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What would The Taming of the Shrew be like if it were set in a Seattle high school?

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Presentation on theme: "What would The Taming of the Shrew be like if it were set in a Seattle high school?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What would The Taming of the Shrew be like if it were set in a Seattle high school?

2 What if it took place in London?

3 Directors have reinvented Shrew with different settings.

4 1950’s

5 1960’s

6 1970’s

7 1980’s

8 1990’s

9 As the director of a scene, you will choose… Setting – when and where the play occurs. Language – the expressions and phrases unique to the group of people in the setting (subculture). Cast – the actors who portray the characters.

10 Your Assignment Choose a subculture for your setting (TV shows work well for this!) Write a script that reflects the setting/subculture. Create a PowerPoint describing the cast, setting and language for your scene. Present the scene in Shakespeare’s language. Present your PowerPoint and your script. Use props or costumes (at least 1 per group member.)

11 Day 1 (class work ) Directions Read through your scene. Determine your roles. Determine your subculture. Rewrite your scene in the vernacular of this subculture. Change props and even events to convey the ideas and relationships from the scene. Have fun with it!

12 Day 2 (lab) directions Create your PowerPoint. (See slides below for details.) If you don’t finish, it will be homework! Practice your presentation – remember that you will present it both Shakespeare’s original language and in your “subculture vernacular” version. See me if you need help with pronunciation. You will be graded on this!

13 Introduction Slide This slide should contain… 1. Name(s)--first and last! 2. A one to two sentence summary of the scene (in your words) 3. A visual to add interest.

14 Sample Introduction Slide By John Johnson Christopher Sly, a drunkard, is tricked by a lord into believing that he is not who he thinks he is.

15 Casting Slide(s) For each character in your scene, create a slide that contains… 1. The name of the character from the play. 2. A picture of the actor you would cast in the role. 3. A 2-3 sentence profile of the character written from the character’s perspective. (I like…, I want…, I hate…) 4. A quote from the original text of the play that shows the character’s personality. When you present this slide, you will explain why you cast this actor in the role.

16 SAMPLE CHARACTER SLIDE CHRISTOPHER SLY Profile: I love drinking and then… drinking some more. I used to think I was dirt poor, but I just realized that I’m a rich guy with a hot wife. Cheers! Quote: “Upon my life, I am a lord indeed/And not a tinker nor Christopher Sly.”

17 Setting Slide The slide should… 1. Describe the time, place, and people (“subculture”) that you have chosen for a setting. 2. Contain at least 3 visuals that represent this setting.

18 Sample Setting Slide The setting is a modern high school in Seattle. The subculture is upper-middle- class high school students.

19 Language Slide 1. This slide should list at least 4 words, phrases, or cultural references from your script that are specific to the subculture that you have chosen. 2. Use text design and/or images to make this slide visually appealing!

20 Sample Language Slide

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