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A.B. C.D..... Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Africa Africa 1.

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Presentation on theme: "A.B. C.D..... Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Africa Africa 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.B. C.D..... Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Africa Africa 1

2 A.B. C.D..... Before 2500 BC what was the Sahara like? Vast DesertForest and Rivers African lakeDry, flat, grasslands

3 A.B. C.D..... What continent is Nubia located on? AsiaEurope South AmericaAfrica

4 A.B. C.D..... What were known as the “ships of the desert?” CamelsDune Buggies ElephantsHorse Chariots

5 A.B. C.D..... What was gold often traded for from West Africa? BeadsSpices Pottery Salt

6 A.B. C.D..... Which of the following was a forest Kingdom? MeccaMali Benin Ghana

7 A.B. C.D..... The largest and most populated climate zone in Africa is? DesertSavanna Mediterranean Rain Forest

8 A.B. C.D..... In 750 BC which Nubian King conquered Egypt? PiankhiTaharqa St. Augustine Hitler

9 A.B. C.D..... Who was the most influential Christian thinker of the late Roman Empire? St. AugustineBantu Ezana Geez

10 A.B. C.D..... What two products dominated the Sahara trade? Gold & FarmingGold & Salt Iron & Salt Diamonds & Copper

11 A.B. C.D..... Many Hausa rulers were? MenRomans Warriors Women

12 A.B. C.D..... Which famous ruler completed the Hajj? SundiataAskia Muhammad Mansa Musa Piankhi

13 A.B. C.D..... Zimbabwe means? Strong warriorSmall hay houses God of the Ocean Great Stone Buildings

14 A.B. C.D..... In this kind of family important kinship ties, such as inheritance and residence, were passed through the father’s side Nuclear FamilyMatrilineal Patrilineal Lineage

15 A.B. C.D..... On what river is Timbuktu located? NileSenegal Niger Thames

16 A.B. C.D..... What is the capital of the West African Kingdom of Songhai? MaliGao Geez Timbuktu

17 A.B. C.D..... Who built the ruins that were once known as “Great Zimbabwe”? The Phoenicians The Bantu The Nubians The Arabs

18 A.B. C.D..... What religion did the Kingdom of Axum convert to? Buddhism Judaism Islam Christianity

19 A.B. C.D..... A family with parents and children living and working together as a unit is which of the following? Patrilineal Family Nuclear Family Matrilineal Family The Parkers

20 A.B. C.D..... What is the root language shared by West Africans? Bantu English Geez Arabic

21 A.B. C.D..... Name one thing that Muslim traders introduced to Africa. Written languageWine ClothNew hair styles

22 A.B. C.D..... Amina was a female ruler of which kingdom? GhanaBenin SonghaiZarin

23 A.B. C.D..... The blend of cultures in East African city-states resulted in the creation of what language? ArabicSwahili HebrewGeez

24 A.B. C.D..... Great Zimbabwe was part of a trade network that reached across what Ocean? AtlanticPacific IndianArctic

25 A.B. C.D..... During the 600’s, what religion came to dominate North Africa? ChristianityIslam JudaismHinduism

26 A.B. C.D..... The Nubian capital of Meroe was an important producer of what? Salt Iron Gold Silk

27 A.B. C.D..... Axum prospered partly because it had a port on which body of water? Mediterranean Sea Indian OceanAtlantic Ocean Red Sea

28 A.B. C.D..... King Ezana was a Christian king of which Kingdom? Songhai Ghana Axum Nubia

29 A.B. C.D..... Which of the following leaders set up a Muslim dynasty in Songhai? Mansa MusaSundiata Sonni AliAskia Muhammad

30 A.B. C.D..... Monsoon winds aided trade between East Africa and? West AfricaThe Mediterranean IndiaEgypt

31 A.B. C.D..... “The man spread upon Cairo the flood of his generosity.” Whose visit to Egypt, on the way to Mecca, is described in this quotation? Sundiata Sonni Ali Mansa Musa Muhammad Ali

