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Epics and Epic Heroes. “Epic” Defined ● To be epic is to be “heroic or grand in scale or character.” It is “Being unusually large, powerful or wonderful.”

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Presentation on theme: "Epics and Epic Heroes. “Epic” Defined ● To be epic is to be “heroic or grand in scale or character.” It is “Being unusually large, powerful or wonderful.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Epics and Epic Heroes

2 “Epic” Defined ● To be epic is to be “heroic or grand in scale or character.” It is “Being unusually large, powerful or wonderful.” We say something is epic when we are trying to denote it’s size or quality. ● One popular current use of the word “epic”:



5 What is an Literary Epic? ● Epics in literature are long narrative poems that tell of the adventures of heroes who in some way embody the values of their civilizations. ● Epics aren’t from only one culture. Famous examples of epics include The Epic of Gilgamesh (Ancient Mesopotamia), The Iliad and The Odyssey (Ancient Greece), Beowulf (Anglo-Saxon England) and Song of Roland (Medieval France). ● Many epics were passed down orally. In Ancient Greece, the poets/singers who performed the epics were called rhapsodes. In England, they were called bards. In West Africa, they were called griots.

6 Characteristics of Epics ● Epics differ according to the culture. However, here are some generally occurring traits... 1. Epic are often passed down orally. 2. Epics are concerned with core values like honor, courage and loyalty. 3. Epics are usually set in the past, at a time of historical importance to a culture. 4. Epics often have fantastical, unrealistic elements. The goal is not realism, and the characters often behave in superhuman ways. 5. Epics center on heroes of cultural significance. Some are real, others are fictional, but all embody their culture’s values.

7 Epic Heroes ● Epics center on a protagonist termed the “Epic Hero.” ● Epic Heroes always possess certain important qualities, although these qualities can vary somewhat according to the society the epic hero is a member of.

8 Qualities of an Epic Hero

9 5 Qualities of an Epic Hero: 1. Goes on a Journey 2. Greatness 3. Shows Bravery and Leadership 4. Reflects Society’s Ideals 5. Goes on a Final Journey

10 JOURNIES ● The Epic Hero is always on a journey or quest, during which he overcomes many trials and enemies. Odysseus from The Odyssey must face many obstacles on his journey, including the tempting (but lethal) songs of the sirens.

11 GREATNESS ● Epic Heroes have superior or superhuman strength, intelligence, and/or courage. In many cases, they are descended from the Gods. Achilles from The Iliad is descended from the Gods and is astonishingly strong. But too bad about that heel...

12 BRAVERY AND LEADERSHIP ● Epic Heroes risk death for glory or for the greater good of society. In addition, they are strong and responsible leaders. King Arthur was a brave warrior who united his men.

13 REFLECT SOCIETY’S IDEALS ● Epic Heroes reflect the ideals of their societies. Their values match those of their society, and they behave as their society hopes they will. Aeneas, from The Aeneid: The emblematic Roman.

14 FINAL QUEST ● Epic heroes must complete a final quest, or task. Sometimes the quest enables them to complete their journey successfully. Sometimes this quest is fatal. However, in undertaking it at all, the epic hero proves they are a hero. When an old man, Beowulf kills a merciless dragon, saving his society, but at the cost of his life.

15 Your Turn... ● Can you think of an Epic Hero? Consider books you have read or movies you have seen. Does your hero fulfill all the necessary requirements? ● In your journals: ● Write the name of your proposed Epic Hero. ● Write each characteristic of an Epic Hero. Then write how your hero fulfills that characteristic. ● If any qualities don’t match, they can’t be an Epic Hero!

16 My Epic Hero: Frodo Baggins ● Goes on a journey to destroy the one ring. ● Shows greatness due to his exceptional pureness of heart. ● Overcomes many monsters and challenges on the way to destroy the ring. ● His kindness is indicative of his race, the hobbits. ● Leaves Middle Earth with the elves at the end of the book.

17 Literary Elements of Epics

18 The Invocation Epics usually begin with an invocation to a muse (the gods/goddesses of inspiration). The poet/rhapsode/griot/bard asks the muse for help in telling the story, and in doing so, acknowledges that there is a higher power guiding them. Epics usually begin with an invocation to a muse (the gods/goddesses of inspiration). The poet/rhapsode/griot/bard asks the muse for help in telling the story, and in doing so, acknowledges that there is a higher power guiding them.

19 In Media Res In Latin, this means “in the midst [middle] of things.” Epics usually don’t start at the beginning of a story, or at the beginning of the hero’s life; they often plunge us right into the action. In Latin, this means “in the midst [middle] of things.” Epics usually don’t start at the beginning of a story, or at the beginning of the hero’s life; they often plunge us right into the action. This isn’t always the case. The Sundiata, for example, begins with the circumstances leading to Sundiata’s birth. This isn’t always the case. The Sundiata, for example, begins with the circumstances leading to Sundiata’s birth.

20 Epic Similes This is an extended simile (a comparison using “like” or “as”) that lasts several lines. The purpose is to emphasize the heroic, “epic” nature of the subject. This is an extended simile (a comparison using “like” or “as”) that lasts several lines. The purpose is to emphasize the heroic, “epic” nature of the subject. Here is an example from The Iliad : Here is an example from The Iliad : “As when the shudder of the west wind suddenly rising scatters across the water, and the water darkens beneath it, so darkening were settled the ranks of Achaians and Trojans in the plain.” “As when the shudder of the west wind suddenly rising scatters across the water, and the water darkens beneath it, so darkening were settled the ranks of Achaians and Trojans in the plain.” And one from The Odyssey : And one from The Odyssey : “As a blacksmith plunges a glowing ax or adze in an ice- cold bath and the metal screeches steam and its temper hardens — that's the iron's strength — so the eye of the Cyclops sizzled round that stake!” “As a blacksmith plunges a glowing ax or adze in an ice- cold bath and the metal screeches steam and its temper hardens — that's the iron's strength — so the eye of the Cyclops sizzled round that stake!”

21 Epithets An epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality about the person or thing being discussed. They help to characterize their subjects in descriptive, vivid ways. An epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality about the person or thing being discussed. They help to characterize their subjects in descriptive, vivid ways. Epithets can be used on their own (for example, “earth-shaker” for Poseidon), or combined with the actual name (“Swift-footed Achilles”). Epithets can be used on their own (for example, “earth-shaker” for Poseidon), or combined with the actual name (“Swift-footed Achilles”).

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