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The epic hero cycle The Odyssey. Review What is an epic?

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Presentation on theme: "The epic hero cycle The Odyssey. Review What is an epic?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The epic hero cycle The Odyssey

2 Review What is an epic?

3 Epic hero A larger than life figure; Brave and noble; Admired for great achievements; Reflects the morals and values of a civilization

4 Epic hero cycle The basic pattern that all epic heros follow. We study it because it is the pattern of human experience, of OUR experience, and we will live it for the rest of our lives. Understanding the journey pattern can help you understand the literature you read, the movies you watch, and the experiences which will chape your life.

5 1. The Calling 2. Mentors/Helpers 3. Threshold 4. Challenges/tests 5. Low point Revelation 6. Transformation 7. The Return 8. KNOWN WORLD UNKNOWN WORLD

6 The Calling The call invites the hero into an adventure, offers him/her to face the unknown and gain something of value. He or she may choose willingly, or be dragged into it unwillingly.

7 Helpers Often the hero encounters people, beings or situations which block his/her passage into the journey. Mentors help the hero know if they are ready and point him/her in the right direction.

8 THRESHOLD At this point the hero crosses into the unknown.

9 Challenges The journey into the unknown can be outward into a physical unknown or inward into a psychological unknown. Whichever direction the voyage takes, as the hero goes deeper into the unknown, he/she puts him/herself more and more at risk.

10 LOW POINT This is the hero’s greatest challenge of the journey. Is he going to make it?

11 REVELATION A sudden dramatic change in the way one thinks or views life and this change thinking is important because it makes him or her a truly different person.

12 TRANSFORMATION He or she is reborn.

13 The Return The hero’s return to everyday life with a new perspective and is often stronger than ever before.

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