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S OCIAL N ETWORKING Victoria K. Ripley, GCDF, MA, EdM Director, Academic Center for Excellence U.S. Merchant Marine Academy LT., United States Navy Reserve.

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Presentation on theme: "S OCIAL N ETWORKING Victoria K. Ripley, GCDF, MA, EdM Director, Academic Center for Excellence U.S. Merchant Marine Academy LT., United States Navy Reserve."— Presentation transcript:

1 S OCIAL N ETWORKING Victoria K. Ripley, GCDF, MA, EdM Director, Academic Center for Excellence U.S. Merchant Marine Academy LT., United States Navy Reserve

2 Social networking = New way of the world Print is on the decline and the number of sharing and blogging sites increasing every day When used correctly and effectively, these sites have the power to deliver news to more people than ever dreamed possible OVERVIEW:

3 W HAT IS S OCIAL N ETWORKING ? A key part of the “new media” Examples: Blogging, microblogging, podcasts, wikis, etc. Key elements: people, participation, interaction Before: STATIC, one-way provision of information (websites, media, organizations)


5 W HAT IS A S OCIAL N ETWORKING W EBSITE ? Builds online networks of contacts allowing users to interact with these personal or business friends in a “secure” environment Allows users to create their own profile page that can be updated and that people can view Many Social Networking sites allow users to blog, microblog, and post podcasts

6 W HAT IS B LOGGING ? Allows for regular entries of commentary, descriptions, graphics, generally displayed in reverse-chronological order. Allows for more room and versatility. Longer postings that require editing People can comment on users “blogs”

7 W HAT IS M ICROBLOGGING ? Allows user to post short versions of what they are up to. Usually less then 200 characters Users can post a new article, or blog entry as a status update which others can then view Hold small, mini- conversations Many people interact at one time as long as they are in the users group

8 W HAT IS A PODCAST ? A combination of audio and video that is available for downloading Syndication format: Publishing format that lets people view headlines of the latest updates from their favorite blogs and Web sites all from within a single newsreader program (ex. RSS, ATOM). Many websites use podcasts as a form of communication

9 W HAT IS A W IKI ? Allows multiple users to create, modify and organize web page content in a collaborative manner Example: Wikipedia

10 B REAKDOWN OF THE BIG 3: Social Networking: Myspace Facebook LinkedIn MyWorkster You tube Flickr Microblogging: Twitter Blogging: Blogger Blotter/Wordpress

11 Create a personalized profile Interests Relationship status Movies, Books, Heroes Upload pictures, videos and music Invite friends Post on each others walls

12 Truly Social Networking More rigid controls on how a persons profile looks News feed giving everyone’s status updates on homepage

13 More professional Geared towards executives Business networking Add professional groups and connections Find out industry news Start professional discussions Search for jobs

14 Links students with employers, alumni, and class mates Professional networking geared towards younger population Join professional groups and discussions Search for jobs

15 Video uploading Can be viewed by all users Users can share videos, subscribe to different users, and create favorites and playlists

16 Join groups and create new contacts Upload video content for audience to share Get tagged in videos so that you are easier to find

17 Allows user to search for others that are relevant to them Users become followers of other and users gain followers Users can track readership numbers

18 Blogs, short for web-logs, are a form of online journal Users create personalized blogs to give advice, post views, etc. Can work alone or with others Can upload pictures and videos AdSense allows users to profit off of their blog if it is popular

19 Not just a blog- users can also create web pages Must pay to remove ads that appear blog Users can track replies to their blogs Many sidebar widgets available Integrated stats system allows users to track visits to their blog Offered in multiple languages

20 A DVANTAGES TO S OCIAL N ETWORKING It’s the “way of the world!” Low cost Usually free Builds credibility Enables you to connect professionally and personally Connections Builds a web of contacts

21 D ISADVANTAGES TO S OCIAL N ETWORKING Lack of anonymity Users put out a ton of information about themselves that many of access to Scams and harassment Potential for failure in both business and personal aspects in regards to security breaches Time consuming If time is not dedicated to it, then it could just be a huge waste of time

22 C OMMON M ISTAKES U SERS M AKE Having a bare profile Completely eliminating personality, making your profile look exactly like the next guy’s Getting overly promotional about yourself Not updating your profile with fresh content



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