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No Child Left Behind Passed by Congress in 2001 A reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965.

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Presentation on theme: "No Child Left Behind Passed by Congress in 2001 A reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Child Left Behind Passed by Congress in 2001 A reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965

2 ESEA of 1965 Established guidelines for distributing federal money to states for education purposes. Established guidelines for distributing federal money to states for education purposes. In order to receive money, states must comply with the ESEA guidelines In order to receive money, states must comply with the ESEA guidelines NCLB is an outgrowth of ESEA, 1965 NCLB is an outgrowth of ESEA, 1965

3 NCLB Provides most of the funding and regulations for K-12 education Provides most of the funding and regulations for K-12 education In 2002, approximately $26.5 billion dollars provided to states In 2002, approximately $26.5 billion dollars provided to states

4 NCLB Purpose The purpose of the NCLB Act was to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education, and at a minimum, reach proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments The purpose of the NCLB Act was to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education, and at a minimum, reach proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments

5 NCLB Overview Composed of nine (9) Titles or subparts Composed of nine (9) Titles or subparts Title I: Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Title I: Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Title II: Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals Title II: Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals Title III: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant students Title III: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant students Title IV: 21 st Century Schools Title IV: 21 st Century Schools

6 NCLB Overview Continued Title V: Promoting Informed Parental Choice and Innovative Programs Title V: Promoting Informed Parental Choice and Innovative Programs Title VI: Flexibility and Accountability Title VI: Flexibility and Accountability Title VII: Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native Education Title VII: Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native Education Title VIII: Impact Act (special aid accommodations for districts with special circumstances) Title VIII: Impact Act (special aid accommodations for districts with special circumstances) Title IX: General Provisions Title IX: General Provisions

7 NCLB Title Specifics Title I: Improving Academic Achievement Title I: Improving Academic Achievement Part A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Part A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Part B Student Reading Skills Improvement Grants Part B Student Reading Skills Improvement Grants Part C Education of Migratory Children Part C Education of Migratory Children Part D Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Part D Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Part E National Assessment of Title I Part E National Assessment of Title I Part F Comprehensive School Reform Part F Comprehensive School Reform Part G Advanced Placement Programs Part G Advanced Placement Programs Part H School Drop-Out Prevention Part H School Drop-Out Prevention

8 NCLB Title Specifics Title II: Preparing Teachers and Principals Title II: Preparing Teachers and Principals -Part A Teacher and Principal Recruiting Fund -Part B Mathematics and Science Partnerships -Part C Innovation for Teacher Quality -Part D Enhancing Education Through Technology

9 NCLB Title Specifics Title III: LEP and Immigrant Support Title III: LEP and Immigrant Support -Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act -Part B Improving Language Instruction Educational Programs

10 NCLB Title Specifics Title IV: 21 st Century Schools Title IV: 21 st Century Schools -Part A Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities -Part B 21st Century Community Learning Centers -Part C Environmental Tobacco Smoke -Part D Funds for the Improvement of Education

11 NCLB Title Specifics Title V: Parent Support Title V: Parent Support -Part A Innovative Programs -Part B Public Charter Schools -Part C Magnet Schools Assistance -Part D Fund for the Improvement of Education

12 NCLB Title Specifics Title VI: Flexibility and Accountability Title VI: Flexibility and Accountability -Part A Improving Academic Achievement -Part B Rural Education Initiative -Part B Rural Education Initiative

13 NCLB Title Specifics Title VII: Natives Education Title VII: Natives Education -Part A Indian Education -Part B Native Hawaiian Education -Part C Alaska Native Education

14 NCLB Title Specifics Title VIII: Impact Aid Title VIII: Impact Aid -Impact Aid (Federal Impact Aid is offered to localities that are deemed disadvantaged from an economic perspective. For example, if an abnormally large number of acres of land in a district are in national forests which are untaxable, then that district might receive impact aid. VT and the Radford Arsenal allow Montgomery County to receive some federal impact aid.)

