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IS OPEN THE LIBRARY Polaris ILS Serials 5.0 SP3 Training.

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1 IS OPEN THE LIBRARY Polaris ILS Serials 5.0 SP3 Training

2 Getting started with serials Serials workflow overview Subscription record relationships Standing order record relationships Supplier records* Serial item templates* Publication pattern templates* Subscription records* Route lists* *optional 2

3 Getting started with serials 3 Toolbar—starting point and navigation tool for all Polaris activities –Polaris toolbar (Polaris shortcut bar) –Workform toolbar –Line item toolbar Serial—an item which is issued in successive parts at intervals and is intended to be continued indefinitely. Polaris divides serial processing into two parts: –Subscription—one title with many issue records –Standing Order (SO)—many unique titles with their own part record SHR—Serial Holdings Record POLI—Purchase Order Line Item Publication pattern—enables automatic prediction of subscription issues or SO parts for a serial Enumeration—the numbering scheme connected to a serial Chronology—the date(s) when a serial issue or part was published

4 4 Serials workflow overview Publication pattern templates, supplier records, claiming, serial item templates, subscription records and routing lists are all optional in serials workflow (numbers 2-3, 5-8 above) Subscription processing has one title (bib) with many issue records connected to that title Standing order processing (monographic series) has many unique titles (bibs) with their own part record 1 Create or import bib records for each serial title held by the library 2 Set up templates for common publication patterns 3 Set up supplier records for each serial vendor 4 Create a Serial Holdings Record for each copy of a serial title 5 If serials are claimed, set up claiming to be automatic or manual. Specify the notification method 6 If serials circulate, set up serial item templates 7 Create Subscription Records if renewals are tracked or to create PO’s automatically upon renewal 8 Create routing lists for any serials that are routed 9 Check in serial issues and SO parts as they are delivered to the library

5 5 Subscription record relationships Subscription processing does not require a link to a supplier record or a POLI segment However, a supplier record is needed if claiming will be done through Polaris The vast majority of serials can be set up as subscriptions Serial title (Good Housekeeping) Subscription Record 1 *optional Subscription Record 2 *optional SHR 1 Branch A-Mag c.1 SHR 2 Branch A-Mag c.2 SHR 1 Branch B-Mag c.1 Issue (V. 2, No. 1) Issue (V. 2, No. 2) Issue (V. 2, No. 1) Issue (V. 2, No. 2) Item (barcode 1) Item (barcode 2) Issue (V. 2, No. 1) Issue (V. 2, No. 2) Item (barcode 2) Item (barcode 1)

6 6 Standing order record relationships Standing order processing requires a link to a POLI segment on the fourth view, the Orders view, of the SHR When a SO part is checked in, they must have a distinct title as a bibliographic record is created during check in Monographic SO Title (Opposing Viewpoints) SHR 1 Branch A-YA NF SHR 2 Branch A-NF Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1Part 2Part 3 Bib record (Narcotics) Title for individual part Item Barcode 1 Bib record (Abortion) Title for individual part Bib record (AIDS) Title for individual part Item Barcode 2 Item Barcode 3 Bib record (Narcotics) Title for individual part Bib record (Abortion) Title for individual part Bib record (AIDS) Title for individual part Item Barcode 1 Item Barcode 1 Item Barcode 1

7 7 Supplier records To create a new Supplier record, from the Polaris toolbar, click the New icon and select Supplier Supplier records hold information about the supplier--addresses, contact information, claiming defaults, etc. EDI is not used with serials Hint Use the ‘Copy to’ button on one of the address views to quickly copy the address to additional views

8 8 Supplier records A supplier record is needed if serials claiming will take place through Polaris Up to five claim wait periods can be defined on the last view, the Claims view, of the Supplier record If you would like a claim to be printed out or emailed, the claim notice box must be checked Hint Set general claim wait periods in the Supplier record. They can be edited per title on an individual serial holdings record

9 9 Serial item templates If serials will be circulated, a template must be created for each branch, serial collection, material type combination To create a new Serial Item Template, from the Polaris toolbar, click on the New icon and select Item Template At serials check in, an item record is automatically generated that contains all branch specific information per the serial item template The template name must begin with “serial” and all the bolded fields filled in Hint To copy an existing serial item template, click the New icon at the top of the workform. To edit an existing serial item template, go to Cataloging / Templates / Item and search by ‘serial’

