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Stalin & The Soviet Union 4/26/16. Pages 39 & 40.

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Presentation on theme: "Stalin & The Soviet Union 4/26/16. Pages 39 & 40."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stalin & The Soviet Union 4/26/16

2 Pages 39 & 40

3 Stalin: Dictator 1929 - 1953

4 Video Clip: Industrialization Policy

5 Totalitarian State 1928: Stalin proposed “five-year plans” building heavy industry, improving transportation and increasing farm output. Command Economy: gov’t officials made all economic decisions. Forced Farmers to farm on Collectives (owned by gov’t). Kulaks resisted and were brutally punished. 1932: Terror Famine: 6-8 million deaths

6 Terror Tactics Use of secret police and spies, people sent to the Gulag, all press censored 1934: Great Purge – crack down on any rival party leaders, charged w/crimes from counterrevolutionary plots to failure of production quotas. 1936-1938: “Show Trials” former communist leaders confess to crimes after torture. Loss of many great industrial, economic, engineering, writing and military minds.


8 Communists Control Thought Intense Propaganda at every turn, Censorship of artists, writers & musicians Socialists Realism: show Soviet life in a positive light and promote hope in the communist agenda Russification: forcing non-Russian nations in the Soviet Union to become more Russian Atheism: became official state policy, replaced religion with their own “sacred” texts, etc.

9 Socialist Realism




13 What was life like in the Soviet Union?

14 Video Clip:

15 Video Clip: The Great Purge

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