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Tracey Montgomery – Service Manager Tine Juhlert – Programme Manager 18/06/2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracey Montgomery – Service Manager Tine Juhlert – Programme Manager 18/06/2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracey Montgomery – Service Manager Tine Juhlert – Programme Manager 18/06/2015 1

2 Housing Support enables people to live as independently as possible to become socially included in their community provides practical housing support 18/06/2015 2

3 Housing Services Partnership Housing Offer to Health Better Care Fund (BCF) Disabled Facilities Grant (DFGs) moving to BCF as of 15/16 District LAs responsible for DFGs County Council responsible for minor adaptations Level of grant < demand = top up Recent improvement doesn’t mask a disjointed system Learning from history Background 18/06/2015 3

4 Loneliness & Stress Isolation Depression Housing: The Risks Emma Dangerous Stairs Cold Temperature Trip Hazards Access to burglars Hoarding Damp & Mould Colds lived alone in her own home. struggling to heat her home, get out and about and didn’t always have food she wanted. The carpets were worn and she had a lot of furniture packed into tight spaces. These things were precious to her and because she didn’t get out much. Her belongings were becoming increasingly important and so her home was becoming progressively less habitable and safe for her to live in. Falls Pneumonia & heart attacks = Costs to Health, Social Care Ambulance Call Out A&E UHL Admittance GP Appt Stress GP Appt Isolation Residential Care Housing Risks 18/06/2015 4

5 As is: The Offer Emma Dangerous Stairs Cold Temperature Trip Hazards Access to burglars Hoarding Damp & Mould became ill and had a fall. She was able to access step-up care in Loughborough hospital. She stayed their 46 days, got home for two days then became ill again and ended up in UHL this time, after she had been in UHL for five days Emma was transferred to a nursing home where she remains now. Perception Cost. Process, Stigma Process Thresholds, Financial & OT Assessment (County), Hand offs Minor Adaptations (County) Affordable Warmth (Districts) Aids & Equipment (County ) Major Adaptations (Districts) Handyperson Service (Private) Assistive Technology (County) Barriers Solutions Problems 18/06/2015 5

6 The Lightbulb Offer Emma Dangerous Stairs Cold Temperature Trip Hazards Access to burglars Hoarding Damp & Mould would have access to GPs First Contact Discharge Local Area Co- odrination Marketing Word of Mouth Minor Adaptations Affordable Warmth Aids & Equipment Major Adaptations Handyperson Service Assistive Technology 1 Single number to access the Lightbulb offers 1 Assessment and Case management offer 2 Access to delivery of wider range of solutions 3 Access & Referral DeliveryProblems Single Assessment 18/06/2015info@lightbulbservice.org6

7 Minor/Major Adaptations, i.e., Hand Rails/downstairs bathroom Affordable Warmth, secured by via better tarrifs Aids & Equipment, prevent accident Security Check Handyperson Service manages space Assistive Technology More inclined to socialise Housing: The savings Lightbulb Warme r A third of 75+ hospital admissions are considered avoidable and every care placement avoided or delayed represents a significant opportunity for saving. Together these admissions and placements cost Leicestershire’s health and social care budgets £77m. could deliver additional savings of around £13m over the next ten years to these health and care budgets. Housing Support as a whole already delivers a far greater value in its preventative offer. = Savings to Health, Social Care Less Ambulance Call Outs Less A&E Appts Less UHL Admissions Sense of Security Less GP Appts Less isolated Housing Solutions Less Falls Less Residential Care £10.6 m £2.25m £0.3m£6.5m Unknown 18/06/2015 7

8 As Is Emma 1 Lightbulb Emma lives alone struggling to heat and eat and her home was becoming progressively less habitable and safe for her to live in. £0 Emma is referred to Lightbulb by a Local Area Co- ordinator or GP for home heating suggestions and housing adaptation shower conversion / carpets £11,500 Emma became ill and had a fall and accesses step-up care in Loughborough hospital. She stayed their 46 days £4500 Emma uses a lunch club once a week to reduce her isolation and also uses a handyperson once a month £500 Emma got home for two days, became ill again and ended up in UHL this time, after she had been in UHL for five days £1500 Emma also utilises the Assistive Technology on offer via Lightbulb as well Occupational Therapy for an hour per month. Daily meals at home are provided through community support. £4635 Emma is transferred to a nursing home where she remains now. £29640 Total £35640 £16635 Total 18/06/2015 8

9 Detailed Customer Insight and End to End Business Analysis Process to map impact of Light Bulb on Health budgets established Metrics established which prove the value of Light Bulb to the wider health economy Run and evaluate Pilot of Light Bulb service – start in Blaby, then Hinckley then ………. Negotiate ongoing resources 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Change ManagementService Design Programme Manager, Service Manager and support staff in place Consultation with staff Legal advice for financial integration Governance arrangements established Decision Pending: LA resources are committed Establish a single point of contact across 8 LAs for Lightbulb offers Integrate assessment offer across 8 LAs according to assessment and case management offer developed in Phase 1. Resources(incl. staff) transferred Change Manager switches from focus on integration to expansion Decision Pending: ongoing Health resources are committed Decision Made: To support the DCLG bid from all 8 LAs Existing tenders up for renewal and redesigned and recommissioned by Light Bulb accordingly Other related, though not dependent contracts, are considered to be included as part of the Light Bulb umbrella Value of alternative business models considered Expansion into other localities considered 2018-19 Decision Pending: Remit, model and/or geography expanded. 18/06/2015 9

10 Managing Change, Service Redesign DCLG - £1m Transformation Challenge Award Fund County Council - £240,000 pa to the Light Bulb Project from October 2015 Better Care Fund £100k (non-recurrent) has been allocated from the Better Care Fund Programme Management Office Tine Juhlert - Programme Manager Tracey Montgomery - Service Manager Lisa Carter – Performance Manager Partner support (funding and in kind) Secured Resources aims to integrate £8m worth of housing services across 8 local authorities. Lightbulb 18/06/2015 10

11 Focus on people and place not organisations and egos Keep things simple – remove the blockages, duplication and delay points The art of the possible – joining up housing support solutions into a single ‘offer’ Involve localities in shaping, challenging and championing Make it real – Emma Fundamental to Lightbulb 18/06/2015 11

12 Affordable warmth Handyperson Assistive technology Adaptations Community equipment Occupational therapy services Customer insight work to help scope the Lightbulb offer Potential scope Lightbulb 18/06/2015 12

13 Based in one district initially Focus on: Integrating and consolidating adaptations processes Developing a wider offer Establishing a robust performance framework Plans for a further pilot in the Autumn to explore: links with GP services Targeting housing support services Pilot Lightbulb 18/06/2015 13

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