10 10 Publication pattern templates To create a new Publication Pattern Template, click the New icon at the top of the Publication Pattern Templates workform Save the template with the serial title as the pattern is title specific The template can be used again later when setting up the same serial title Publication pattern templates can be renamed, deleted or copied by right mouse clicking on the template name in the Publication Pattern Templates list and selecting Create Templates can be edited and a note added to explain the change Hint To view Publication Pattern Templates, from the Polaris toolbar, click Serials/Templates/Publication Patterns—select the desired creator

11 Serial Holdings records Creating serial holdings records for subscriptions Creating publication patterns Pattern options Enumeration and chronology Regularity pattern Prediction results Using publication pattern templates Setting up additional categories for subscriptions Publication pattern examples 11

12 12 Creating serial holdings records for subscriptions This record contains the title, copy and supplier information for a specific serial title It specifies a publication pattern so that issues can be predicted If there is a call number in the SHR, it will overwrite the call number in the serial item template when item records are created An SHR will only be saved if there is no other SHR with the same bib ID, copy number, destination, collection, material type and order type combination Hint To view existing SHRs, from the Polaris toolbar, go to Serials/Serial Holdings Records

13 13 Creating serial holdings records for subscriptions To create a new Serial Holdings Record, from the bib record, click the Tools drop-down and select Create Serial Holdings Record Bolded fields must be filled in The retention designator field on the General View of the SHR controls what issues are displayed in the PAC The first view of the SHR is where the publication pattern is attached or created Hint Staff can also right-mouse click on a bib Find Tool results list and select Create/Serials Holdings Record, or from the Polaris toolbar, click on the New icon and select Serial Holdings Record

14 14 Creating serial holdings records for subscriptions Staff can add notes on the second and third view, Staff notes and Public notes, of the SHR The non-public and non-public/warning notes on the Staff view are serial check-in notes and are seen in the serials check-in window The Public notes view allows staff to enter up to 4000 characters in a multi-line text box where line breaks can be included and will display in the PAC

15 15 Creating serial holdings records for subscriptions A supplier must be attached to the SHR if you would like to claim the title When a supplier is attached on the Orders View, the claiming defaults are pulled in from that supplier record The default claiming intervals can be edited and additional intervals added using the Add and Remove buttons Claiming can also be set up for different categories

16 16 Creating publication patterns There are three options for creating new publication patterns –Click the New icon on the Publication Pattern Template Manager –Right-mouse click on an existing template and copy it by using Create –Click the Create a New Pattern icon on the line item toolbar on the General view of the SHR—when completing the pattern, it can be saved as a template The publication pattern wizard will appear

17 17 Creating publication patterns— pattern option Choose a category: –Basic Bibliographic Unit –Index –Supplementary Material If not using a pattern, the start date must be based on the issue in hand when check in will begin The arrival pattern date is the number of days before or after the issue’s published date that it is expected at the library—important in regard to claiming Check “Generate items at check-in” and “Prompt for barcode” if desired The default unit price will be automatically transferred to the issue and item record that is created If publication pattern templates were created earlier, one can be selected from the templates box—the start date will be the start date from the template Click on Next to continue Hint Staff can use the Back button in the wizard at any time to correct errors

18 18 Creating publication patterns— enumeration and chronology Select a frequency—the frequency is specified in the bib record, position 18 of the 008 Enter enumeration and chronology as they appear on the issue in hand –Chronology must be entered in reverse order—e.g. year, day of month, month if the issue says January 14, 2014 –Enumeration must be entered in direct order—e.g. Vol., No. if the issue says Vol. 24, No. 1 Remember to click the add button as each level is entered Hint When adding a new Chronology or Enumeration level, fill in all fields (Caption, Format, etc.) and remember to click Add

19 19 Creating publication patterns— enumeration and chronology When entering enumeration, if a second level is present, it must include a number in the “Bib units per next higher level”—e.g. 12 for a monthly, 11 for a monthly with one combined issue, 6 for bimonthly Select restarts or continues in the Continuity drop-down box If a free text format is selected, a start value is not required If the Start designation at the bottom of the screen looks correct, click Next to continue Hint Bib units per next higher level is the total number of issues that are published in a cycle before the volume will increment

