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Invitation to Tender for the design, development and implementation of the Troops to Teachers Initial Teacher Training programme This document contains.

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Presentation on theme: "Invitation to Tender for the design, development and implementation of the Troops to Teachers Initial Teacher Training programme This document contains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invitation to Tender for the design, development and implementation of the Troops to Teachers Initial Teacher Training programme This document contains supporting diagrams cross-referenced in the Troops to Teachers Invitation to Tender as Appendices 1-4

2 PROTECT - POLICY Appendix 1: Service Leaver’s Troops to Teachers Journey NO LONGER INTERESTED signposted to other careers Pre-recruitment/Resettlement MoD’s CTP and Teaching Agency YEAR 1 Recruitment and Selection by MoD’s Contractor and TtT Consortium TtT Programme developed and delivered by TtT Consortium: schools and ITT providers CONTRACTOR/CONSORTIUM TARGET ‘VERY BEST’ SLs with the potential to be outstanding teachers and signposts to TtT and on-line application form APPLICATION REVIEWED by TtT Consortium (Schools and ITT Providers) and if successful SLs interview INTERVIEWS/ASSESSMENT In groups and individually subject audit, evidence qualifications, competencies and qualities OFFER/ENROLMENT if successful SLs are offered a place on TtT (route/phase/subject) conditional on successful completion of induction. REALITY CHECK Gained via discussions with Teaching Advocates visits to gain school experience (or of eligible accessing TA’s School Experience Programme) RESIDENTIAL TRAINING-INDUCTION On successful completion of induction, SLs are matched to Schools and ITT Providers. They begin employment-based ITT with mentor support in Sept 13. Any ‘unsuccessful’ SLs are signposted by CTP, to School Direct existing ITT routes or alternative careers. Graduate SLs gain QTS and PGCE via School based ITT and accesses TtT premium training option 1 whilst paid 80% of non-qualified teachers salary @£14K Non-graduate QTS SLs gain QTS and a ‘top-up degree part-time over two years via a combined (.8 school- based and.2 university-based ) ITT TtT whilst paid 80% of an unqualified teacher salary @£11.2K Non-graduate Vocational SLs gain QTLS via School/College based ITT Training. Paid 80% non- qualified teachers salary @£14K Graduate SLs are qualified teachers (NQTs) and 100% salary is paid by schools. They access TtT Premium option 2 via residential training (leadership; behaviour; cadet corps etc) YEAR 2 Non-graduate QTS SLs gain QTS and a ‘top-up’ degree by the end of Year 2 via a combined ITT. TtT payment of 80% of unqualified teacher salary @£11.2K paid by DfE//TA. They access TtT Premium option via residential training(behaviour; cadet corps etc) Non-graduate QTLS SLs are qualified teachers (NQTs) are employed and 100% salary is paid by schools. They access TtT Premium option via residential training(behaviour; cadet corps etc) Any ‘unsuccessful’ SLs will be signposted to apply for ring fenced School Direct places, or to existing ITT routes ITT Providers in competition with others RAISING PROFILE OF TEACHING AS A SECOND CAREER MoD-CTP and TA Marketing AND Communications Strategy raises profile and attracts Service Leavers (SL) into Teaching PRE-RECRUITMENT SCREENING Interested SLS are on CTP radar; access 1- 2-1 advice; attend recruitment events, read ‘bespoke’ brochure on ITT routes (inc TtT); reflect on phase and subject preferences. ADVICE and SELF-HELP SLs use self-help diagnostic tools e.g. audits; skills tests etc. to determine eligibility (pre- requisite ITT entry qualifications) and suitability(predisposition) qualities; skills; vocational experience qualifications NOT ELIGIBLE/STILL INTERESTED SLs signposted to further training or related options e.g. mentoring ELIGIBLE AND INTERESTED advised to gain reality check

3 PROTECT - POLICY Appendix 2: The TtT ITT Programme in a Nutshell Career advice- support during Resettlement Rigorous Process Targeting Highest Quality SLs School-based ITT Pathway Outstanding Teachers + Improved Standards + Career Acceleration Induction – School Orientation TtT Premium Training Selection Criteria Qualificatio ns Recruitment On-line tools Skills tests Assessment

4 PROTECT - POLICY Department for Education Responsible for TtT Policy development, facilitating cross-agency working with MoD and securing Ministerial Sign off including Funding Teaching Agency Responsible for supporting the contract procurement, of TtT via the amendment of the MoD resettlement contract and the procurement of a TtT contractor. TtT Schools Placements and Employment TtT Contractor Schools-ITT Providers Develop and deliver high quality TtT ITT programme including rigorous recruitment and selection process; pre-training induction/school orientation, residential/Summer Institutes etc. Recruitment ans selection of schools/colleges and matching SLs; Coordination of school-based ITT Training and continuous Mentoring Resettlement Contractor Will lead and be accountable for the development and delivery of all aspects of selection and recruitment onto the TtT programme. Will draw on expertise within the sector and work with schools and ITT Providers Ministry of Defence Responsible for amending the resettlement contract to deliver the TtT recruitment; and selection process Work in partnership with DfE and the Teaching Agency (TA) as an Executive Agency of the DfE, to manage the development and implementation of the programme. Appendix 3: How will TtT be Managed? Collaborative working managed by the TA and MoD

5 PROTECT - POLICY Appendix 4: Overview of the 3 Pathways of the TtT programme YEAR 1 RESIDENTIAL TRAINING- INDUCTION On successful completion of induction, SLs are matched to Schools and ITT Providers. SCHOOL ORIENTATION SLs begin employment- based ITT with mentor support in Sept 13. Any ‘unsuccessful’ SLs are signposted by CTP, to School Direct existing ITT routes or alternative careers. Graduate SLs gain QTS and PGCE via School based ITT and accesses TtT Premium Training option 1 whilst paid 80% of non-qualified teachers salary @£14K Non-graduate QTS SLs gain QTS and a ‘top-up degree part-time over two years via a combined (.8 school-based and.2 university-based ) ITT TtT whilst paid 80% of an unqualified teacher salary @£11.2K Non-graduate Vocational SLs gain QTLS via School-College based ITT Training. Paid 80% non-qualified teachers salary @£14K Graduate SLs are qualified teachers (NQTs) and 100% salary is paid by schools. They access TtT Premium option 2 via residential training (leadership; behaviour; cadet corps etc) YEAR 2 Non-graduate QTS SLs gain QTS and a ‘top-up’ degree by the end of Year 2 via a combined ITT. TtT payment of 80% of unqualified teacher salary @£11.2K paid by DfE//TA. They access TtT Premium option via residential training(behaviour; cadet corps etc) Non-graduate QTLS SLs are qualified teachers (NQTs) are employed and 100% salary is paid by schools. They access TtT Premium option via residential training(behaviour; cadet corps etc) TtT PREMIUM Unique USP Awards or Masters credits Blended learning modules Based on SLs unique skills options : Leadership Cadet Corp Behaviour Management


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