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Hinduism. Symbol of Hinduism Characteristics No single founder Based on Vedas and Upanishads Upanishad-seeking Moksha or a state of perfect understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism. Symbol of Hinduism Characteristics No single founder Based on Vedas and Upanishads Upanishad-seeking Moksha or a state of perfect understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism

2 Symbol of Hinduism

3 Characteristics No single founder Based on Vedas and Upanishads Upanishad-seeking Moksha or a state of perfect understanding of all things Atman-individual soul Brahman-world soul

4 Continued…. An understanding of atman and Brahman leads to moksha..but not in one life time By process of reincarnation until moksha is achieved Karma-good or bad deeds- influences life circumstances Strengthens Caste system

5 Gods: Brahman-Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the protector;Shiva, the destoryer Great Mother Goddess

6 Three major gods/goddesses:

7 Buddhism

8 Symbol of Buddhism

9 Characteristics Founder-Siddhartha Gautama Sought enlightenment- wisdom aka=Buddha “the enlightened one”

10 Buddha:

11 Four Noble Truths 1) everything in life is suffering 2)all suffering comes from desire of temporary pleasures of this world 3)end all suffering by ending all desire 4)obtain enlightenment by following the Eightfold Path (Middle Way)

12 Eightfold Path Right Views Right Resolve Right Speech Right Conduct Right Livelihood Right Mindfulness Right Concentration Right Effort

13 What is Nirvana? Release from Selfishness and pain

14 Three Jewels Buddha Dharma (doctrine of law) Religious community

15 Differences and Similarities D=no belief in the many Gods or the caste system S=idea of reincarnation, repetitive view of history

16 Buddhism on the move Spreads out to China, then Japan and Korea By way of trade and missionaries

17 Spread of Buddhism:

18 Ask yourself: 1) Which religion believes in many Gods? 2) Which religion supports or strengthens the caste system 3) Which religion follows the four noble truths and the eightfold path? 4) Which religion believes in reincarnation?

19 This map shows the spread of what religion? A. A.Judaism B. B.Hinduism C. C.Buddhism D. D.Confucianism

20 Which religion has a social structure based on a caste system? A. A.Hinduism B. B.Buddhism C. C.Judaism D. D.Islam

21 Is this symbol the symbol of Buddhism? A. A.Yes B. B.No

22 Did Hinduism and Buddhism both start in China? A. A.Yes B. B.No

23 Which of the following is a holy book of Hinduism? A. A.Torah B. B.The Caste C. C.Vedas D. D.Quran

24 Is Buddhism older than Hinduism? A. A.Yes B. B.No

25 Which religion relies on the four noble truths to reach nirvana? A. A.Judaism B. B.Hinduism C. C.Buddhism D. D.Islam

26 The founder of Buddhism is A. A.Siddhartha B. B.Zoroaster C. C.Abraham D. D.Jesus

27 Are there three specific founders of Hinduism? A. A.Yes B. B.No

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