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All Hands on Deck Module 2 The School Nurse’s Role in Behavioral and Mental Health Journey to Mental Health Coordinated School Health School Nurse Student.

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2 All Hands on Deck Module 2 The School Nurse’s Role in Behavioral and Mental Health Journey to Mental Health Coordinated School Health School Nurse Student Success

3 Module 1 Understanding the Scope of the Problem 1.The Scope of the Problem 2.Define behavioral health 3.Define mental health 4.What are some barriers to mental health treatment? 5.How do different culture view mental illness. 1.Introduction 2.Response to Interventions 3.Pyramid Plus 4.PBIS 5.Bully proofing Modules What’s Happening in Schools

4 Introduction ▪ Schools are interested in academic achievement. ▪ Connectedness ▪ Creating a culture of healthy interpersonal relationships in schools

5 Core Mission of Education …to ensure that every child can perform to challenging academic standards NASBE

6 What Matters to Administrators ▪ Safety ▪ Graduation Rates ▪ Test Scores ▪ Seat time ▪ Discipline ▪ Budget ▪ Complying with State and Federal Law

7 Starting Point…. ▪ Educators cannot “make” students learn or behave ▪ Educators can create environments to increase the likelihood students learn and behave ▪ Environments that increase the likelihood are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity

8 Pyramid Model Needing help 5% At Risk 15% Prevention 80%

9 Response To Intervention (RTI) Universal (All Students, School –Wide) 80-90% of all students Targeted At Risk Students 7-10% 3-5 % Intensive High Risk

10 GOAL: Predictable and positive behavior PROGRAM:  Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): school expectations  Pyramid Plus: verbal communication & visual schedule

11 Pyramid Plus aimed at preschoolers  Web pages:    Verbal communication  Visual schedules

12 Nurturing and Responsive Caregiving Relationships High Quality Supportive Environments Targeted Social Emotional Support Intensive Interventions Nurturing and Responsive Caregiving Relationships High Quality Supportive Environments Targeted Social Emotional Support Intensive Interventions Upside Down Pyramid Pyramid Plus The School Nurse needs to value preventative and positive interventions

13 GOAL: Predictable and positive behavior PROGRAM:  Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): school expectations  Pyramid Plus: verbal communication & visual schedule Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) Positive: Focus on what we want them to do Behavioral: Focus on specific behavioral expectations Supports: Focus on expectations and rewarding youth for desired behavior

14 Creede Schools PBIS Program

15 School wide behavior expectations MINERS Motivation Integrity Neighborliness Effort (and Excellence) Responsibility Safety Behavior expectations taught explicitly and modeled


17 GOAL: Identify early or simple problems with common approaches PROGRAM EXAMPLES:  Mental Health First Aid  Bullying Mental Health First Aid Normal or Abnormal Behavior

18 Bullying in Schools : The Impact HB - 1254 “Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says and does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.”

19 GOAL: Address specific behavior or mental health problems PROGRAM EXAMPLES:  Psychological First Aid  Suicide Prevention

20 Review of Module #2 ▪ Math quiz: Programs can be described by using the pyramid model. The pyramid model that was just shown has percentage of students who needs are met using a specific type of intervention. Can you remember the percentages? Prevention _________ At risk _________ Needing help ________ ▪ List quiz: Can you name two programs in some of the schools in Colorado that have a strong preventative and positive approach? ______________________________ and __________________________ ▪ Thought question: The name of this training is “All Hands on Deck”. Now that you know the scope of the problem, the stigma, the cultural influences and examples of programs in the schools, can you explain why that phrase applies to mental health interventions in the schools?

21 Resources: Please check out all the resources on the Mental Health section of the Colorado Department of Education’s web page on “School Nursing and Health ” ss/SNH_Home.htm s/snh_healthissues

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