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‘Easy to treat’? Graham R Foster Professor of Hepatology Queen Marys University of London.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Easy to treat’? Graham R Foster Professor of Hepatology Queen Marys University of London."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Easy to treat’? Graham R Foster Professor of Hepatology Queen Marys University of London

2 Easy to treat? 54 year old man Genotype 3 HCV – Viral load 420,000 IU/ml ALT – 54, AST 79 Hb 11.2, WBC 3.8, Platelets – 90 US – Features of cirrhosis, no ascites

3 Easy to treat? What should we do before therapy?

4 Easy to treat? Starts Pegasys 180 ug plus ribavirin 800mg Is this the best dose of ribavirin?

5 Easy to treat? Four weeks after starting therapy HCV – RNA – undetectable Platelets 45

6 Easy to treat ? What should we do next?

7 Genotype 3 Audit of 639 patients treated with Peg+Riba Shoeb et al E J Gastro Hep 2011

8 Genotype 3 Audit of 639 patients treated with Peg+Riba Shoeb et al E J Gastro Hep 2011

9 Genotype 3 Audit of 639 patients treated with Peg+Riba Shoeb et al E J Gastro Hep 2011

10 Genotype 3 and cirrhosis Relapse is the commonest mode of treatment failure

11 Genotype 3 and cirrhosis Should we extend therapy? Should we increase the ribavirin dose? Should we consider telaprevir?

12 03691215 Genotype 3 and Telaprevir Mean (SE) change in log10 HCV RNA 0 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 Time (days) –0.5 T mono (n=8) –4.5 PR (n=9) –4.7 T/PR (n=9)

13 ‘Easy to treat’ ? Patients with genotype 3 and cirrhosis are NOT easy to treat Early cessation is unwise The ideal regime is not yet clear

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