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Ohio’s K-4 Content-Enriched Mandarin Curriculum Module Five Using Technology to Enhance Your Program Funded by the U.S. Department of Education Foreign.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio’s K-4 Content-Enriched Mandarin Curriculum Module Five Using Technology to Enhance Your Program Funded by the U.S. Department of Education Foreign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio’s K-4 Content-Enriched Mandarin Curriculum Module Five Using Technology to Enhance Your Program Funded by the U.S. Department of Education Foreign Language Assistance Program and the Ohio Department of Education

2 In this module you will learn… What handheld translation devices and Interactive Whiteboards are; and How to incorporate them for use with Ohio’s K-4 Mandarin Curriculum.

3 What Is A Handheld Translation Device? A portable language tool with a wide range of language functions, which may include: –Instant reverse translation; –Speech/word recognition systems; –Voice synthesis powered by text-to-speech technology; –(Talking) bidirectional dictionary; –Spell checker; –Language-learning games and self tests; –Access to multimedia materials; and –Pinyin system for input of text.

4 Some Uses of Handheld Translators Pronounce a new word and hear/see its meaning; Translate commonly used words and phrases from one language into another; Hear the correct pronunciation of words; Practice/record the pronunciation of words and phrases; Use the ‘Add new word’ function to add personal vocabulary to existing dictionaries; Facilitate small-group activities related to vocabulary learning, translation and pronunciation; Reinforce writing/Pinyin skills; Play interactive language learning games; and Access audio and other multimedia materials.

5 What Is An Interactive Whiteboard? An interactive whiteboard is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. The projector shows the computer’s desktop onto the board’s surface, where users control the computer using a pen, finger or other device. The board is typically mounted to a wall or on a floor stand. (Wikipedia)

6 Common Interactive Whiteboards Smart Board eBeam ACTIVBoard Numonics PolyVision Interwrite Mimio Starboard

7 Some Uses of Interactive Whiteboards Create audio and/or video files to teach or review a lesson; Teach or review vocabulary interactively; Classify vocabulary using touch and drag functions; Save lessons to present to students who are absent; Present presentations created by students or teachers; Incorporate graphing/charts into lessons and activities; Digital storytelling; Write and illustrate a book as a class, and use recording software to narrate and play the text; Present student-created e-folios, including samples of their work and narration; (continued on the next slide)

8 Some Uses of Interactive Whiteboards Peer edit student work; Use the highlighter tool to highlight anything; Play educational games of all types; Give a PowerPoint presentation; Take notes directly into a PowerPoint presentation; Share grades and samples of students’ work during parent-teacher conferences; Differentiate instruction for tactile, visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners; Create electronic Word Walls; Brainstorming activities; (continued on the next slide)

9 Some Uses of Interactive Whiteboards Reinforce listening and reading skills through the presentation of authentic language samples from the Internet; Demonstrate character strokes; Practice syntax (e.g., word order, noun-adjective agreement); Teach the writing process; Take virtual tours of venues (e.g., museums) around the world; Reinforce skills by using on-line interactive Web sites; and Motivate and excite children to learn language using methods that are dynamic, interactive and fun.

10 How To Use An Interactive Whiteboard Go to the following Web site and learn more about using interactive whiteboard technologies: Simply follow a link below to watch a Two-Minute Tutorial, such as “Touch, Write and Save,” “PowerPoint,” or “Building a Class List.” You must have Macromedia Flash player installed to watch them.

11 Resources Ohio’s Academic Content Standards K-12 Foreign Language, 2004 –Pp. 172-176, “The Role of Technology.” Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21 st Century, 1999 –Pp. 35-36, “Technology.” Curtain and Dahlberg (2004). Languages and Children: Making the Match, 3 rd ed., Pearson Publishers. –Chapter 15, pp. 370-390 “Choosing and Using Technology Resources.”

12 Reflection/Discussion Prompts In what other age-appropriate ways can you envision using handheld translators and interactive white boards? You’ve just learned about some of the advantages of using these technologies in your language classroom. What might be some possible constraints for their use from both a student’s and a teacher’s perspective? Look at the first-grade unit “Shapes and Sizes” or the fourth-grade unit “Healthy Lunches.” Where can you see some logical places to incorporate your handheld translator or interactive white board?

13 Additional Resources Ways to use Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom (from the Instructional Technology Department of the Wichita Public Schools): – boards/interwrite.htm boards/interwrite.htm Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom (from the Florida Public Boarding School for the Deaf and the Blind Website) – oards.html#resources oards.html#resources

14 Additional Resources Smart Technologies’ Two Minute Tutorials Training Center: – asp# asp#

15 Thank You! This is the end of the “Using Technology to Enhance Your Program” module. You have now completed all of the professional development associated with Ohio’s K-4 Content-Enriched Mandarin Curriculum. Please access the units and adjust for use in your own situation.

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