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What Acute Malnutrition Means for A Child

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1 POSHAN Community based Management of Children with Acute Malnutrition in Rajasthan

2 What Acute Malnutrition Means for A Child

3 Diagnostic Criteria for SAM in Children aged 6 – 59 months
Indicator Measure Cut-off Severe Wasting Weight-for-Height <-3 SD MUAC < 115mm Bilateral oedema Clinical Sign

4 Present Scenario Prevalence of children with SAM (NFHS-3, 2005-06).
India 6.4% Rajasthan 7.3% Children with SAM in Rajasthan (6.5 lacs) Children with SAM with complications (15%) 1.0 lacs Children with SAM without complications (85%) 5.5 lacs

5 Why CMAM in Rajasthan ?? Global Evidence Suggests : SAM can be identified in the community before the onset of medical complications Of the total SAM population 10-15% need Hospitalization Uncomplicated forms of SAM ( up to 90%) can be treated at home with Medical Nutrition Therapy Community/home-based management of SAM with MNT has a major public health impact Facility based management of SAM (hospitalization) has limited capacity (only for complicated SAM ) In Rajasthan there are 40 MTC’s(10 beds) MTC’s (6 Beds) = 1042 SAM can be treated at a time. Therefore around 25,000 SAM can be treated in a Year. By implementing CMAM in Rajasthan the coverage will increase from few thousands half million

6 Key Milestones in CMAM Planning
Intra-State and Inter-State Exposure Visits CMAM Advocacy Meet Meeting on 11 September 2014 under the chairmanship of MD NHM to discuss CMAM Government concern to tackle load of SAM Intrastate exposure visit - ARTH- Udaipur on 4-6th November 2014 First Field Visit to Study the model Interstate Visit- Maharashtra – Sion Hospital, SNEHA, Nutrition Mission Second Field Visit to Study the model Sept 2014 Nov 2014 Jan 2015

7 Conception of “Poshan”
Based on the scenario Hon’ble CM of Rajasthan in her budget speech ( ) announced that 10,000 children with SAM of 10 HPDs and 3 Tribal districts will be treated at community level

8 Tripartite MoU Signing Ceremony between NHM, UNICEF and GAIN

9 Key Milestones in CMAM Planning
MoU Signed MoU Signed MoU Signed To implement CMAM in 5 Districts of Rajasthan MOU signed between NHM and ACF to implement CMAM in 5 Districts of Rajasthan Capacity Building in production of EDNS Technology Transfer MoU signed between DBT and NHM Procurement of Poshan Amrit MoU signed between NHM and RDPL for the efficient supply of EDNS 25 May 2015 September 2015 September 2015

10 Selection of Implementation Districts
Identified 10 High Priority Districts and 3 Tribal Districts for CMAM as these are high focus areas 41 Blocks selected from these 13 Districts Cluster of villages from these blocks to implement CMAM Rajasthan

11 Capacity Building Total 5889 No Training Officials Number of Batch
Number of Participants 1 State Level Orientation RCHO,DPM,UHPC,DD ICDS, DAC, BCMO, MTC Incharges One 122 2 State Level TOT RCHO,DPM,UHPC,DAC, Trainer, State Resource Person Three 91 3 District Level Training MOIC, CDPO, BHS, MTC Incharges Two 487 4 Block Level Training ANM, ASHA and Lady Supervisor 4500 5 Video Conference RCHO,DPM,UHPC,DAC, BCMO 93 6 ANM Samwad BCMO, ANM 596 Total 5889

12 POSHAN Strategy 1 Month(12 Sep to 11 Oct 15)
20 Days (12 Oct to 31 Oct 15) 7 days ( 11 Dec Dec 15) 2 Months (22 Dec 15 – 15 Feb 16) 4 Months ( 16 Feb 16 to 15 June 16

13 2. Screening Screening Process at Community Level by ASHA using MUAC (< 11.5cm) or bipedal oedema .

14 3. Identification: Identified SAM will be further assessed by ANM at Sub- Center Level Incentive to ASHA (on identification) Rs 100/ child given by ANM at Sub Center

15 4. Enroll in POSHAN Program- POSHAN PRAHARI
Counseling to Caretaker, Family Members of SAM child by using BCC tools. MNT Kit given to the family for a week and same trend followed till 8 weeks Follow up home visits by Poshan Prahari to access the improvement in Child health

16 What is MNT Kit ? MNT KIT Medical Nutrition Therapy
Poshan Amrit [Energy Dense Nutritional Supplement (EDNS)] Antibiotics and Deworming tablets Counseling Kit Pictorial guide for care of children with SAM – calendar, Journey Book, a jar with sealing clip

