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The 1920s Chapter 11. Facts of the 1920s 106 million population Life expectancy: 54 males 55 females Average Income: $1236; 61 cents an hour.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1920s Chapter 11. Facts of the 1920s 106 million population Life expectancy: 54 males 55 females Average Income: $1236; 61 cents an hour."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1920s Chapter 11

2 Facts of the 1920s 106 million population Life expectancy: 54 males 55 females Average Income: $1236; 61 cents an hour

3 Gangs were a huge problem in cities NY to California by car- 13 days

4 Demobilization Process of going from war time to peace time Soldiers return home (issues?)

5 Warren G. Harding Republican from Marion, Ohio 1920-1923 “Looked like a President” Conservative, pro-business, isolationist Friends in cabinet positions Owed Republicans who got him elected (344)


7 Somewhat misleading image (White House card games?)

8 Harding Inauguration

9 Focus of Presidency was on economy –Tax cuts –Cuts in spending –Lower unemployment –Appoints Taft to Supreme Court

10 End of day 1

11 Isolationism Disarmament- Fordney-McCumber Tariff- raised import tariffs

12 Nativism- After World War I- nativist feelings grow stronger –Read 345

13 Limits on Immigration

14 First laws restricting European immigration passed in 1921 Quota- limits on numbers of immigrants from each foreign nation Asian immigration banned

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