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 CCGPS – K-1st ELA Carroll County Schools Georgia G. Evans, Ed.D. January 17, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: " CCGPS – K-1st ELA Carroll County Schools Georgia G. Evans, Ed.D. January 17, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1  CCGPS – K-1st ELA Carroll County Schools Georgia G. Evans, Ed.D. January 17, 2012

2 Welcome! Welcome and Introductions

3 Purpose 1. Establish consistent understanding and expectations for ELA CCGPS across Carroll County Schools 2. Provide training and materials for redelivery in each school 3. Begin working together as a group, during the spring and summer, to build on what GDOE provides in the way of training and materials.

4 Norms Norms define the expected behaviors: 1. Have a positive attitude 2. Be open-minded and honest 3. Have courage to commit to and implement common goals 4. Put the students needs above our own. 5. Stay focused, on-task, and respect others perspectives Can You Agree to Honor these Norms?

5 Learning Goal / Outcome: 1. Establish CCGPS expectations for Carroll County 2. Increase understanding of CCGPS standards 3. Identify your role and responsibility in CCGPS roll-out / delivery at your school.

6 Essential Questions: 1. What are Carroll County’s plans for CCGPS roll-out and support? 2. How will CCGPS differ from GPS for my grade level / content area? 3. What and how will I be teaching in 2012-13?

7 Activating Strategy: Think-Pair-Share: 1. Independently, think about what you already know about CCGPS and write what you know on separate post-it notes. 2. Pair with others at your table to compare your post-it notes. Eliminate any post-its that are redundant. Place your group’s “final” post-it notes on the chart tablet labeled “Know”. 3. Work with your group to develop and write separate post-its that identify things you “Want to Know” and place these on the second chart!

8 Carroll County Expectations CCGPS

9 Carroll County and CCGPS Kathy Rogers, Asst. Superintendent: 1. Carroll County Expectations for High Student Performance a. High Expectations for Student Achievement b. Increasing the Rigor c. Use of SEATS Lesson Plan Format 2. Carroll County Standards Based Classroom Requirements for the 2012-13 School Year

10 Carroll County and CCGPS 1. Carroll County CCGPS Roll-Out and Support a. Professional Learning during this winter and spring 1. GDOE webinars AND Redelivery of CCGPS District Training b. Use GDOE Curriculum Maps as designed by state c. Use GDOE Frameworks/ Units in all classrooms d. Enhanced GDOE Units 1-3 ready by Day 1 of 2012-13 school year

11 A Common Understanding

12 12 44 States + DC Have Adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

13 CCSS  Led by National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). Governor Perdue co- chaired the initiative.  Developed by standards experts and educators  Received multiple rounds of feedback from states and national organizations representing educators (e.g., International Reading Association (IRA), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

14 CCSS and CCGPS  The CCSS standards combined with a few of the Georgia Performance Standards created CCGPS (Common Core Georgia Performance Standards).  States are allowed to add an additional 15% to the Common Core. Georgia added approximately 10 ELA elements in grades K-12. 1 st & 2 nd grade – Prewriting; Writing Legibly 3 rd & 4 th grade – Cursive Writing 9 th – 12 th grades –Writing Legibly

15 Implementation Timeline YearAction 2011-2012Teach 100% GPS 2012-2013Teach 100% CCGPS (with GPS transition guidance) 2013-2014Teach 100% CCGPS (with GPS transition guidance) 2014-2015Teach and Assess 100% CCGPS

16 CCGPS Implementation and Assessment  Georgia is one of 26 states working with the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)  The 26 state consortium is working together to develop a common set of K-12 assessments in English and math anchored in what it takes to be ready for college and careers.  The PARCC consortium received $186 million from USDOE to fund the development of next generation assessment system.

17 17 Something You Need to Know! Non-negotiable:  100% of the CCSS must be delivered in our curriculum.  CCSS must be addressed at the grade level where they are assessed.

