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Meeting the characters on Animal Farm L/O: developing an understanding of some of the characters in the novel.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the characters on Animal Farm L/O: developing an understanding of some of the characters in the novel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the characters on Animal Farm L/O: developing an understanding of some of the characters in the novel

2 WALT and WILF What Are we Learning Today Working in groups to develop an understanding of character and events in the novel Sharing interpretations What I’m Looking For Grade C: understanding of the novel’s meaning Grade B: developed interpretation of the novel’s meaning Grade A: sustained and sophisticated interpretation of the novel’s meaning

3 Starter Using your dictionaries, find the meaning of the following words – they’re all connected to some of the main characters Napoleon tyrant aloof Squealer articulate propagandist Snowball Innovative strategist Major Marxist revolutionary Boxer Proletariat vulnerable Benjamin Cynical judicious In your groups, match these words to the following images in your books

4 Glue these images in your book

5 Animal 1 Has the name of a revolutionary who ended up gaining power and tyrannising the French people. Is the most dominant of the farm animals, devious and determined. This animal is relatively silent but still gets his own way.

6 Animal 2 This animal’s ‘shrill voice’, ‘twinkling eyes’ and mannerisms emphasise the persuasiveness of its character. Is able to confuse the other animals by altering the Commandments that they live by and convincing them they imagined the original version.

7 Animal 3 An intellectual animal and very inventive. Promotes revolution, organises the other animals into committees and teaches them several skills – including reading and writing.

8 Animal 4 A kindly animal and a natural leader. Represents the struggle for freedom and a society of equals. Suggests a utopian society in which cruelty and suffering are a thing of the past.

9 Animal 5 Is a loyal follower and makes sacrifices for the revolution. A selfless and dedicated animal, who is determined to work for the farm and the freedom of the farm animals

10 Animal 6 Questions whether the animals will be better off as a result of the revolution. Loyal to the other animals and appears to be aware of the true nature of the revolution throughout the novel but refuses to interfere.

11 Who’s responsible One of these animals is responsible for: 1. Walking on two legs 2. Turning against the other animals 3. Wearing clothes 4. Sleeping in a bed 5. Drinking alcohol 6. Murder 7. Treating the other animals as unequal Who is it? Give your reasons

12 Plenary Now that you’ve met some of the characters, you should have a rough idea of what happens in ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell. In your groups, look at the front covers of the different publications and write down your own events of what you think happens in the story. You will need to feed back your ideas to the class!

13 The front covers…

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