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 Thirty-two fifth graders  Fifteen girls and seventeen boys  Four of the students have IEP’s  Three are ELL students.

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2  Thirty-two fifth graders  Fifteen girls and seventeen boys  Four of the students have IEP’s  Three are ELL students

3  Classroom layout  Positive Behavior When students feel successful and independent in their learning, behavior management is less of an issue (Sinnott,2009)

4  The classroom layout Smith Systems (2014)

5  The furniture Smith Systems (2014


7  Class Rules and Routines  An Emotionally Safe Environment  Values Individual Differences  Expected Behaviors are Modeled and Displayed

8  Each Student is a Valued Member of the Community  Rules are Posted and Discussed  Class Routines are Posted  Jobs are Assigned

9  Model Acceptance of all Cultures and Beliefs  Share Family History and Encourage Students to Share Their Family History As teachers it is important to understand our own beliefs and attitudes about a students’ culture and make sure that interactions with those students respect their beliefs and customs (Beaty-O'Ferrall, Green, & Hanna, 2010).

10  Encourage Students to Express their Opinions without Fear of Reprisal.  Treat Students with Respect  Expect Students to Respect Other Students Views and Opinions  Get to Know Your Students

11  Model What Appropriate Behavior Looks Like  Provide Individual Work Areas  Positive Feedback Students need to be taught what is expected positive behavior and what it looks like (Parsonson, 2012).

12  Student-Centered Environments  Comfortable Surroundings  Autonomous Learning Opportunities  Providing Positive Feedback  Reflecting Student Work Throughout the Classroom  Providing Spaces for Students to Work Independently or in Groups

13 Beaty-O'Ferrall, M., Green, A., & Hanna, F. (2010). Classroom Management Strategies for Difficult Students: Promoting Change through Relationships. Middle School Journal, 41(4), 4-11. Parsonson, B. S. (2012). Evidence-Based Classroom Behaviour Management Strategies. Kairaranga, 13(1), 16-23 Sinnott, C. (2009). Hands Working Together for Behavioral and Academic Success. Odyssey: New Directions In Deaf Education, 10(1), 23-26. Smith Systems. (2014). School settings. Retrieved from Tomlinson, C. (2012, May 6). Tips for Configuring Your Classroom for Differentiation. [Video file]. Retrieved from classroom-for-differentiation/

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