20 20 Creating publication patterns— regularity pattern The Regularity Pattern screen is used only if there are irregularities in the serial’s pattern A default regularity pattern may or may not display under the Publication Details box Exceptions can be added to the default publication pattern by using publication code to publish additional issues, to omit issues and/or to combine issues Hint p = Publish extra issues o = Omit specific issues c = Combine issues

21 21 Creating publication patterns— regularity pattern In this example, there are several combined months The Calendar Change can be used to indicate the chronological point at which the highest level increments or changes—in essence, it forces the change to a new volume Click Next to continue Hint Click the Publication code drop- down to select Combine, Omit or Publish and then the Calendar unit drop-down to select what you are combining, omitting or publishing. Fill in the From and To boxes if appropriate and remember to click the Add button

22 22 Creating publication patterns— regularity pattern Use the ‘from’ and ‘to’ fields alone or in combination with any of the following to create the desired pattern: – Year (y): 4 digit format – Month (m): number 1-12 – Season (s): 21 spring, 22 summer, 23 autumn, 24 winter –Week of month (w): 99 last, 98 next to last, 97 third to last, 00 every, 01 first, 02 second, 03 third, etc. –Week of year (w): number 1-53 –Day of month (m): number 1-31 –Day of week (d): Two letter code for day Hint After selecting a Publication code and a Calendar unit, pay careful attention to the format values on this screen for additional help. The hint will change with each combination selected

23 23 Creating publication patterns— prediction results Prediction results can be reviewed to ensure the pattern came out as expected If the prediction results are not correct, click the Back button and make the correction on the appropriate screen of the wizard You can use the View More button to go further into the future to check the pattern

24 24 Creating publication patterns— prediction results A new publication pattern can be saved as a template and used again when setting up the same title—save the new pattern using the serial title as patterns are title specific A maximum of 50 issues can be predicted More issues can be predicted upon demand when needed The expected arrival date is calculated using the start date (publication date) and defined arrival pattern (days before or after the issue is expected) Click Finish to generate issue records and close the wizard

25 25 Using publication pattern templates If the library has set up publication pattern templates first, click the Create a New Pattern icon on the line item toolbar of the SHR-- select the correct pattern from the list of templates in the first page of the wizard Staff do not need to define a start date—this is pulled automatically from the template Continue to click the Next button until you reach the last page of the wizard

26 26 Using publication pattern templates To remove unneeded issues, select them and right-mouse click / Remove Click the Finish button to generate issue records The pattern does not need to be saved as a template as it already exists

27 27 Setting up additional categories for subscriptions Beyond the Basic Bibliographic Unit, an index and/or supplementary material can also be set up Additional categories are set up the same way by using the publication pattern wizard In this example, a supplement is set up with a free text field so the title can be typed in during serials check in Putting the caption in hard brackets will hide the caption from displaying in the PAC

28 28 Setting up additional categories for subscriptions A completely irregular pattern will not predict any issues—issues will be added on-the-fly in serials check in When the wizard is finished, an additional open pattern for the supplement will be seen on the first view of the SHR

29 29 Publication pattern examples A weekly pattern that is published every Monday except the last Monday of the year Starting enumeration and chronology = Vol. 8, No. 1 (Monday January 1, 2007) Regularity Pattern: –pd mo = published day of week-Monday (default frequency) –ow 1299mo = omit the last Monday of the last week of December –No Calendar Change is needed

30 30 Publication pattern examples A semimonthly pattern with 2 volumes a year Starting enumeration and chronology = Vol. 63, No. 11 (June 2007) Regularity Pattern: –The Calendar change forces the volume to increment the beginning of January and July

31 31 Publication pattern examples A daily that is not published on Sundays, Christmas or New Years day Starting enumeration and chronology = v. 36, no. 2 (Tuesday, January 2, 2007) Regularity Pattern: – od 0101 = omit day of month-New Years day – od 1225 = omit day of month-Christmas day – od su = omit day of week-Sundays

32 Serials check-in Checking in subscriptions Adding a serial issue Deleting a serial issue Combining serial issues Unchecking in issues received in error Applying ‘Never Published’ or ‘Not Available’ statuses to issues Routing serials Printing serial labels Serials display in PAC 32

