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Political & Economic Systems What is the meaning of the following Prefixes and Suffixes??? Prefixes: Prefixes: a) uni- and mono- b) auto- c) eco- d)

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Presentation on theme: "Political & Economic Systems What is the meaning of the following Prefixes and Suffixes??? Prefixes: Prefixes: a) uni- and mono- b) auto- c) eco- d)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Political & Economic Systems

3 What is the meaning of the following Prefixes and Suffixes??? Prefixes: Prefixes: a) uni- and mono- b) auto- c) eco- d) olig- e) demo- f) theo- Suffixes: Suffixes: g) -cracy h) -nomy i) -archy Prefixes: Prefixes: a) uni and mono- one b) auto- self c) eco- house d) olig- few e) demo- people f) theo- God/religon Suffixes: Suffixes: g) -cracy – power (democracy, theocracy, aristocracy, meritocracy) h) -nomy – law (Economy–system of rules governing economic affairs) i) -archy – rule by (Anarchy – “an” = none  rule by no one) 38A Page 38A in your spiral

4 Government Systems Levels of Government (Power) 1. Unitary System: gives all key powers to the national or central government. State, provincial or local governments have only limited powers and sovereignty. Ex: United Kingdom and France Ex: United Kingdom and France

5 Legend/Key The size of the box denotes the AMOUNT of Power

6 If the Government is big enough to give you everything you want it is big enough to take away everything you have. ~Gerald R. Ford

7 2. Federal System: powers are divided between national and state or provincial governments. Each is sovereign in certain areas. Ex: USA! Ex: USA! Government Systems Central Government State/ Provincial Gov’ts State/ Provincial Gov’ts State/ Provincial Gov’ts




11 3. Confederation: a loose union of independent territories Ex: USA under the Articles of Confederation and the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. Ex: USA under the Articles of Confederation and the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. Government Systems Central Gov’t State/ Provincial Gov’ts State/ Provincial Gov’ts State/ Provincial Gov’ts


13 Types of Authority 1. Autocracy — rule by one person oldest and most common form of gov’t oldest and most common form of gov’t get their position of power through inheritance (birth) or military power get their position of power through inheritance (birth) or military power


15 Types of Autocracies a) Totalitarian Dictatorship — one person controls everything government does not report to the people; has complete power government does not report to the people; has complete power


17 b) Monarchy — king or queen has power through inheritance 2 Types of Monarchies 2 Types of Monarchies Absolute Monarchy — unlimited power to rule Absolute Monarchy — unlimited power to rule very rare today very rare today Ex: Saudi Arabia Ex: Saudi Arabia Types of Autocracies


19 2 Types of Monarchies 2 Types of Monarchies 2) Constitutional Monarchy — share powers with elected legislators - sometimes it is just ceremonial - sometimes it is just ceremonial Ex: United Kingdom, Japan, Thailand, Jordan Ex: United Kingdom, Japan, Thailand, Jordan

20 Constitutional monarchies with representative parliamentary systems are shown in red. Other constitutional monarchies (shown in violet ) have monarchs who continue to exercise political influence, albeit within certain legal restrictions. Constitutional monarchies in beige (currently only one nation, Thailand) are constitutional monarchies in which the constitution has been suspended.

21 2. Oligarchy — rule by a few people source of power is religion, wealth, military power, social position source of power is religion, wealth, military power, social position Communist governments: run by leaders of Communist Party and armed forces Communist governments: run by leaders of Communist Party and armed forces Appear to be controlled by the people of the country, but are not in reality Appear to be controlled by the people of the country, but are not in reality Legislatures only adopt policies of ruling party Legislatures only adopt policies of ruling party Types of Authority


23 3. Democracy — rule by many people - consent of citizens - consent of citizens 2 Types of Democracy 2 Types of Democracy a) Direct Democracy — citizens decide on issues directly a) Direct Democracy — citizens decide on issues directly none exists in any country at a national level none exists in any country at a national level Types of Authority



26 b) Representative Democracy — the citizens elect representatives to make and enforce laws. b) Representative Democracy — the citizens elect representatives to make and enforce laws. Republics — voters elect all major officials Republics — voters elect all major officials not all democracies are republics not all democracies are republics Ex: United Kingdom Ex: United Kingdom Types of Authority