18 What Are the Benefits? Students: Rigorous knowledge and skills needed to succeed in college and/or careers Consistent expectations across states, regardless of where they decide to go to school or work Relevant content and application of knowledge through high-order skills Educators: Clear, focused expectations that assist them in being on the same page and working together with students and parents for shared goals A common-sense next step that is aligned to our Georgia Performance Standards (GPS)

19 Think – Pair – Share: Think: Have you learned anything? If so, write it on a post-it note. Pair: Tell your partner what you learned and find out what they learned. Share: Put your post-it on the “Learn” Poster

20 What do we need to know about ELA CCGPS?

21 ELA = Three Set of Standards 1. CCR = College and Career Readiness Standards ( or )  Overarching standards for each strand that are further defined by grade-specific standards 2. CCGPS = Common Core Georgia Performance Standards  K-8, grade-by-grade  9-10 and 11-12 grade bands for high school 3. Literacy Standards for History / Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects  Standards are embedded at grades K-5  Content-specific literacy standards are provided for grades 6-8, 9-10, and 11-12

22 CCR = College and Career Readiness Standards First Set of Standards

23 (1) College and Career Readiness (CCR) Standards  The College and Career Readiness (CCR) Standards were written first.  These standards are the “goals” or “indicators” for true college and career readiness once a student graduates high school.  32 Standards that apply to ALL grades and to SS, Science, Technology:  Reading – 10 Standards  Writing – 10 Standards  Listening and Speaking – 6 Standards  Language – 6 Standards 23

24 (1) College and Career Readiness (CCR) Standards  32 Standards:  Reading – 10 Standards  Key Ideas and Details  Craft and Structure  Integration of Knowledge and Ideas  Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity  Writing – 10 Standards  Text Types and Purposes  Production and Distribution of Writing  Research to Build and Present Knowledge  Range of Writing  Listening and Speaking – 6 Standards  Comprehension and Collaboration  Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas  Language – 6 Standards  Language Conventions of Standard English  Knowledge of Language  Vocabulary Acquisition and Use All of the CCR Standards align perfectly with the CCGPS Standards!

25 Check them out! With your table partners, take a few minutes to review the CCR Standards! ✔ Table Talk

26 Check them out! With your table partners, take a few minutes to review the CCR Standards and compare them to the CCGPS Standards! Have you learned anything? If so, write it on a post-it note and place it on the “Learn” chart. ✔ Table Talk

27 CCGPS = Common Core Georgia Performance Standards Second Set of Standards

28 (2) Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) The first set of standards, CCR, are directly aligned to the CCGPS standards The CCGPS: Has the same four strands – Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking, Language

29 20 CCGPS ELA Standards Reading 9 Standards (Literary Text) (10 Standards - #8) 10 Standards (Informational Text) 4 Reading Foundational (K – 5) Writing 10 Standards Speaking & Listening 6 Standards Language 6 Standards

30 20 CCGPS ELA Standards Reading Progressive development Emphasis on text complexity Promotes rigor Writing Different range of writing - Argumentative / opinion pieces - Informative / explanatory writing - Narrative texts - Research projects (short and sustained) Use of technology in creation Writing exemplars Speaking & Listening Formal and informal (Academic; Small and whole group) Emphasis on effective communication Includes interpretation and analysis of message Language Conventions for writing and speaking Vocabulary through conversation, instruction, reading Vocabulary in context of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

31 20 CCGPS ELA Standards Reading Progressive development Emphasis on text complexity Promotes rigor Writing Different range of writing - Argumentative / opinion pieces - Informative / explanatory writing - Narrative texts Writing exemplars Speaking & Listening Formal and informal (Academic; Small and whole group) Emphasis on effective communication Includes interpretation and analysis of message Language Conventions for writing and speaking Vocabulary through conversation, instruction, reading Vocabulary in context of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

32 20 CCGPS ELA Standards Reading Progressive development Emphasis on text complexity Promotes rigor Writing Different range of writing - Argumentative / opinion pieces - Informative / explanatory writing - Narrative texts - Research projects (short and sustained) Use of technology in creation Writing exemplars Speaking & Listening Formal and informal (Academic; Small and Whole group) Emphasis on effective communication Includes interpretation and analysis of message Language Conventions for writing and speaking Vocabulary through conversation, instruction, reading Vocabulary in context of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

33 20 CCGPS ELA Standards Reading Progressive development Emphasis on text complexity Promotes rigor Writing Different range of writing - Argumentative / opinion pieces - Informative / explanatory writing - Narrative texts - Research projects (short and sustained) Use of technology in creation Writing exemplars Speaking & Listening Formal and informal (Academic; Small and whole group) Emphasis on effective communication Includes interpretation and analysis of message Language Conventions for writing and speaking Vocabulary through conversation, instruction, reading Vocabulary in context of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

34 Reading the Standards All ELA standards start with ELACC, which is read English Language Arts Common Core The next identifier is the number for the grade level The third component is the strand identifier: RL = Reading Literary RI = Reading Informational RF = Reading Foundational W= Writing SL = Speaking and Listening L=Language The last identifier is the standard number and if applicable the element letter.