33 33 Checking in subscriptions To search for a title to check in, from the Serials drop-down menu, select Check In--search for and select the desired title/branch combination The list of issues can be sorted by category and issue/part status Hint A default check in status can be set in System Administration (Parameters/Acquisitions- Serials/Display of issues on check in) to display the desired issue status and define ‘Not Received’

34 34 Checking in subscriptions In the Subscription Check In window, highlight the issue to be checked in--click the Check In icon on the top or double click the selected issue Hint Multiple issues can be selected for check in

35 35 Checking in subscriptions If “Generate items at check in” and “Prompt for barcode” have been turned on, the Create Item for Issue/Part dialog box appears The unit price is copied over if it was added in the publication pattern wizard Parameters/Acquisitions-Serials/Enter unit price at serials check in can be set to No so that the curser is in the Item barcode field The checked in issue is moved to the received list

36 36 Checking in subscriptions Check in notes (non-public and non-public/warning) can be added to the Staff Notes view of the SHR and are seen in the check in workform Check in notes can be edited during check in if the staff member has the permission Serial Holdings Record: Modify The note fields can be up to 600 characters

37 37 Checking in subscriptions Staff can also check in one or multiple issues from an issue Find Tool results list—go to Serials on the Polaris toolbar and select Issue Records To check in multiple issues, limit by expected issues and sort by designation—you may have to karate chop (Ctrl/Shift/A) to retrieve all results before sorting After highlighting the desired issues, right-mouse click and select check in If prompt for barcode has been enabled, a barcode can be scanned in Hint Serials check in using this method works well for multi- branch libraries that do central check in. However, check in notes do not show

38 38 Adding a serial issue To add an additional issue or part, from the Subscription Check In workform, click the Add Issue or Part icon--add the enumeration and chronology into the new Issue workform After saving the new issue it can be checked in from the workform You must stay within the defined format of the enumeration and chronology of the pattern A Supplemental Material category with a free text field can be set up to manage odd issues

39 39 Adding a serial issue If a completely irregular pattern has been used for a supplement, to add an issue, click the Add Issue or Part icon at the top of the workform Highlight the supplement and click Select Type in the title in the Enumeration free text field When the issue is saved, it is ready to be checked in by clicking the Check In icon at the top of the issue workform

40 40 Deleting a serial issue Staff can delete unneeded expected issues by right-mouse clicking on the issue/part and selecting Delete in the context menu—multiple issues can be selected for deletion When a received issue or part is deleted, the attached item is automatically deleted as well When an item record that is attached to a issue or part record is deleted, the issue record can also be automatically deleted if the Acquisitions/Serials parameter, Delete linked issue/part when serial item is deleted is set to Yes in System Administration

41 41 Combining serial issues To combine issues, from the Subscription Check In workform, highlight the desired issues, click the Tools drop-down menu and select Combine Issues Staff can combine the issues using enumeration, chronology or both The combined issue will then be seen on the expected list and must be checked in

42 42 Unchecking in issues received in error To uncheck in an issue received in error, from the Subscription Check In workform, highlight the desired issue from the list of received issues and click the Uncheck In icon The issue’s status is reset from received back to expected Undo receipt automatically deletes the item records that were created You can not use uncheck in for issues that are checked out or routed—the circulation status must be cleared first

43 43 Applying Never Published or Not Available statuses to issues To apply a Never Published or Not Available status to an issue, click the Status dropdown on the Issue workform and select the correct status These two statuses allow the library to retain the issues for archival purposes, but prevent them from displaying in the check in workform under expected issues Hint To open an Issue record from the Subscription Check In workform, right-mouse click and select Open

44 44 Routing serials To create a new Route List, from the Polaris toolbar, click the New icon and select Route List Staff can attach one or multiple issues and/or SHRs to a route list by clicking the plus on the first line item toolbar Staff can attach any patron with a patron registration record by clicking on the plus on the second line item toolbar Materials can also be routed to an individual that is not a registered patron or a place by typing in the “Route to” box The Route List can be customized on the second view of the workform

45 45 Routing serials A prompt to print the route list will appear in serials check in A route list can be printed on a full sheet of paper or a receipt printer They can also be printed at check in or batch printed later When returned, check the title in through circulation to remove the Routed status on the item If an item record was not created, remove the Routed status on the issue record itself

