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Soaring to New Heights.  Provide information about Jefferson Charter Academy educational program  Enrollment Process  Questions and Answers.

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Presentation on theme: "Soaring to New Heights.  Provide information about Jefferson Charter Academy educational program  Enrollment Process  Questions and Answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soaring to New Heights

2  Provide information about Jefferson Charter Academy educational program  Enrollment Process  Questions and Answers

3  K-8 Dual Language Immersion Program with an integration of Science ◦ Students will be bilingual and bi-literate in English and Spanish. ◦ Program develops solid foundational skills in Science. ◦ Students will be prepared to enter foreign language and STEM courses in high school.

4  Acquisition of a Second Language (English/ Spanish)  Science ◦ Life, Physical, Earth & Space, Human Impact, Engineering (NGSS).  Math (CCSS)  Language Arts & Social Science (CCSS)  Technology (NETS)

5 Will be offered to enrich and support second language acquisition and core academic programs. Offer a variety of after school activities which include, but not limited to: robotics, sign language, music instruction (mariachi), technology (vector art, minecraft, broadcasting), visual & performing arts (folklorico), Jr. Legos, Roller Coaster Building, etc. Competitive athletics will not be offered nor will students be able to participate at other district schools.

6 Students will:  Acquire the skills and ability to use technology to enhance their learning of content standards.  Engage in inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection.  Be exposed to National Educational Technology Standards (NETS).

7  Interdisciplinary Teaching  Inquiry Based Learning  Direct Instruction  Cooperative Learning  Team Teaching

8  At Jefferson Charter Academy teachers plan units of study, as a team, focused around Science with an overarching question or problem that meets the following criteria: ◦ The question needs to be valid. ◦ Students can relate to the question. ◦ There can be multiple paths to a solution. ◦ The question can be applied to the various disciplines / classes to truly integrate the unit across the grade level curriculum. Second Language Acquisition Math Language Arts/Social Science Enrichment/ Clubs Science Enrichment/ Clubs

9 K through 4th grade  Students receive basic exposure to science concepts. Science themes are embedded into the curriculum daily. Second language acquisition is delivered through a dual immersion model, whereby instruction is delivered in Kindergarten and first grade in a 90-10 split; Second is delivered at 80-20; Third grade is delivered at 70-30 and fourth grade at 60-40 split. 5 th grade  Students receive instruction in a self contained classroom with hands-on lessons, rich exposure to technology, with an interdisciplinary/ thematic approach woven into the entire curriculum. Classrooms integrate science themes with more specific scientific content introduced. Technology is used in learning environment for inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection. Second language acquisition is delivered through a 50-50 split. 6 th through 8 th grade  Students receive a rigorous science program that develops solid foundational skills. A block schedule with longer periods of instruction (80 minutes) is used to focus on inquiry based learning, cooperative learning, and direct instruction that emphasizes an interdisciplinary team teaching approach. Technology is used in learning environment for inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection. In 6 th grade students receive instruction in a second language 50% of the day. In 7 th and 8 th grade language arts and social science are integrated and delivered in a second language for 80 minutes (25%) in a logical and meaningful manner. Scaffolding is provided to give all students access to core curriculum.

10 Spanish English Kindergarten90% 10% First Grade90% 10% Second Grade80% 20% Third Grade70% 30% Fourth Grade60% 40% Fifth & Sixth Grade50% 50% Seventh & Eighth Grade 25% 75% 

11 K-5 6-8 Instruction8:00-9:40Period 18:00-9:22 (82 min.) Brunch/Recess9:40-10:00Period 29:25- 10:00 (35min.) Instruction10:00-11:40Brunch/ Recess10:00-10:20 Lunch11:40-12:40Period 210:20-11:07 (47min.) Instruction12:40-2:47Period 311:10-12:00 (50min.) Dismissal (K) 2:07Lunch12:00-1:00 Dismissal (1 st – 3 rd ) 2:27Period 31:00-1:32 (32min.) Dismissal (4 th -5 th )2:47Period 4/ Dismissal1:35-2:56 (81min.) K-5 6-8 Instruction8:00-9:40Period 18:00-9:00 (60 min.) Brunch/Recess9:40-10:00Period 29:03- 10:00 (57min.) Instruction10:00-12:20Brunch/ Recess10:00-10:20 Dismissal (K) 12:00Period 310:20-11:16 (56 min.) Dismissal (1 st – 3 rd ) 12:10Period 4/ Dismissal11:19-12:15 (56 min.) Dismissal (4 th -5 th ) 12:20 Regular Day Schedule (k-5) (6-8) Minimum Day Schedule (K-5) (6-8)

12 * Goal is to have 2 classes per grade level. YearGradesNumber of classrooms Total Enrollment 2014K-713340 2015K-815398 2016K-816433 2017K-817462 2018K-818492 *

13  Attend Informational Meeting (not mandatory)  Visit classrooms at Jefferson (not mandatory) March 20 th, April 10 th & 17 th from 10:00-11:00.  Submit enrollment application beginning March 2 nd to April 17 th (Jefferson Office) Preferences to siblings, employees, and EL students. Pick up application at Jefferson School or Website  Lottery/ Public Drawing (Anticipated date: Friday, May 1 st ) Waiting list will be established based on drawing results.  Sign charter contract and fill out HESD enrollment application.  Students are not eligible for program admission if they have been expelled or are facing a pending expulsion or have severe discipline/ behavior concerns at their current school. Students must be in good academic standing.

14  Curriculum & Program ◦ Rigorous Dual Language Immersion program with a Science themed curriculum.  After school enrichment programs  Small school environment Transportation provided for HESD students  Enrolling students in all grade levels (if space is available)

15  FAQ: ◦ Dependent Charter School ◦ TK ◦ State Testing ◦ READY ◦ Transportation ◦ CDS ◦ Testing students for admissions ◦ Accepting applications for grade levels/ openings ◦ Waiting List ◦ Dismissal from program Additional Questions

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