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Demographics: the Geographers Toolkit Student Version.

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Presentation on theme: "Demographics: the Geographers Toolkit Student Version."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demographics: the Geographers Toolkit Student Version

2 Today’s Main Idea: Geographers study something called “__________________.” Demographics = the ____________________about groups of people. This information can include lots of facts that tell us ______ and _______ and ________ people live the way they do in certain parts of the world.

3 Population Population = The ________ of people who live in a specified _________. Have to define the area first. Are we talking about a city, a state, a country, a continent? Then you count up how many people live there. This is usually done by means of a ______________. In the United States a census is conducted by the Federal Government every _______ years.

4 Population Pyramids: Population Pyramid – ________________________ ______________________________________________ Here is a population pyramid of Jefferson County.

5 Population Density: Population Density – __________________________ ________________________________________________ For example Louisville’s population density is: 4215 per __________________. Wow! That sounds like a lot! Just think of population density as the lines at Disney World as opposed to the lines at a Thorntons.

6 Another way to look at population density…subway style In Hamburg, Germany there are 2.8 passengers per square meter In New York City there are 3.4 passengers per square meter In London, England there are 5.5 passengers per square meter In Paris, France there are 6.4 passengers per square meter In Tokyo, Japan there are 9.0 passengers per square meter

7 Lets talk about it… How do you think higher population density would make you feel? How do you think population density affects these people daily lives? How do you think this population density affects the environment? How do you think this population density affects the access to resources?

8 Gross National Product per Capita Also known as ________ per Capita Gross National Product per Capita –______________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The US has the ___________ highest GNP per capita The average American lives on _________a day

9 Gross National Product Around the World: - How much of the world lives on less than one dollar a day? - Which countries have the highest GNP? - Which parts of the world have the lowest? - How does the GNP relate to population density?

10 Infant Mortality: Infant Mortality – __________________________________ ____________________________________________________ The US has the 46 th lowest infant mortality rate at ____________________________________________________ __ Iraq has __________ deaths per 1000 India 30.15 Uganda ____________

11 Life Expectancy: Life Expectancy – _____________________________ The current life expectancy in the U.S. is ___________ What type of factors affect life expectancy? How are these similar to what impacts infant mortality?

12 Literacy Rate: Literacy Rate – _______________________________ ______________________________________________ -Literacy rates have fallen greatly in the last 30 years. Causes: -Constant war in the ______________ -Expanding ___________ in poorer countries.

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