15 NCLB Title Specifics Title IX: General Provisions Title IX: General Provisions -General Provisions

16 NCLB Important Provisions Accountability Accountability States must develop and implement annual assessments of students in mathematics and reading in Grades 3-8 by 2005-06. States must develop and implement annual assessments of students in mathematics and reading in Grades 3-8 by 2005-06. States must develop science standards by 2005-06 and implement assessments by 2007-08 in one grade of grades 3-5 and grades 6-9 and grades 10-12. States must develop science standards by 2005-06 and implement assessments by 2007-08 in one grade of grades 3-5 and grades 6-9 and grades 10-12. Benchmark will be the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress). Benchmark will be the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress). States must meet 100 percent academic proficiency within 12 years. States must meet 100 percent academic proficiency within 12 years. Adequate yearly progress (AYP) must apply specifically to disadvantaged students as well as to the overall student population. All data must be disaggregated. Adequate yearly progress (AYP) must apply specifically to disadvantaged students as well as to the overall student population. All data must be disaggregated.

17 NCLB Important Provisions State Flexibility State Flexibility Flexibility on the use of funds. Flexibility on the use of funds. States can transfer 100% of non-Title funds. States can transfer 100% of non-Title funds. States can transfer federal dollars States can transfer federal dollars

18 NCLB Important Provisions Parental Choice Parental Choice If a parent has a child in a failing school, the parent can transfer that child to another public or charter school. If a parent has a child in a failing school, the parent can transfer that child to another public or charter school. Up to approximately $1,000 for private tutoring of child who attends a failing school. Up to approximately $1,000 for private tutoring of child who attends a failing school.

19 NCLB Important Provisions Reading First Initiative Reading First Initiative Only effective, proven methods of reading instruction backed by scientific research will be allowed and supported. Only effective, proven methods of reading instruction backed by scientific research will be allowed and supported. Funds to support improved reading instruction will be tripled by 2002. Funds to support improved reading instruction will be tripled by 2002.

20 NCLB Important Provisions Teacher Quality Teacher Quality Only high quality teachers in every classroom by 2007. Only high quality teachers in every classroom by 2007. Professional development opportunities geared toward student achievement supported by federal funding. Professional development opportunities geared toward student achievement supported by federal funding.

21 NCLB Important Provisions Safe Schools Safe Schools A crime victim or a student who attends a deemed “unsafe school” may transfer to a safe public school. A crime victim or a student who attends a deemed “unsafe school” may transfer to a safe public school. Schools officials may take reasonable action to maintain order without fear of frivolous lawsuits. Schools officials may take reasonable action to maintain order without fear of frivolous lawsuits.

22 NCLB Important Provisions English Fluency English Fluency LEP students are to be tested for reading and language arts in English after attending school in US for 3 consecutive years. LEP students are to be tested for reading and language arts in English after attending school in US for 3 consecutive years.

23 NCLB Important Provisions Rural Schools Rural Schools Allowed greater say in how federal funds are used. Allowed greater say in how federal funds are used.

24 Federal/State/Local Responses to selected aspects Federal/State/Local Responses to selected aspects of NCLB of NCLB

25 High Standards Federal---No Child Left Behind and IDEIA (replaces IDEA) Federal---No Child Left Behind and IDEIA (replaces IDEA) State—In Virginia, Standards of Learning State—In Virginia, Standards of Learning Local—must align curriculum guides and use scientifically-based instructional methods and resources. Local—must align curriculum guides and use scientifically-based instructional methods and resources.

26 For Every Child Federal—six sub-groups of students defined based on race, gender, ethnicity, English proficiency, disabled, economically disadvantaged. Federal—six sub-groups of students defined based on race, gender, ethnicity, English proficiency, disabled, economically disadvantaged. State—In Virginia, all students, not broken down by sub-groups. State—In Virginia, all students, not broken down by sub-groups. Local—Must disaggregate data and focus resources on weakest achievement areas. Local—Must disaggregate data and focus resources on weakest achievement areas.

