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GUST 1270 Chapter 7: Learn Turn in Homework Instructor Signature Set up Facebook, Twitter, Blackboard accounts Complete Twitter discussions with blog group(each.

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Presentation on theme: "GUST 1270 Chapter 7: Learn Turn in Homework Instructor Signature Set up Facebook, Twitter, Blackboard accounts Complete Twitter discussions with blog group(each."— Presentation transcript:

1 GUST 1270 Chapter 7: Learn Turn in Homework Instructor Signature Set up Facebook, Twitter, Blackboard accounts Complete Twitter discussions with blog group(each chapter)—Due by 11:59 on Sunday of each week Warm-up: Complete MI inventory/Personality Test online(Take online)—See handout for websites Group Preparation for Presentations(Be creative)/Brief(5 minutes per group)—Group questions combined. Email group combined quiz questions to instructor for copies for Wednesday Strategies for note-taking(Would like to see notes)—Review student notes Homework: Develop question for chapters 1,7,10 Quiz Monday(Chapters)—Yes we will stay after quiz for next chapter See teacher chapter post by Monday of each week for chapters from the previous week’s the following week

2 Chapter 7: Learn Learning: Cognitive mental action- Learn to use old Acquire new info Formal learning: schooling Informal learning: street knowledge

3 How and when do We learn? Unconsciously-How? Consciously-How? All experiences?How?

4 Learning is? What you do for yourself

5 What do the experts Say?- Discuss with your neighbor Socratic -Greek Philosopher – We learn by asking questions – Socratic Method

6 What do the experts Say?- Discuss with your team Chinese Philosopher: Lao-Tse’s quote – “If you tell me, I will listen. If you show me, I will see. But if you let me experience, I will learn”

7 Tse con’t One of the first to discuss active learning— student engagement Confucius? What did he do? –Discuss with a partner

8 John Lock-Discuss-Give one Get one “Blank Slate”—Reading article (Tentatively) Humans are born with empty minds through our senses and experience with the world Pyramid: – We learn basic info and then build on what we know and experience to make sense of the world

9 Philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau- Discuss with the person behind or in front of you. Learn by doing: Your database activity, taking your own notes etc.. One of the first to introduce learning styles

10 Jean Piaget: What do you know? Holistic learning We learn best by experiencing many things (stimuli)—Think about SAT testing, Etc… Discuss this idea with another partner— Example? Experience is Key to learning(Exposure)

11 From Piaget’s theory came Benjamin Bloom- Introduced his levels of learning – Knowledge/Remember – Comprehension/Explain – Application/Show – Analysis/Compare – Synthesis/Justify with evidence – Evaluation/Create

12 Your Brain Your brain is able to handle lots of information but must be trained The brain is for learning that’s what makes it work well The learning is to the brain what exercise is to you body Brain releases cypin(chemical throughout the body— help build new brain “muscles”(figuratively speaking) The brain grows and builds new receptors to store more info(neuroplasticity)

13 The Learning Process Steps? –Discuss with your team You must know how you learn best to determine the steps to make learning happen Learning is a process—don’t expect miracles overnight Constant: the more you practice the better you get

14 The Learning Process-6 steps? Motivation Understand Internalize the material—What does this mean to me Apply the material-how can it be used?how can I real to it Use the material: Grow and change

15 What are your strengths Learning Style: how do I learn best? Multiple Intelligences: Areas of my strength— what am I good at Personality Type: what kind of person am I?

16 Multiple Intelligence Created by Howard Gardner-Harvard Professor Originally seven intelligences then eighth intelligence added later Believed there are areas where we are more developed than others

17 Visual/Spatial Can visualize things, space, images

18 Verbal/Linguistic Communicates well

19 Musical/Rhythm Responds well to music

20 Logical/Mathematical Numbers person/reasons well

21 Body/Kinesthetic Must move around-Doer

22 Interpersonal People person

23 Intrapersonal Self/Reflective/Loner

24 Learning Styles Theory How I learn? Why is it important? What is the difference between learning style and learning strategy?-Discuss (across from you) Learning style is: how you process information best: innate involves five senses Learning strategy: How you choose to learn information

25 Learning Styles Visual: Need to See information Auditory: Must hear information Kinestetic: Must touch things: Must do it

26 Primary Learning Style and Dominant Intelligence What is the difference? Primary Learning Style: – The way you learn best – May or may not be the same as your dominant intelligence Dominant Intelligence: – Your innate ability -Comes easy to you – If not innate-you will need to learn it another way

27 Personality Type Carl Jung- Psychologist created – Human behavior is not random – Based on how we use our brain – Myers and Brigg’s Indicator created by Isabel Briggs-Meyers and her mother (tests personality types) – Personality determines what makes us TICK!

28 Understanding Personality Type ENFJ ISTP ENTJ Be sure to know def. for each term 16 personality types(TBA) Why does it matter?-Discuss

29 Additional Homework: Take inventories on Facebook/Blackboard

30 Check Pt Quiz-Chapter 7

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