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Wim Hugo B ASIC C ONTENT M ANAGEMENT IN P LONE. SessionDurationModule 108h35 – 09h15Plone Functions and Capabilities 209h20 – 10h00Detailed Review of.

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Presentation on theme: "Wim Hugo B ASIC C ONTENT M ANAGEMENT IN P LONE. SessionDurationModule 108h35 – 09h15Plone Functions and Capabilities 209h20 – 10h00Detailed Review of."— Presentation transcript:


2 SessionDurationModule 108h35 – 09h15Plone Functions and Capabilities 209h20 – 10h00Detailed Review of Content Types 310h00 – 10h20Tea Break 410h20 – 11h30Adding Detailed Content 511h35 – 12h30Case Studies and Examples 612h30 – 13h25Lunch Afternoon: GeoPortals (optional) M ORNING S ESSIONS

3  Screen Layout and Organisation  Content Management  Publication Life Cycles  Security and Permissions  Search Capabilities W ORKSHOP S ESSION 1

4 S CREEN L AYOUT AND O RGANISATION Banner Area Tabs Content Area Portlets

5 S CREEN L AYOUT AND O RGANISATION Quick Search (LiveSearch) Site Commands Portlets

6 C ONTENT M ANAGEMENT Content is basically arranged as folders and files

7 L OGGING I N Login Facility may be available as a portlet

8 S CREEN C ONTENT – L OGGED I N Series of Additional Views Series of Additional Commands

9 C ONTENT T YPES Content Types – standard and ‘add-ins’.

10 A DDING C ONTENT T YPES - P AGE Title and Description

11 S AVED P AGE – P UBLICATION S TATE Private by Default

12 P UBLICATION S TATES AND A CTIONS Private Published Pending Review “Retract” “Publish” “Send Back” “Submit” “Publish”

13 A DVANCED P UBLICATION O PTIONS Control Publication and Expiry Dates




17 R EGISTER AS A U SER Plone allows registration as a new user by default

18 F ILL IN D ETAILS AND P ASSWORDS Click on ‘Register’ when done




22  Folders  External Files  Pages  News Items  Links  Events  External Content W ORKSHOP S ESSION 2

23 P REREQUISITES FOR UPLOADING CONTENT  Registered user  Must be logged in  Must be a “contributor”  Confirm a work area  This will usually be a folder

24 L OGGED IN, F OLDER W ORK A REA User must be logged in Content will usually be added under a Theme Navigate to a Theme

25 W ORK DIRECTLY IN THE ‘C ONTENTS ’ TAB Click on ‘Contents’

26 N OTE THE C ONTENT T YPES AND S TATES … Click on ‘Contents’ Folder contains sub- folders and any number of content types Some items may not be published (yet).

27 C LICK ON ‘A DD N EW ’ … Lists all content types available in the context.

28 I MPORTANT C ONTENT T YPES  Folder  File  Image  Page  Window

29 S TART BY A DDING A F OLDER Click on ‘Folder’

30 N AME THE F OLDER AND S AVE Provide a title and a description Save the information

31 N OTE THE P UBLICATION S TATE … Folder is private: not visible to anyone except the owner.

32 A DD A F ILE Files can be uploaded to the portal from a local disk

33 P ROVIDE F ILE D ETAILS Provide a name and a description for the file. Select the file here

34 P ROVIDE F ILE D ETAILS AND S AVE Select a file from a local disk location

35 F ILE IS U PLOADED THROUGH FTP The file is visible, and if clicked and the portal is capable of displaying it, it will do so. If not, the portal will download it

36 C REATE A S IMPLE P AGE … Creating a page requires some composition skills and practice 0 bit is not difficult

37 P AGES CAN BE CREATED IN A WYSIWYG HTML E DITOR Provide a title and a description for the page. The toolbar can be used to add different types of web page content. Predefined styles can be applied to the page

38 A FTER S AVING, THE P AGE IS A VAILABLE The finished page is displayed

39 P AGES CAN BE ELABORATE … This is a page containing images as well.

40 A DD A N EWS I TEM Select ‘News Item’ from the list of available content types

41 F ILL IN THE N EWS I TEM C ONTENT Title and ‘Abstract’, with news item body

42 N EWS CAN HAVE AN I MAGE Title and ‘Abstract’, with news item body Select an Image to Upload. Remember the caption.

43 F INISHED I TEM Remember to publish …

44 N EWS P ORLET Published Items show in News Portlet

45 A DDING A L INK Select ‘Link’ from the list of available content types



48 A DDING AN E VENT Select ‘Event’ from the list of available content types




52  Default Views  Custom Pages  Styling and Page Organisation  Images and Hyperlinks  Portlets W ORKSHOP S ESSION 3

53 L OOK AT AN E STABLISHED E XAMPLE The ‘Themes’ topic opens a set of theme folders The Template Theme can be used for new themes The Template Theme is not published and is only visible to some users A pro-forma Theme has been created for each theme area by copying the template A Theme page has also been created as an introduction. Click to view and edit.

