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Invitation Letters and responses. Warming up 1.Finish Step 1,2 after reading the information (15’) 2.Step 3 Organizing. Read Task1 ---Do Task2— Compare.

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Presentation on theme: "Invitation Letters and responses. Warming up 1.Finish Step 1,2 after reading the information (15’) 2.Step 3 Organizing. Read Task1 ---Do Task2— Compare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invitation Letters and responses

2 Warming up 1.Finish Step 1,2 after reading the information (15’) 2.Step 3 Organizing. Read Task1 ---Do Task2— Compare informal invitation & formal invitation P18 (Blog Out)

3 Invitation letters: You are requested to : Make your letter as fluent as possible.

4 Invitation letter Brief introduction 1) 活动的名称,时间,日期,地点 ; 2) 活动的原因,可能的规模,哪些人参加。 3) 活动日程,着装方面要求 4) 有时候需要简短地说明前往的路线。 5) 通常会要求对方回复是否出席。 6) 正式信函中尽量不用 I ’ m, you ’ re 等缩略形 式。

5 Sample 1 September 3, 2009 Dear Mr. ChengLong, We ’ d very much like you to address our sales staff at the next sales meeting which will be held at our headquarters at one o ’ clock p.m. on Tuesday, September 12, 2009. If it is possible for you to be with us, please let us know within the next two weeks so we can make all the arrangements. Yours faithfully, Liu Dehua Director Marketing Any mistakes?

6 Sample 2 September 25, 2009 Dear Miss Li Zhen, We greatly appreciate your cooperation and assistance in the business of recent weeks. We are cordially inviting you to an evening function on Saturday, October 5, 2009, at the Huxiaoshanzhuang, 18 Zhongshan Road of the Yuhua District, at 7 p.m. sharp. Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you there. Yours faithfully, Hebe Any improvements?

7 Invitation letters Expressions in sending an invitation 1.We are expecting with great pleasure to see you. 我们怀着愉快的心情期待与您想见。 2.I hope you won ’ t decline my invitation. 3.We hope you ‘ re not too busy to come. 4.May I have the honor of your company at dinner? 能请你赏光和我们一起用餐吗 5.May I take the opportunity to invite you to … ? 我能借此机会邀请你参加 … 吗 6.I should be delighted/pleased if you could come …

8 Invitation letters Expressions in sending an invitation 请求对方回复的一般表达 Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come. 请尽快告知你是否能来。 Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. 请在你方便的时候尽早跟我们确认你能否参加。

9 Task I 盖茨董事长于 3 月 1 日来您公司进行讲座 给您和您的同事极大的灵感和实际帮助。 作为公司总裁,为表示谢意。请邀请盖 茨夫妇参加本周五( Mar.27 )在富丽华 国际大酒店举行的晚宴

10 Sample 3 September 28,2009 Dear Miss Hebe, Thanks for your invitation to the evening function on Saturday, October 5, 2009, at the Huxiaoshanzhuang, 18 Zhongshan Road of the Yuhua District, at 7 p.m. sharp. It ’ s very kind of you to extend your hospitality a little beyond routine work, and I look forward to meeting you and your colleagues. Yours faithfully, Li Zhen Anything to say?

11 Sample 4 September 26, 2009 Dear Miss Xue Lian,My wife and I appreciate very much your kind invitation, But we are sorry that we cannot share with you the pleasure of meeting President Hu Zhihui at the celebration of her long – term service for the company at the tea party on Monday, september 30.My wife and I have to visit her mother who was hospitalized last Tuesday for a heart problem.Thank you all the same for your kind invitation. Do represent us to President Hu, and we are sure we will have occasions to meet some time in the future. Yours, Rain Accept or not?

12 Invitation letter Expressions for acknowledgement of invitations 接受邀请 We thank you for the kind invitation and have much pleasure in accepting. We are sincerely happy to join you at the Sheraton Great Wall dinner tomorrow.

13 Expressions for acknowledgement of invitations 接受邀请 I was pleased to get your invitation. I ’ d be glad to come and am looking forward to seeing you. My wife and I were greatly obliged for your kind invitation to the ceremony, to which we ’ ll be happy to attend punctually.

14 Expressions for acknowledgement of invitations 接受邀请 It will afford me the greatest pleasure to dine with you. Nothing would give us greater pleasure than accepting your kind invitation.

15 Expressions for declining an invitation 谢绝邀请 Please accept my sincere regret at not being able to join … I am sorry/regret that I shall not be able to join you because /owing to … I regret that I have another arrangement at this time and will not be able to attend.

16 Expressions for declining an invitation 谢绝邀请 I appreciate very much your kind invitation, but I regret to say that I have another engagement on that day. Most unfortunately, we shall be unable to avail ourselves of your kind invitation on account of a previous engagement.

17 Task II Please make a reply to the above invitation letter. If you are in a good mood, accept it. Or otherwise.

18 After – class assignment Preview the invitation card P27, and write a letter of accepting or rejecting the invitation.

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