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 All forms of life reproduce  Reproduction is the process a living organism produces others of their own kind  A human is made by the joining of two.

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Presentation on theme: " All forms of life reproduce  Reproduction is the process a living organism produces others of their own kind  A human is made by the joining of two."— Presentation transcript:


2  All forms of life reproduce  Reproduction is the process a living organism produces others of their own kind  A human is made by the joining of two cells that come from the male and female reproductive systems  Reproductive system consists of the body organs and structures that make it possible to produce children

3  Main job is to produce sperm  Sperm are male reproductive cells  Each sperm can join with a female reproductive cell the make another human  Testes are the pair of glands that produce sperm  Testes are located in the scrotum  Scrotum is the pouch that contains the testes  The scrotum keeps the testes at the right temperature to produce sperm

4  Semen is a mixture of sperm and fluids that protect sperm and carry them through the tubes of the male reproductive system  Semen is released from the urethra through the penis.  Ejaculation is the body’s release of semen.  There are 3 to 4 million sperm cells in each ejaculation

5  Most problems can be prevented or treated.  Testicular Cancer- uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells  Usually a lump or swelling  Most common between ages 14-34  Prostate Cancer-  More common in older men  Treated through surgery, radiation treatment, or chemotherapy  Sterility- males who produce no sperm  Can be caused by untreated STD’s or exposure to pesticides, lead, or dangerous amounts of radiation.

6  Shower or bathe regularly  Wear protective gear when playing a sport  Visit a doctor for a physical every year  Do a self examination after a warm shower.

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