54 E DITING THE L ANDING P AGE The page opens in ‘View’ mode. Click ‘Edit’. The title and description can be edited. A simple wysiwyg editor is available - but can also be switched to HTML view Other types of pages can also be used – this example is the simplest option.

55 M AKE THE L ANDING P AGE THE DEFAULT VIEW Click on ‘Display’ and on ‘Select content item as default view’. Return to the ‘Themes’ topic.

56 S ELECT THE DEFAULT VIEW … Only one content item is available as an alternative default view – the page we have just edited. Select it and click ‘Save’

57 N EW DEFAULT VIEW Clicking on ‘Themes’ now displays the page as a default instead of the normal list of content items. The content items are still visible in the Navigation pane.

58 W HAT ORDINARY USERS SEE Users that are not logged in do not see the template theme – it isn’t published They also do not see menu items and editing facilities.

59 E DITING AND C USTOMISING A F OLDER Click on the folderto be edited and customised

60 C ONTROLLING S TRUCTURE Each theme template contains three example content items: (1)A Simple Page (2)A Link (3)An Embedded Page Note that they are not published (displayed in red)

61 S WITCHING TO C ONTENT V IEW Its easier to work in ‘Contents’ view when modifying content. Several commands are available to assist and the tick boxes allow multiple selections. Step 1 is to verify the names and descriptions of items. Select all three items and click ‘Rename’.

62 R ENAME ITEMS … The items can be given any convenient name. Remember that the short name is used by the system, and is of better use if it is unique, awhile the title is used in the user interface to display items.

63 R ENAME ITEMS … Click ‘Rename All’ Items have new titles.

64 E DITING A S IMPLE P AGE Click on the ‘Simple Page’ to edit..

65 E DITING A S IMPLE P AGE Click on “Edit”

66 C REATION / E DITING OF A S IMPLE P AGE Title: Item will be listed and displayed with this title Description: will show up as tooltips. Body: editor is ‘what you see is what you get’ or HTML.

67 E XAMPLE : A DDING AN I MAGE TO A P AGE Several tools are available to assist with editing, including one for insertion of images The images must already be in the portal. The images can be uploaded from disk, but this is not recommended – images should be described using meta- data. images should be described using meta- data

68 E XAMPLE : S EARCHING FOR AN I MAGE One can search for an image …

69 R ECENTLY USED IMAGES Or find it in the portal structure, including lists of recently accessed material Set image properties for display and positioning

70 S AVE THE PAGE Add narratives and additional content … Save the page.

71 M ANAGING AND E DITING P ORTLETS Portlets are displayed in the right and left panels. Some simple portlets are very useful. Click on ‘Manage Portlets’ to proceed.

72 A DDING A ‘S TATIC T EXT ’ PORTLET Select ‘Static Text Portlet’ from the list.

73 E DITING A P ORTLET The Static Text Portlet is also a simple HTML page. Provide a title for the portlet. Add entries for links first as simple paragraphs.

74 E XTERNAL L INKS Highlight the paragraph (text) to be hyperlinked and click on the ‘External Link’ button. Type the URL for the link. The link can also be previewed.

75 O PENING A LINK IN A NEW WINDOW Switch to HTML view Normally, the link will open in the same browser window as the portal. To force it into a new window or new tab, add the highlighted text to each link Text to add: <a class = “external- link” href = “http:// …..” target = “_blank” > Click on ‘Save’ when done.

76 P ORTLET S ETTINGS The new portlet is now visible in the list Set this to ‘Block’ to eliminate parent portlets – these are shown by default. Save portlet settings

77 V IEWING A N EW / M ODIFIED P ORTLET New portlet is displayed

78 A DDING MORE PORTLETS Many portlets can be added.

79 L INKING A DDITIONAL P ORTLETS In this instance, we are creating a link to BGIS

80  Plone Home Site   Comprehensive Documentation A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES


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