32 A.B. C.D..... A great center for trade and learning, Timbuktu was a city in which kingdom? Mali SonghaiGhana Axum

33 A.B. C.D..... Kingdom of the Soninke people located between the Niger and Senegal Rivers. MaliSonghai Ghana Axum

34 A.B. C.D..... In this kind of family parents and children live and work together as one unit. Nuclear FamilyMatrilineal Patrilineal Lineage

35 A.B. C.D..... He set up a Muslim dynasty in Songhai. PiankhiSundiata Askia Muhammad Sonni Ali

36 A.B. C.D..... Founder of the Mali Empire. Piankhi Sundiata Askia Muhammad Sonni Ali

37 A.B. C.D..... Soldier-king who made Songhai the largest kingdom in West Africa. PiankhiSundiata Askia Muhammad Sonni Ali

38 A.B. C.D..... African Griots preserve their histories and values through? Folk talesOral stories Heroes from the ancient past Works from recent poets

39 A.B. C.D..... In this kind of family important kinship ties, such as inheritance and residence, were passed through the mother’s side Nuclear FamilyMatrilineal Family Patrilineal Family Lineage Family

40 A.B. C.D..... Clearing forest and brush, starting with iron axes and hoes, is part of? Cut and clear agriculture Slash and burn agriculture Destroy and save agriculture Break and take agriculture

41 A.B. C.D..... What is Geez? An African warrior A virus caused by a rare African insect A written & spoken language of Axum A West African city

42 A.B. C.D..... What religious tradition did the people of Axum pass on to the Ethiopians? Christianity IslamHinduism Buddhism

43 A.B. C.D..... What king of Songhai converted to Islam? Mansa Musa Sundiata Sonni Ali Askia Muhammad

44 A.B. C.D..... This city was the capital of the Songhai Kingdom? Timbuktu Gao Cairo Zimbabwe

45 A.B. C.D..... Great Zimbabwe was part of a trade network that reached across what Ocean? Atlantic PacificIndian Arctic

46 A.B. C.D..... Who built the ruins that were once known as “Great Zimbabwe”? The Phoenicians The Bantu The Nubians The Arabs

47 A.B. C.D..... These people adapted to life in the Kalahari? The AlmoravidsThe Hausa The Phoenicians The Khoisan

48 A.B. C.D..... Who were the first Europeans to build forts along the West African ports? The Portuguese The FrenchThe Dutch The English

49 A.B. C.D..... The Middle Passage was? A verse from the Bible The path into the forest kingdoms in search of slaves The trail through the Great Rift Valley The worse part of the slave trade

50 A.B. C.D..... Before 2500 BC what was the Sahara like? Vast Desert Forest and Rivers African lake Dry, flat, grasslands

51 A.B. C.D..... Brought a new era of literacy to West Africa. Usman dan FodioThe Boers ShakaThe Asante

52 A.B. C.D..... Which of the following was a forest Kingdom? Mecca Mali Benin Ghana

53 A.B. C.D..... The largest and most populated climate zone in Africa is? DesertSavanna MediterraneanRain Forest

54 A.B. C.D..... In 750 BC which Nubian King conquered Egypt? PiankhiTaharqa St. AugustineHitler

55 A.B. C.D..... What two products dominated the Sahara trade? Gold & Farming Gold & Salt Iron & Salt Diamonds & Copper

56 A.B. C.D..... Shaka was a great leader of which people? The Hausa The Asante The Boers The Zulu

57 A.B. C.D..... Which famous ruler completed the Hajj? Sundiata Askia Muhammad Mansa Musa Piankhi

58 A.B. C.D..... Zimbabwe means? Strong warriorSmall hay houses God of the OceanGreat Stone Buildings

59 A.B. C.D..... In this kind of family important kinship ties, such as inheritance and residence, were passed through the father’s side Nuclear Family Matrilineal Patrilineal Lineage

60 A.B. C.D..... On what river is Timbuktu located? Nile Senegal Niger Thames

61 A.B. C.D..... What is the capital of the West African Kingdom of Songhai? Mali GaoGeez Timbuktu

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