28 List the possible challenges faced by the citizens of a country whose government has changed from an autocracy to a democracy. Then suggest ways that people might address these challenges. Autocracy to Democracy ChallengesSolutions        

29 Centrist Republican (Conservative) Democrat (Liberal) FascistCommunist Socialist The Political Spectrum

30 Economics

31 Economic Systems 3 Basic Economic Questions that all economic systems must answer 1. What and how many goods and services should be produced? 1. What and how many goods and services should be produced? 2. How are they going to be produced? 2. How are they going to be produced? 3. Who gets the goods and services that are produced? 3. Who gets the goods and services that are produced?



34 3 Types of Economic Systems They each make decisions differently They each make decisions differently 1. Traditional Economy — all decisions defined by customs, traditions (elders in the group) not based on what one would like to have, but what is customary not based on what one would like to have, but what is customary Ex: Inuit of Canada — hunters shared with other families Ex: Inuit of Canada — hunters shared with other families


36 2. Market Economy — private groups and individuals make decisions about what to make or produce based on free enterprise — idea that private individuals or groups have the right to own property or businesses and make a profit with little government interference based on free enterprise — idea that private individuals or groups have the right to own property or businesses and make a profit with little government interference people decide what to buy or not to buy people decide what to buy or not to buy people decide what they want to do to make a living & who they want to work for people decide what they want to do to make a living & who they want to work for


38 Robber Barons or Titans of Industry? Robber Barons or Titans of Industry? Cornelius Vanderbilt – railroads Cornelius Vanderbilt – railroads John D. Rockefeller – oil John D. Rockefeller – oil Andrew Carnegie – steel Andrew Carnegie – steel J. P. Morgan – banking/finance J. P. Morgan – banking/finance

39 also called Capitalism also called Capitalism no pure market economy system exists no pure market economy system exists most are Mixed Economies — government supports and regulates free enterprise through decisions that affect the marketplace most are Mixed Economies — government supports and regulates free enterprise through decisions that affect the marketplace Market Economy



42 3. Command Economy — ownership and direction of land, labor, machinery, factories, and managers are by the government; all distribution of goods is by the government 3 Types of Economic Systems (con’t)

43 Old Soviet saying, “We’ll keep pretending to work if they’ll keep pretending to pay us.”


45 2 types of Command Economies 1. Socialist — free enterprise mixed with government control Government control of only certain industries with the following main goals: Government control of only certain industries with the following main goals: equal distribution of wealth equal distribution of wealth society’s control, through the government of decisions about production society’s control, through the government of decisions about production public ownership of land, factories, means of production public ownership of land, factories, means of production

46 Protest rally Chicago 2009


48 Deaths due to Communism USSR – about 8-20 million people executed USSR – about 8-20 million people executed However, it is widely believed that if you take into account the deaths caused by the regime's "criminal neglect" and "ruthlessness" (starvation, disease, exposure and overwork) about 61 million people were killed during the almost 70 years of Communist rule in the USSR. June 1943 - mass graves dating from 1937–38 opened up and hundreds of bodies exhumed for identification by family members

49 Deaths due to Communism Local and provincial Chinese archives indicate that the death toll was at least 45 million, and that "In most cases the party knew very well that it was starving its own people to death.” Local and provincial Chinese archives indicate that the death toll was at least 45 million, and that "In most cases the party knew very well that it was starving its own people to death.” In a secret meeting at Shanghai in 1959, Mao issued the order to procure one third of all grain from the countryside. He said: “ When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fi ll.” In a secret meeting at Shanghai in 1959, Mao issued the order to procure one third of all grain from the countryside. He said: “ When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fi ll.”


51 2. Communist — very strict control of economy The Communist Party makes all of the decisions about: The Communist Party makes all of the decisions about: what to produce what to produce how much to produce how much to produce how to distribute the goods and services how to distribute the goods and services most decline in the long-run most decline in the long-run no competition to make products more innovative or better no competition to make products more innovative or better China & Vietnam are now allowing some free enterprise to boost their economy China & Vietnam are now allowing some free enterprise to boost their economy


53 What kind of benefits do people receive in a market economy that they would NOT receive in a command economy?


55 Modern Slavery



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