27 Benchmarks Federal—Began 61% English all groups, 59% math all groups. Now 70% all groups English and math. In 2007, 80%. In 2010, 90%. In 2013, 100% Federal—Began 61% English all groups, 59% math all groups. Now 70% all groups English and math. In 2007, 80%. In 2010, 90%. In 2013, 100% State—SOL tests, Alternative Assessments, VGLA. Must meet established cut scores. State—SOL tests, Alternative Assessments, VGLA. Must meet established cut scores. Local—Use benchmarks like Tests for Higher Standards, PALs, running records, and disaggregated data. Local—Use benchmarks like Tests for Higher Standards, PALs, running records, and disaggregated data.

28 How Reported Federal—Adequate Yearly Progress by each subgroup by Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Federal—Adequate Yearly Progress by each subgroup by Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) State—Percentage of students that passed tests as noted on School and Division report cards. State—Percentage of students that passed tests as noted on School and Division report cards. Local—School Report Cards Local—School Report Cards

29 Accreditation/Sanctions Federal—Title I schools only in improvement if they fail to make improvements two years in a row. Federal—Title I schools only in improvement if they fail to make improvements two years in a row. State—Accredited or in Warning State—Accredited or in Warning Local—Required school improvement plans Local—Required school improvement plans

30 Response Federal—Corrective Action Plan; School Choice for parents; Supplemental Services; Federal or State Interventions. Federal—Corrective Action Plan; School Choice for parents; Supplemental Services; Federal or State Interventions. State—Improvement Plans; PASS Teams; DOE Intervention. State—Improvement Plans; PASS Teams; DOE Intervention. Local—Improvement Plans; Scientifically-based researched instructional models/materials Local—Improvement Plans; Scientifically-based researched instructional models/materials

31 Highly Qualified Staff Federal—All teachers are to be highly qualified by the end of 2005-06 school year. Federal—All teachers are to be highly qualified by the end of 2005-06 school year. State—State Licensure; Pass Praxis I (VCLA) and II; Pass SLLA for administrators; Pass ParaPro for paraprofessionals. State—State Licensure; Pass Praxis I (VCLA) and II; Pass SLLA for administrators; Pass ParaPro for paraprofessionals. Local—Teachers and paraprofessionals hired only if highly qualified. Local—Teachers and paraprofessionals hired only if highly qualified.

32 Highly Qualified Actions Federal—Clearly outlines expectations in NCLB Federal—Clearly outlines expectations in NCLB State—Realign licensure to comply with federal standards. State—Realign licensure to comply with federal standards. Local—Must send letter to parents of students in classes where teachers are not highly qualified. Local—Must send letter to parents of students in classes where teachers are not highly qualified.

33 Highly Qualified Development of all Staff Federal—Defines professional development as development that is sustained and shows evidence of classroom change (achievement improvements) based on scientifically based-research. Federal—Defines professional development as development that is sustained and shows evidence of classroom change (achievement improvements) based on scientifically based-research. State—Follows federal guidelines State—Follows federal guidelines Local—Follows federal guidelines Local—Follows federal guidelines

34 Parent Involvement Federal—Participation of parents in regular, two-way meaningful communication involving students’ learning and other school activities. Federal—Participation of parents in regular, two-way meaningful communication involving students’ learning and other school activities. State—Part of Standards for Accrediting Schools under the topic of School and Community Relations. State—Part of Standards for Accrediting Schools under the topic of School and Community Relations. Local—Appropriate Involvement in division and school communities. Local—Appropriate Involvement in division and school communities.

35 NCLB Summary Schools will serve as a unit of accountability. Schools will serve as a unit of accountability. Achievement will focus on sub-group performances. Achievement will focus on sub-group performances. Sub-groups to include race, gender, SES, LEP, Students with disabilities. Sub-groups to include race, gender, SES, LEP, Students with disabilities. Achievement is to be measured by annual and actual achievement of each group. Achievement is to be measured by annual and actual achievement of each group. Percent of students not tested to be shown. Percent of students not tested to be shown. Trends to be measured in two-year increments in each subject by grade tested. Trends to be measured in two-year increments in each subject by grade tested. Graduation rates to be recorded. Graduation rates to be recorded. Professional Qualities of teachers to be noted—percent with provisional credentials, and percent of classes not taught be highly qualified teachers. Professional Qualities of teachers to be noted—percent with provisional credentials, and percent of classes not taught be highly qualified teachers.

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