46 46 Printing serial labels Serial labels can be printed one at a time or in batch Set the Label Type and Print Method from the Polaris toolbar/ Serials/Options If printing in batch, to retrieve serial labels, go to Utilities/Label Manager When in Label Manager, go to Tools/Label Settings and Content— the content tab determines what will print on the serial piece

47 47 Serials display in the PAC The retention information in the SHR controls what issues are displayed under the title in the PAC at the individual branch level The branch level compressed holdings statement contains the first and last issues retained—it does not account for missing issues A compressed holdings statement can also be displayed in the PAC brief view that encompasses all branch holdings A SQL job re-builds compressed holdings statements each night

48 Managing subscriptions Changing a publication pattern before issues have been checked in Changing a publication pattern after issues have been checked in Subscription records Subscription lists 48

49 49 Changing a publication pattern before issues have been checked in A pattern can be changed if no issues have been checked in A pattern can be changed in one of two ways: –Change the publication pattern options such as start date, item creation and/or prompt for barcode –Change the publication pattern itself such as frequency, enumeration and chronology and/or regularity pattern Hint To edit publication pattern options— from the General View of the SHR, click on the Edit Pattern Options icon on the line item toolbar To edit the publication pattern itself—from the General View of the SHR, click on the Open a Pattern icon on the line item toolbar

50 50 Changing a publication pattern after issues have been checked in If issues have been checked in and the serial changes its publication pattern, the old pattern may be closed and a new one created Be sure to include all issues still under the old pattern before determining the end date All issues with an expected date greater than the defined end date will be automatically deleted Staff can then create a new publication pattern using the wizard An old pattern can be reopened should the previous pattern be resumed Hint To close a pattern—from the General View of the SHR, highlight the desired pattern, right mouse click and select Close pattern

51 51 Subscription records To create a new Subscription record, click the New icon on the Polaris toolbar and select Subscription record Subscription records allow the library to track renewal periods The library can also auto-generate a subscription PO if a PO for the title has been created in acquisitions and attached to the SHR Hint Subscription records may be extra work if a Jobber is tracking subscriptions for you, but helpful if there are a lot of directs

52 52 Subscription records On the first view, attach the bib record with the Find button and fill in all bolded fields Leave the Automatic Renewal box checked if you would like to be able to renew this title Attach the SHRs you would like to manage on the second view by clicking the Add Serial Holdings icon on the line item toolbar

53 53 Subscription lists To generate a Subscription List, go to Serials on the Polaris toolbar and select Subscription List—select search criteria To renew a title, select it from the list and click the Renew Selected Subscription icon on the line item toolbar Subscription renewals are tracked on the second view of the Subscription record

54 Serials claiming Mediated vs. automatic claiming Claim Alert List Claim notices 54

55 55 Mediated vs. automatic claiming To claim a title, a supplier must be attached to the SHR and claim intervals defined on the fourth view Serial claiming must be enabled in System Administration--go to Parameters/Notification/Notification Options/Serial and check the Serial claim box

56 56 Mediated vs. automatic claiming If automatic claiming is selected, all issues that have not been received by a specified time are changed to a status of claimed and notices are automatically generated and sent per the Notification method defined If the automatic claiming box is unchecked, all issues that have not been received by a specified time appear on the Claim Alert List with a pending claim status and must be mediated and claimed When manually claimed, the notices are sent per the Notification method defined

57 57 Claim Alert List To view the Claim Alert List, from the Serials drop-down menu on the Polaris toolbar, select Claim Alert List If using mediated claiming, the issues that are eligible appear on the Claim Alert List and will have a status of Pending Claim If automatic claiming was selected, issues never appear on the Pending Claim list To see issues that were claimed automatically, change the Status filter to Claimed

58 58 Claim Alert List To manually claim a serial issue, highlight the desired issue and click the Claim icon on the line item toolbar A response from the supplier can be tracked on the third view of the issue record Email and paper notification wording can be edited in System Administration (Profiles/Acq&Serials/Acq claim/cancellation defaults)

59 Claim notices Paper claim notices are printed from Reports & Notices-- Notices/Serials/Serial claim notices Like overdue notices, the claim notices must be periodically generated and Posted to the database

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