35 EXAMPLE: ELACC1RL3 = English Language Arts Common Core, 1st Grade, Reading Literary, Standard # 3 How would you read ELACCKRF1b? English Language Arts Common Core, Kindergarten, Reading Foundational, Standard # 1, Element b.

36 K-5 CCGPS ELA Standards K-5 Standards define what students should understand and be able to do by the end of each grade level. The focus is on: Comprehension strategies Effective communication - both in writing and speaking Respond to text with increasing specific and relevant evidence to support their claims and inferences Use analytic skills to identify main idea/ theme, understand character and plot development, and evaluate word choice A key component of CCGPS is the expectation of appropriate grade level complexity in text choices.


38 Check them out! With your table partners: (1) Closely examine the CCGPS ELA Standards for your grade level (2) Discuss what you see that is being added to your grade level and will eventually be removed from your grade level. ✔ Table Talk

39 Alignment of CCGPS and GPS

40 CCSS alignment with GPS:  The Achieve Online Comparison Tool was used in June of 2010 to create an alignment of CCSS to GPS.  The alignment tool reported an alignment percentage of 81%. Sometimes, alignment occurs when a Common Core standard matches a GPS standard at a different grade level. This grade level shift may be above the current GPS level or below it. The alignment may occur across different strands/ domains.  GDOE states that if a new alignment study was done the current alignment between CCSS and GPS would be over 93%. 40

41 What about CCGPS alignment with GPS? GDOE has created a crosswalk between CCGPS and GPS Identifies where the standards align Notes the strength of the alignment Highlights when standards from a different grade are part of the alignment Color-codes standards that were in a different domain (now called a strand)


43 Check them out! With your table partners: (1) Closely examine the CCGPS ELA Crosswalk document. (2) Use the information from your last table talk, plus the crosswalk to create a chart that identifies by strand: a. Curriculum that is being added to your grade level ✔ Table Talk

44 Gallery Walk Let’s see what the other grades identified…

45 Resources for CCGPS

46 The Georgia Department of Education has developed resources to support CCGPS implementation: (1) Curriculum Maps (Draft*) (2) Teaching Guidance (Draft*) (3) Sample Integrated Units and Grade Level Tasks *Currently available for feedback

47 Resources for CCGPS (1) Curriculum Maps (Draft) Based on Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) guidelines Uses integrated formula rather than units based on genres. Composed of: 1 extended text (literary or informational) Several thematically connected short texts (multiple genres) Writing (across multiple genres) Consistent, holistic integration of Foundational Reading Skills (phonics, word recognition, fluency); Language (grammar and vocabulary); and Speaking / Listening (understanding, collaborative discussions, report findings)


49 Resources for CCGPS (2) Teaching Guidance (Draft) Introduction Standards – standards are explained / clarified Skills / Concepts for Students Strategies for Teachers Sample Tasks for Integration Recommended Vocabulary for Teaching & Learning Grades also have Transitional Guidance- chart that includes transitional guidance between GPS and CCGPS. The Transitional Guidance for Kindergarten and 1st grade will be released this week.


51 Sample Integrated Units and Tasks During the Fall Webinars, GDOE has provided sample tasks for each grade AND sample integrated units for 1st and 5th grade Sample ELA Documents

52 Check them out! With your table partners: (1) Closely examine the Curriculum Map, Teaching Guidance, and Sample Tasks / Units (2) Identify how you can use these documents. How will they help increase student achievement? (3) Be prepared to share your responses! ✔ Table Talk

53 Reflection Think – Pair – Share: Take a minute to think about what you have learned about CCGPS, the resources, etc.. Write down your thoughts on post-it notes. Pair with your elbow partner and share your post-it note thoughts. Place your post-it notes on the “Learn” chart.

54 CCGPS for Literacy in History/SS, Science, and Technology Subjects Third Set of Standards

55 (3) Literacy Standards  K-5 lists standards for reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language across the curriculum, reflecting the fact that most or all of the instruction students in these grades receive comes from one teacher.  6-12 are covered in two content area-specific sections, the first for the ELA teacher and the second for teachers of history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. 55

56 Next Webinar The Next GDOE webinar will be content specific for your grade level and interactive: Kindergarten - 1-25-2012; 10:00 - 12:00 1st Grade - 3-14-2012; 2:00 - 4:00

57 Summarizer Answer the EQs: 1. What are Carroll County’s plans for CCGPS roll-out and support? 2. How will CCGPS differ from GPS for my grade level / content area? 3. What and how will I be teaching in 2012-13?

58 Ticket Out the Door! Thank you for your participation! Please complete the evaluation form! Georgia G. Evans, Ed.D. 770-301-4640

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