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 Imagine Imagine  Take out a sheet of loose leaf!  Flow writing for 5 minutes……put your pen to the paper.

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Presentation on theme: " Imagine Imagine  Take out a sheet of loose leaf!  Flow writing for 5 minutes……put your pen to the paper."— Presentation transcript:


2  Imagine Imagine  Take out a sheet of loose leaf!  Flow writing for 5 minutes……put your pen to the paper

3  Utopia: is a name for an ideal community or society possessing a perfect socio-politico-legal system.

4  The term "Utopia" to describe a perfect world was first coined by Sir Thomas More, in 1518. More wrote a novel depicting a fantastic new society, free from problems. More set this seemingly perfect society on an island, and gave it the name "Utopia.”

5  Since then, "Utopia" has become a kind of shorthand for a perfect place., utopia literally means "no place"? The Greek ou means "no" and topos means "place."

6  Communism  Amish Communities  Hutterites  Humans have created our images of ideal societies to correct the problems of the world.  Mennonites, Amish and Hutterites began creating utopian societies in 1528.  Early Christian communities were attempts to realize Heaven on Earth.

7  The Old Order Amish believes that God’s work must be done in every day life  They are slow changing in material and cultural values  There are strong men-women distinctions in social and economic roles- women do housework and care for children while men do barn and field work and are the leaders.  Dress is simple, and men shave until married.

8  A utopia is successful if the goals are accomplished.  It appears that the Amish people’s goal, to seek a simple life, is indeed, accomplished.

9  In your “Say something” groups brainstorm imperfections in our world.  Write your ideas on the pieces of paper provided  Be prepared to share these ideas with the class.  10 minutes


11  Looking at the imperfections, think about one that you could remove from the world.  Discuss.

12  Animal Farm Animal Farm  The animals want to remove the farmer from their world to make it a better place.

13  “We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck.”  M.T. Anderson has created a not-so-brave new world. Titus and Violet’s life is controlled by a transmitter implanted directly into their brain. They decide to fight the feed because they care about what’s happening to their world.  Feed Feed  feed "book" trailer feed "book" trailer

14  Interview with Lois Lowry Interview with Lois Lowry

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