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Free Public Transport in Tallinn from 2013 - a brave step toward green capital Tallinn EU Office Rue du Luxembourg 3, Brussels

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1 Free Public Transport in Tallinn from 2013 - a brave step toward green capital Tallinn EU Office Rue du Luxembourg 3, Brussels

2 Tallinn Public Transport (PT) in figures  Tallinn population 415 000, growing  Estonia, population 1,300 000, decreasing 2 municipal transport companies Number of buses, trams, trolley-buses: 570 Bus lines: 55 Tram lines: 4 Trolley-bus lines: 8  In 2011 PT budget 53 million EUR Total tickets revenue 17,8 million EUR; 3,5 million from non-Tallinners.  Free ride for Tallinners costs 14,3 million EUR annually.

3 Possible sources for funding o Merger of two municipal public transport companies buses+trams&trolley buses - Saving up to 10 million EUR. o New residents - Those living and/or working in Tallinn, will have another strong motivation to register the place of living, thus increasing personal income tax. Exact size of the gains is still hard to prognose. o From water/sewage investments - In 2013 installments to water company for water and sewage system are decrasing sharply, releasing ca 8 million EUR annually. o Car drivers - Widening the paid parking area, raising tariffs.

4 In campaign Pro arguments + Social aspects: providing mobility to unemployed, low income residents (no direct vocal critisism about that target, retail sector expects more customers) + Green aspects: modal shift from cars to PT, cleaner air, less noise (everybody agrees) + Fiscal aspects: strong motivation to register place of residence, thus of increasing income tax; due to decreasing traffic the need for street repair may decrease

5 And more Pro arguments + Makes the City more visible for tourists as the first capital and the city of that size in EU with free PT. +The idea of European Green Capital was born in Tallinn in 2006, we are looking forward. + Plebiscite informs and involves for decision-making most of the community, thus locking the free PT decision politically - power shift in Council can not change it easily.

6 Contra - Plebiscite unnecessary, too expensive, non- representative -Free PT is lowering the quality of service: less and older buses, longer intervals, increasing vandalism, homeless hords settling in the PT -PT will be more overcrowded Current PT users may shift to cars Current cyclers may shift to PT -Free ride will be provided at the expense of other municipal spendings – kindergarten´s, schools, roads. -Car-users have to pay for free ride in PT!

7 Challenges Need for expanding:  exclusive bus lanes  larger bus stops  light traffic roads  park&ride system  redesigning and better integrating the lines and schedules for all modes of public transport New contactless card provides exact data about usage; inspires and enables technically the neighboring municipalities to expand free ride in the county. To push national government further to develop public transport - If Tallinn can provide PT for free, other residents of the country will expect the same from their municipalities and national government.

8 Plebiscite on free PT 19-25 March, 2012 Since 2002 the 6th local plebiscite on different issues  40 polling stations in municipal offices, supermarkets, also few mobile stations in buses and tram  Participation ca 20%, i.e. 68 059 out of 350 000 eligible residents voted The result: Yes -75,5%, No - 24,5% Vox Populi, Vox Dei ! Tallinn starts free PT 01 January 2013

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