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מבוא להנדסת תוכנה / ניתוח מערכות מידע הרצאת EPC 1.

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1 מבוא להנדסת תוכנה / ניתוח מערכות מידע הרצאת EPC 1

2 Outline Business Process Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Model –Introduction to EPC –Analyzing business process using EPC –Logical relationships –EPC rules 2 ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה

3 Business Process A collection of related, structured activities/tasks that produce a specific service or product for a customer which serve a particular goal There are three types of business processes: –Management Process: processes that govern the operation of a system –Operational process: processes that constitute the core business and create the primary value stream –Supporting processes: support the core processes ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 3

4 Process Chain Business processes comprise a set of sequential sub-processes/tasks, with alternative paths depending on certain conditions Business processes are designed to be operated by one or more functional business units, and emphasize the importance of the “process chain” rather than the individual units Process inputs/outputs may be received from or sent to: business processes, organizational units, internal/external stakeholders. ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 4

5 Introduction to EPC (Event-driven Process Chain) Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) is a type of flowchart used for business process modelling EPC is a directed graph of events and activities EPC provides various connectors that allow alternative and parallel execution of processes such as: OR, AND, and XOR ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 5

6 EPC Elements Event –passive elements in EPC –representation of a state of circumstances –describe under what circumstances a function or a process works or which state a function or a process results in Activity –active elements in EPC –representation of the tasks –describe transformations from an initial state to a resulting state ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 6

7 EPC Elements (continue) Process Owner –responsible for an activity –Types: Organization Unit: departments within the company structure e.g. “Sales” Role: part of an Organization Unit e.g. “Clerk” Person: specific person holding a role e.g. “David” –Symbols ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 7

8 EPC Elements (continue) Information / material Objects –portray objects which can be input data serving as the basis for an activity, or output data produced by an activity –Types : Database Document Product Entity –Symbols ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 8

9 EPC Elements (continue) resource object –Types IT System: specify the IT System being used Location: specifies the type of location e.g. Office –Symbols Risk –Possible danger that a process will not achieve the process objective ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 9

10 EPC Elements (continue) Process Interface –serve as navigation aid in the EPC –They show the connection from or to other processes Connection –Control flow: connects events with activities –Information flow: show the connection between activities and input/output data or resources –Owner assignment: show the connection between an Owner and the activity it is responsible for ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 10

11 Analyzing business process using EPC Identify the activities Identify the events for each activity/activities For each activity identify the owner (who performs it) Identify for each activity the input / output Etc… ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 11

12 Example (1) A customer wants to order several items which need to be manufactured Based on customer and item information, the feasibility of manufacturing this item is studied Once the order has arrived, the necessary materials are obtained from a supplier After arrival of the material and subsequent order planning, the items are manufactured according to a work schedule and shipped to the customer, along with the appropriate documentation ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 12

13 Example (1) – EPC Diagram ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 13

14 Logical Relationship Branch/Merge: –correspond to making decisions on which path to choose among several control flows –A branch may have one incoming control flow and two or more outgoing control flows. When the condition is fulfilled, a branch activates one of the outgoing control flows –A merge may have two or more incoming flows and one outgoing control flow. A merge synchronizes an activated and the deactivated alternatives. The control will then be passed to the next element after the merge –A branch in the EPC is represented by an opening XOR, whereas a merge is represented as a closing XOR connectors. ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 14

15 Logical Relationship (continue) Fork/Join –Fork and Join correspond to activating all paths in the control flow concurrently –A fork may have one incoming control flow and two or more outgoing control flows. When the condition is fulfilled, a fork activates all of the outgoing control flows in parallel –A join may have two or more incoming control flows and one outgoing control flow. A join synchronizes all activated incoming control flows –A fork in the EPC is represented by an opening 'AND', whereas a join is represented as a closing 'AND' connectors. ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 15

16 Logical Relationship (continue) OR –An 'OR' relationship corresponds to activating one or more paths among control flows –An opening 'OR' connector may have one incoming control flow and two or more outgoing control flows. When the condition is fulfilled, an opening 'OR' connector activates one or more control flows and deactivates the rest of them. –A closing 'OR' connector. When at least one of the incoming control flows is activated, the closing 'OR' connector will pass the control to the next element after it. ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 16

17 Example (2) A customer want to buy a book, he enter the Amazon website and search book by its title If the book not found the customer need to decide if to continue the search If the book is found he add it to his shopping cart –If he wants to search more book he return to search book by its title –If he finished the search he determine how to proceed ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 17

18 Example (2) After finishing the search the customer can cancel order or perform checkout –Checkout is done only if the shopping cart full ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 18

19 Example(2) - EPC Diagram ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 19 Note: Customer is the owner of all activities

20 EPC Rules Each Process begins and ends with Event Efforts should be made to simplify the description of processes Interfaces are applied to connect between processes Elements’ names should reflect their meanings ניתוח מערכות מידע ומבוא להנדסת תכנה 20

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