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PORT OF TACOMA. Request authorization to expand the scope and increase the authorized amount of Contract No. 067288, for work associated with the WUT.

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2 Request authorization to expand the scope and increase the authorized amount of Contract No. 067288, for work associated with the WUT Berth Extension Design, Project No. E8023. Architectural/Engineering Increase WUT Berth Extension Design

3 PORT OF TACOMA 8/27/07-Port notified by Hyundai Merchant Marine of commitment to bring three additional cranes. In 10/07-Issued RFQ for consultant to assist in preliminary and final design. In 01/08-Issued contract to Berger ABAM for conceptual design; anticipated Commission authorization for Final Design. 3/5/08-Received request to proceed with 600- foot berth extension. 8/27/07-Port notified by Hyundai Merchant Marine of commitment to bring three additional cranes. In 10/07-Issued RFQ for consultant to assist in preliminary and final design. In 01/08-Issued contract to Berger ABAM for conceptual design; anticipated Commission authorization for Final Design. 3/5/08-Received request to proceed with 600- foot berth extension. Background WUT Berth Extension Design

4 PORT OF TACOMA N WUT Berth Extension Design Blair Waterway Blair Terminal Port of Tacoma Road Washington United Terminal

5 PORT OF TACOMA The additional scope of work includes: Prepare a basis of design document (BOD). Assess the impacts of placing new cranes on the existing wharf. Prepare construction documents for: 600 ft Pier Extension. Wind tiedowns on the existing wharf. Power to new cranes. Waterway dredging. Mooring and breasting dolphins. Scope of Work WUT Berth Extension Design

6 PORT OF TACOMA Scope of Work (Cont.) WUT Berth Extension Design Complete topographic survey work. Complete geotechnical borings, testing, and develop recommendations for pile installation and slope stability. Develop storm drainage concept and details for the wharf extension. Develop a project schedule (design and construction). Provide project management/administration functions in coordination with the Port of Tacoma.

7 PORT OF TACOMA Demolish 600’ of Blair Terminal Install breasting and mooring dolphins Install tiedowns Construct 600’ of new wharf Dredge slope and berth

8 PORT OF TACOMA ItemCost Original Authorized Amount $89,500.00 This Change Amount$1,367,000.00 Revised Authorized Amount$1,456,000.00 Contract Cost WUT Berth Extension Design The 2008 Budget of the Capital Improvement Program allocates $2,475,000 for the design of this project and $37,500,000 for construction of this project.

9 PORT OF TACOMA Request authorization to expand the scope and increase the authorized amount of Contract No. 067288 with Berger ABAM Engineers, Inc., by $1,367,000 to a not-to-exceed amount of $1,456,500 for the work associated with WUT Berth Extension Design, Project No. E8023. Conclusion WUT Berth Extension Design

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