17 5. Two Phases of Program Phase 1- Community based treatment
From enrollment to 2 months, Daily home visit by POSHAN Prahari to Children with SAM Review of appetite, general health and hygiene practices Incentives: Rs 250/ child after completing first month, Rs 500/ child after completing second month Phase 2- Post Treatment Follow up After treatment from 2 months to 6 months. Once/week visit in 3rd Month Fortnightly Visit in 4th & 5th Month One Visit by the end of 6 months Review height and weight of Child Performance Based Incentive : After the end of 6 Months Rs 500 /child

18 For celebration of POSHAN DAY – Rs 300-600/Sub Center
6. POSHAN DAY – SUB CENTER Every Sunday Celebration of POSHAN DAY to do the anthropometric and clinical assessment of children with SAM For celebration of POSHAN DAY – Rs /Sub Center Transportation allowance Rs 100 given to parents /caretaker for bringing child to Poshan Center

19 Committees for monitoring the process of POSHAN
Technical Advisory Committee Technical Sub Committee Product Approval Committee State Review Committee

20 Status till today…….. Sl. No. District No. of Blocks No. of SCs No. of Villages No. of Children identified No. of Pohan Prahari Children Referred to MTC Children referred to AWC Screened as SAM in Screening (MUAC <11.5 cm) As SAM in Anthro. Examination (By MUAC & Z-Score both) 1 Banswara 4 65 223 27959 1478 1228 295 115 1080 2 Baran 24 57 8064 537 118 58 1093 3 Barmer 86 158 38588 1673 1344 348 14 1391 Bundi 25 61 7199 648 489 125 11 88 5 Dholpur 30 9568 501 256 90 36 724 6 Dungarpur 50 150 22325 899 611 172 3148 7 Jaisalmer 45 7340 193 41 8 Jalore 48 72 18210 762 179 1179 9 Karauli 35 130 16497 826 745 20 114 10 Rajsamand 81 8780 602 543 122 42 131 Pratapgarh 26 98 10602 379 337 111 471 12 Sirohi 56 116 24815 645 580 184 22 733 13 Udaipur 60 341 34457 1879 1667 371 149 2207  Total 555 1620 234404 11052 9178 * 2328 606 * 12654 * * - Figures yet not Finalised as there are 1874 children who have again been exposed to Anthropometric examination at the time of Enrolment who can be identified as SAM / MAM or may be referred to MTC.

21 Steps…. Treatment Phase Follow up Phase
Screening by MUAC Tape Anthropometric Test at Sub centres MUAC Test Counselling of parents Appetite test and Enrolment Treatment Phase 22 Dec. 15 to 15 Feb. 16 Follow up Phase 16 Feb. 16 to 15 June 16

22 PC- Poshan Centre PP- Poshan Prahari
Formats in POSHAN MIS Phases Screening at community Enrolment at PCs Treatment Phase at Poshan Diwas Follow-up Phase at Poshan Diwas Forms Form 1 Form 3 Form 7 To be filled by ASHA ANM ANM/PP PC – Poshan Centres, PP – Poshan Prahari PC- Poshan Centre PP- Poshan Prahari

23 Data flow – where, when & by whom?
At Sub-Centre On weekly basis By logistic assistant Data collection At Block/PHC On Weekly basis By data entry operator Data entry Data analysis At District/ At State By DPM (NHM), State officials

24 New Concept…. Partnership of State govt with UNICEF, GAIN and ACF
Weekly monitoring and MIS analysis Poshan Prahari- to watch daily progress Adverse Reaction Protocol defined Roles and Responsibilities were defined from State level officials to Parents. Consent form from Parents / Guardian; Poshan Prahari; ANM

25 Poshan Amrit

26 MNT Kit Journey Book Bag Jar with sealing clip Medicines Calendar

27 A4 laminated sheets

28 Posters

29 Flip Book for ANM and Poshan Prahari

30 Poshan Guidelines

31 Poshan Prahari Brochure

32 Launch of POSHAN – 22nd December 2015

33 POSHAN Program Roll out
At Facility – Poshan Centre (PHC/CHC/Sub centre )

34 1. Poshan Day Celebration

35 2. Measurement of Length

36 3. Measurement of Weight

37 4. Measurement of MUAC

38 5. Hand washing

39 6. Appetite Test

40 7. Transportation allowance (Rs 100 ) to parents

41 At Community – field monitoring by Poshan Prahari

42 1. Filling of Journey Book

43 Filled Journey Book

44 2. Observation of one feed

45 3. Counselling to parents

46 4. Home observation

47 Journey will continue ……… Thank you

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