding and enriched lives beyond their use of alcohol/drugs.”

6 ADP Work streamIntermediate Outcomes Core OutcomesLocal SOA Outcome National Outcomes 2.5 Treatment and Recovery: Promoting Recovery Reduction in the stigma experienced by problem alcohol and drug users Increased choice and opportunities for alcohol and drug users, their families and carers Reduction in drug and alcohol related morbidity, mortality and deaths Individuals are improving their health, well being and life chances by recovering from problematic alcohol and drug use (CO3) Alcohol and drug services are high quality, continually improving, efficient, evidence based and responsive, ensuring people move through treatment into sustained recovery. (CO7) Alcohol and Drug Related Harm reduced We live longer, healthier lives We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish society We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others. Community Planning In East Ayrshire

7 “The Power of Recovery” (Personal communication with Phillip Valentine, Executive Director, CCAR, Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery ) Time Potential “Normal People” “Recovering People” “Long Term Recovery” “Better than well” “A grateful addict/alcoholic” “Model citizens” “Early Recovery” “5 years+ In recovery”

8 Personal Stories.... David – Option 1 £250 What would you like to achieve? Stay away from negative relationships in my life. Develop new friends & relationships who don’t know my history Goal/Outcome Maintain recovery from drug/alcohol addictions. Improve mental health & well being. Support and help others who have similar experiences. How will you know it worked? Not taking drugs or alcohol. Continue at College with less absences. Improved mood. Feel fit and healthy. How will you do it? Pay for membership at Golf Club. Make new friends with other golfers. Flexibility – can play golf at any time.

9 Personal Stories.... Maggie – Option 1 £250 What would you like to achieve? Spend more time in the garden Grow my own vegetables/flowers Have a nice garden- pride! Goal/Outcome Maintain Recovery Time Out – Feel Relaxed Focus my mind – feel positive How will you know it worked? Maintained Recovery Develop garden and my skills Share photos of my lovely garden How will you do it? Purchase Green House Purchase plants and seeds Get stuck in.....!!

10 Learning Themes People are the experts in their own life Challenging stigma, perception of risk Commitment and willingness to embrace SDS Shifting the Balance of Power Wider Outcomes: o Citizenship o Peer Support o Employment Opportunities : o Community Brokerage Network o Everyone Together Processes/systems o Finance o Legal o Shift in resources required

11 What Next ?......... Wider SDS Testing o Health & Social Care o Addictions Research and Evidence Change the culture Share Learning in other areas – links to SDF on national basis SDS National Work Plan 2013 – 2016 Will we get it right first time......probably not!

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