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Cancer in Ontario: Overview A Statistical Report.

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1 Cancer in Ontario: Overview A Statistical Report

2 Growth in new cases of cancer, Ontario, 1982–2006 2 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Note: Baseline cancer risk refers to the cancer risk in 1982. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

3 3 Trends in numbers and rates for all cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 Number of new cases and incidence rates Number of deaths and mortality rates Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

4 4 Trends in numbers and rates for all cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Number of new cases and incidence rates

5 5 Trends in numbers and rates for all cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 Number of deaths and mortality rates Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

6 6 Most common cancer diagnoses, Ontario, 2006 Males, N = 31,954Females, N = 29,224 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

7 7 Most common cancer diagnoses, Ontario, 2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Males, N = 31,954

8 8 Most common cancer diagnoses, Ontario, 2006 Females, N = 29,224 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

9 9 Most common cancer deaths, Ontario, 2006 Males, N = 13,124Females, N = 11,845 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

10 10 Most common cancer deaths, Ontario, 2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Males, N = 13,124

11 11 Most common cancer deaths, Ontario, 2006 Females, N = 11,845 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

12 12 Incidence rates for all cancers, by age, Ontario, 2002–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

13 13 Cancer by age group, Ontario, 2006 New cases, N = 61,178Deaths due to cancer, N = 24,969 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

14 14 Cancer by age group, Ontario, 2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario New cases, N = 61,178

15 15 Cancer by age group, Ontario, 2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Deaths due to cancer, N = 24,969

16 16 Most common cancer diagnoses within age groups, Ontario, 2002–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Cancer definitions may differ for 0-14 and 15-29 compared to older ages. See Appendix I for cancer definitions. CNS = Central nervous system, HL= Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL= Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

17 17 Cancer incidence rates by province, 2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Rates are age-standardized to the 1991 Canadian population. Source: CANSIM, Statistics Canada, 2009 Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario All cancers

18 18 Cancer incidence rates by province, 2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Rates are age-standardized to the 1991 Canadian population. Source: CANSIM, Statistics Canada, 2009 Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Prostate and female breast cancer

19 19 Cancer incidence rates by province, 2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Rates are age-standardized to the 1991 Canadian population. Source: CANSIM, Statistics Canada, 2009 Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Colon and rectum cancer

20 20 Cancer incidence rates by province, 2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Rates are age-standardized to the 1991 Canadian population. Source: CANSIM, Statistics Canada, 2009 Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Lung cancer

21 21 Cancer incidence rates for selected international regions, 1998–2002 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Rates are age-standardized to the World Standard Population. Source: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Vol. IX, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2007 Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario All cancers

22 22 Cancer incidence rates for selected international regions, 1998–2002 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Rates are age-standardized to the World Standard Population. Source: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Vol. IX, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2007 Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Prostate and female breast cancer

23 23 Cancer incidence rates for selected international regions, 1998–2002 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Rates are age-standardized to the World Standard Population. *Colon and rectum excludes intestinal tract, not otherwise specified (C26.0) which accounts for only 1.3% of colon and rectum cases in Ontario in 1998-2002. Source: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Vol. IX, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2007 Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Colon and rectum cancer*

24 24 Cancer incidence rates for selected international regions, 1998–2002 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: Rates are age-standardized to the World Standard Population. † Lung cancer includes trachea (C33.9). Source: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Vol. IX, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2007 Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Lung cancer †

25 25 Prevalence for the most common cancers, by time since diagnosis, Ontario, January 1, 2007 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

26 26 Five-year relative survival for 15 common cancers, Ontario, 1992–1996 vs 2002–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Note: Based on individuals diagnosed at ages 15-99. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

27 27 Five-year relative survival for the most common cancers, Ontario, 1982–1986 to 2002–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Note: Based on individuals diagnosed at ages 15-99. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

28 28 Five-year relative survival for all cancers, by age group, Ontario, 1982–1986 to 2002–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Note: *Observed survival proportions. I = 95% confidence intervals. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

29 29 Incidence trends for the most common cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 MalesFemales Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

30 30 Incidence trends for the most common cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Males

31 31 Incidence trends for the most common cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Females

32 32 Incidence trends for the most rapidly changing cancers*, Ontario, 1982–2006 MalesFemales Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: *Cancers with a statistically significant change in incidence rate of at least 1% per year. † Bladder cancer trend begins at 1989 due to classification changes. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

33 33 Incidence trends for the most rapidly changing cancers*, Ontario, 1982–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: *Cancers with a statistically significant change in incidence rate of at least 1% per year. † Bladder cancer trend begins at 1989 due to classification changes. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Males

34 34 Incidence trends for the most rapidly changing cancers*, Ontario, 1982–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Notes: *Cancers with a statistically significant change in incidence rate of at least 1% per year. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Females

35 35 Mortality trends for the most common cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 MalesFemales Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

36 36 Mortality trends for the most common cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Males

37 37 Mortality trends for the most common cancers, Ontario, 1982–2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Females

38 38 Mortality trends for the most rapidly changing cancers*, Ontario, 1982-2006 Note: *Cancers with a statistically significant change in mortality rate of at least 1% per year. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Cancer in Ontario: Overview MalesFemales

39 39 Mortality trends for the most rapidly changing cancers*, Ontario, 1982-2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Note: *Cancers with a statistically significant change in mortality rate of at least 1% per year. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Males

40 40 Mortality trends for the most rapidly changing cancers*, Ontario, 1982-2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Note: *Cancers with a statistically significant change in mortality rate of at least 1% per year. Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Females

41 41 Incidence and mortality trends for all cancers, by age group, Ontario, 1982-2006 Age 0-14 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

42 42 Incidence and mortality trends for all cancers, by age group, Ontario, 1982-2006 Age 15-29 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario

43 43 Incidence and mortality trends for all cancers, by age group, Ontario, 1982-2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Age 30-49

44 44 Incidence and mortality trends for all cancers, by age group, Ontario, 1982-2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Age 50-64

45 45 Incidence and mortality trends for all cancers, by age group, Ontario, 1982-2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Age 65-79

46 46 Incidence and mortality trends for all cancers, by age group, Ontario, 1982-2006 Cancer in Ontario: Overview Source: Cancer Care Ontario (Ontario Cancer Registry, 2009) Prepared by: Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario Age 80+

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