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Study 1 - Looney, Thomas, & McDaniel (MPA - May, 2000) PMCISPre CoursePost Course 1. Types of psychologists3.324.16 2. How to become a2.904.22 psychologist.

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Presentation on theme: "Study 1 - Looney, Thomas, & McDaniel (MPA - May, 2000) PMCISPre CoursePost Course 1. Types of psychologists3.324.16 2. How to become a2.904.22 psychologist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study 1 - Looney, Thomas, & McDaniel (MPA - May, 2000) PMCISPre CoursePost Course 1. Types of psychologists3.324.16 2. How to become a2.904.22 psychologist 3. Getting into grad school2.494.12 4. Career fields for2.594.00 counseling/therapy 5. People helping careers3.004.18 6. Careers in business3.194.12 Composite Score (6 items)17.5024.80 (t = 13.38, p<.001) CDMSESPre CoursePost Course (t = 6.62, p<.001)91.60101.30 Identity AchievementPre CoursePost Course (t = 3.21, p<.01)3.333.72 Note: Based on 67 students who completed Psy 310R in the 1998-99 school year.

2 Study 2 - Ransdell, Thomas, & McDaniel (MAUPRC, 2000) PMCISNo Psy 310RPsy 310R 1. Types of psychologists3.914.46 2. How to become a3.734.42 psychologist 3. Getting into grad school3.464.42 4. Career fields for3.364.33 counseling/therapy 5. People helping careers3.364.50 6. Careers in business3.184.42 Composite Score (6 items)21.0026.30 (t = 2.95, p<.05) CDMSESNo Psy 310RPsy 310R (t = 1.93, p<.10)98.27109.09 Note: Results based on 22 graduating senior psychology majors, 11 of whom had completed Psy 310R.

3 Study 3 - Thomas, McDaniel, & Looney (APS, June, 2000) PMCISPsy 310 OnlyPsy 310R 1. Types of psychologists3.394.16 2. How to become a3.114.22 psychologist 3. Getting into grad school2.834.12 4. Career fields for2.994.00 counseling/therapy 5. People helping careers3.204.18 6. Careers in business2.944.12 Composite Score (6 items)18.5024.80 (t = 13.38, p<.001) CDMSESPsy 310 OnlyPsy 310R (t = 4.04, p<.001)91.90101.30 Identity AchievementPsy 310 OnlyPsy 310R (t = 3.83, p<.01)3.163.72 Note: Based on 80 students who completed Psy 310 in 1997-98 vs. 67 students who completed Psy 310R

4 Development of a “Career Knowledge Quiz” Sample ItemsNo Psy 310R Psy 310R The beginning of your last semester is a good time to2.091.61 start investigating graduate schools you might attend. To enter a MSW program, you must first have a BS degree2.271.46 with a social work major. To enter a masters degree program in business (MBA)2.911.86 you must have a BS with a major in some business area. The field of human resources involves recruiting, training, 3.112.29 and managing the benefits of an organization’s employees. A social worker can be licensed with a masters degree, while3.003.46 a clinical psychologist needs a doctorate. Total Score (based on 15 items)36.6441.18 Note: Data from 28 students who had completedPsy 310R and 18 students who had not taken it.

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