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The Rise of the Samurai By, Mr. Amster. Agenda Watch Time Warp Trio Write topic based questions you have during the show. #50 HW: Additional day to finish.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of the Samurai By, Mr. Amster. Agenda Watch Time Warp Trio Write topic based questions you have during the show. #50 HW: Additional day to finish."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of the Samurai By, Mr. Amster

2 Agenda Watch Time Warp Trio Write topic based questions you have during the show. #50 HW: Additional day to finish scroll project. Due TOMORROW

3 Key Vocabulary Chapter 22 (#51) Samurai – A powerful warrior class in Japan. Means “those who serve.” Code of Conduct – Rules of behavior that were strictly enforced. Shogun – Commander-in-Chief. The head of the military government of Japan in the era of the samurai. Daimyo – A local lord in Japan in the era of the samurai. Kimono – Colorful robe worn under the armor. Katana – A samurai sword and most prized weapon. Martial Arts – Styles of fighting or self-defense, such as modern-day judo and karate. Mostly began in Asia Art of Fencing - Swordsmanship Tea Caddy – A Container that held powdered green tea. Haiku – A Japanese form of poetry. Invented by a samurai, Matsuo Basho. Format is 17 syllables or lines of 5,7,5. Koans – Puzzling questions that masters used to jolt the mind into enlightenment. Code of Bushido – Final form of samurai code. “The Way of the Warrior.” Called for samurai to be honest, fair, and fearless in the face of death. Seppuku – Ritual suicide. Kamikazes – Means “divine wind”

4 Agenda Activator (Key Vocabulary) Just Reading Chapter 22 (One Time) Reading Chapter 22 and Note Taking –Sheets are on the cutter if you want one BINDER CHECK! HW: Finish Note Taking –I will be collecting (BE PREPARED!)

5 Let’s Get Activated Scroll ProjectGrab your Scroll Project Scroll Project Grading RubricGrab the Scroll Project Grading Rubric from the paper cutter and bring it to your desk. Grab one sheet of scrap paper Grab a textbook or binder to have as a firm writing surface.

6 Agenda Activator Peer Revisions IW: Code of Bushido –due Friday at the beginning of class HW: Test Friday

7 Code of Bushido Code of Bushido – Final form of samurai code. “The Way of the Warrior.” Called for samurai to be honest, fair, and fearless in the face of death. For Incentive Work, you will be creating your own Code of Bushido (PARKER EDITION). Please come up with 10 rules and regulations for Parker students coming in next year as sixth grades.

8 Code of Bushido For Teachers 1. Loyalty is placed to Parker Middle School over all others. 2. Give only as much homework as the students need to master the concepts. 3. Obey the principal and assistant principal. 4. Show wisdom in your daily decisions. 5. Be skilled in the use of your finger on the Smart Board to move items quickly and with little effort. 6. Honor your students who do well on quizzes and tests with A+’s. 7. Always tell the truth when speaking to students. 8. You have the duty to make sure kids learn. 9. Serve those who are in need of extra help after school. 10. Be open and genuine with parents about students who are missing work or need to improve their behavior.

9 Peer Revisions For each station, you will have two/three minutes to read through the scroll and evaluate it. Critiquing: Make some notes about specific pieces you liked or would improve on. Take note of the facts provided and level of creativity. Follow the rubric to assign a grade for the project. (Be prepared to explain your grades)

10 Let’s Get Activated Hand in your notes! Identify one key fact from each section –Place on white board

11 Agenda Activator Hand in your Notes Reading Notes 22 –Work with your partner HW: Finish your reading notes –Test Friday

12 Let’s Get Activated Hand in your Reading Notes

13 Agenda Activator –Hand in your Reading Notes Experimental Exercise Act It Out HW: Study Test Friday

14 Let’s Get Activated Daimyo Shogun Code of Bushido Kamikaze Samurai

15 Agenda Activator Samurai Activities Jeopardy HW: Study for the Test Tomorrow

16 Assessment 22 Assignment 10 Pretend you are a daimyo in need of more samurai. Write an advertisement for a samurai that describes the qualities and skills needed. Your “want ad” should include a picture and your requirements in at least three of the following areas: The picture should identifying key parts of your Samurai Military training Mental training Spiritual training Training in writing and literature Samurai values Lastly: Why we should join you? WANTED

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