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English Year 7 Our Story – Your Story. Learning Goal I will be able to define what perspective means. As well as, give an example of why different perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "English Year 7 Our Story – Your Story. Learning Goal I will be able to define what perspective means. As well as, give an example of why different perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Year 7 Our Story – Your Story

2 Learning Goal I will be able to define what perspective means. As well as, give an example of why different perspective occurs. Define: state or describe exactly the nature or meaning of. synonyms: explain, describe, clarify

3 Concept - A concept is an abstract idea. - When the mind makes a generalization such as the concept of tree, it extracts similarities from numerous examples; the simplification enables higher-level thinking.higher-level thinking

4 Perspective Your perspective is the way you see something. Our Conceptual Focus: How do the ways we perceive ourselves, others and the world influence meaning? Key Learning ideas: -How our personal and cultural context influence our perspective and how we respond to texts. -How our perspective shapes the way we make language choices and create texts. -The power and beauty of language to explore and express views of themselves others and the world.

5 Why do people see thing differently? THINK-PAIR-SHARE Step 1 -Individual Idea Step2 -Share Ideas with a partner Step 3 -Partners add to a whole class mind map (Student Teaching Activity)

6 Example of different perspective A 2015 scientific study with 1,400 respondents found that 57% saw the dress as blue and black, 30% as white and gold and about 10% as blue and brown, while approximately 10% could switch between any of the colour combinations. A small number saw it as blue and gold. Women and older people disproportionately saw the dress as white and gold. The scientists further found that if the dress was shown in artificial yellow-coloured lighting almost all respondents saw the dress as blue and black, while they saw it as white and gold if the simulated lighting had a blue bias.


8 Everyone is a main character, and everyone is an extra. YouTube Sonder

9 Informal group chat to introduce 1) who we are, 2) where we come from, and 3) where do we think we are going. Split up into group of 2, and ask your partner these three questions. Then we will come together as a group, and your partners will introduce us to the class.

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