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Section 6 – Kapok fibres and Holden plc. Lesson objectives To be able to analyse and discuss sustainability and business To be able to demonstrate knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 6 – Kapok fibres and Holden plc. Lesson objectives To be able to analyse and discuss sustainability and business To be able to demonstrate knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 6 – Kapok fibres and Holden plc

2 Lesson objectives To be able to analyse and discuss sustainability and business To be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ethical business behaviour To be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of environmental issues; analyse and discuss the responsibility of, and opportunities for business

3 Starter A quick mime game with a partner One person read section 6 See if you can describe something that is happening in section 6 without using words Swap over and the other person try to describe something different from section 6 by mime.

4 In pairs: Compete the mindmap – look at the information in section 6 and use to fill in the ideas in on your mindmap Section 6 ideas

5 In pairs: Compete the mindmap – look at the information in section 6 and use to fill in the ideas in on your mindmap Section 6 ideas Latex prices may Kapok may not Kapok is Customers look for Kapok is more Kapok is a

6 Section 6 ideas Latex prices may continue to rise Kapok may not be as comfortable as latex Kapok is sustainable which is environmen tally friendly Customers look for quality Kapok is more expensive than latex so prices will rise Kapok is a renewable source as it can be grown

7 What is latex filling? Video - Where latex comes from – rubber trees Video Watch this video to see a cushion being filled by machinevideo Video here showing a pillow insert that is latex but gives a good idea of the material Video

8 What is Kapok ? Kapok is a fibre taken from the seed- pod of the tropical kapok tree, which blooms every 5-10 years. It is productive tree, normally with 4000 fruits growing at any one-time when it does blooms. Harvesting kapok is labour concentrated. Usually, people knock the ripe unopened pods off the tree. However, they can also cut the pods from the tree or harvest it when it falls to the ground. Soon after harvest the fruits are hulled and seed and fibre are removed from the pods by hand, then they are stirred in a basket till the seeds fall and the fibre rises. Kapok fibre's characteristics: – Hypoallergenic – Environmental - friendly: kapok is a natural biodegradable – Light weight: 8 times lighter than cotton by volume. – Video David Attenborough climbs a Kapok tree Video

9 Why is Kapok so environmentally friendly? Kapok grows wild in tropical forests without the need for any pesticides. Kapok trees are vital for the local economies which is why they are not felled and hence help with preserving tropical forests. Kapok is renewable because the tree can bear fruit more than once Kapok is sustainable because it uses renewable resources so can be used again and again So should Holden use Kapok or Latex? Why?

10 You have 10 minutes to write your response.

11 Conclusion? Both are renewable resources and both are sustainable Both have good qualities so customers looking for a quality product will be happy The price of Latex is rising and may continue to rise so it is sensible for Martin and Agnes Holden to look for alternative filling raw materials so that their production is not affected

12 Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers. It’s about supporting the development of thriving farming and worker communities that have more control over their futures and protecting the environment in which they live and work. Video: on the trail Of Fairtrade Cotton (Kapok)

13 When you buy products with the FAIRTRADE Mark, you support farmers and workers as they work to improve their lives and their communities. The Mark means that the Fairtrade ingredients in the product have been produced by small-scale farmer organisations or plantations that meet Fairtrade social, economic and environmental standards. The standards include protection of workers’ rights and the environment, payment of the Fairtrade Minimum Price and an additional Fairtrade Premium to invest in business or community projects. Fairtrade works to benefit small-scale farmers and workers, who are amongst the most marginalised groups globally, through trade rather than aid to enable them to maintain their livelihoods and reach their potential. Could Holden plc gain competitive advantage by being a Fairtrade supporter?

14 Fairtrade Activity YES! Buy Kapok from Fairtrade producers NO! Don’t buy Kapok from Fairtrade producers

15 Fairtrade Debate YES! Buy Kapok from Fairtrade producers Fair price paid to the growers of the Kapok enabling them to pay for food, shelter and education Pays for farmer education and training programs Helps those in developing countries work themselves out of poverty Holden plc will be able to display the Fairtrade mark which may give them competitive advantage NO! Don’t buy Kapok from Fairtrade producers Producers in developing countries like Sierra Leone become over dependent on Fairtrade sales Producers should be encouraged instead to increase their earnings by selling at the right price at the right time Fairtrade does not pay the workers much more than normal any way Focus should be on technology Why should Holden plc pay more for the same raw materials they should get the Kapok at the cheapest price possible to keep their costs down increase their profits and please their shareholders (as they are a plc).

16 Quiz on section 6 1.What raw material does Holden plc current use in their cushion pads? 2.Who has been researching Kapok as an alternative? 3.What country are Holden plc’s Kapok supplies likely to come from? 4.Why are they looking at alternatives? 5.Is Kapok cheaper?

17 Answers to section 6 quiz 1.Latex 2.Martin and Agnes 3.Sierra Leone 4.World latex price has risen 5.No

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