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You Created It, Now What? This PD is designed to present many options, while you take notes. Then if time allots at the end for you to start exploring.

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Presentation on theme: "You Created It, Now What? This PD is designed to present many options, while you take notes. Then if time allots at the end for you to start exploring."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Created It, Now What? This PD is designed to present many options, while you take notes. Then if time allots at the end for you to start exploring the options that would work best for you. Mike & I will be available for appointments next year to help you get up & running.

2 “Connecting students with an authentic audience is key to driving engagement and helping students relate what they are learning to the real world”. ~ Don Wettrick

3 A truly authentic audience is only available when we can reach beyond our school walls.

4 Determine the tool(s) you find easiest to use in reaching an Authentic Audience.

5 What is needed to showcase student work via You Tube: A personal gmail account - WED mail doesn’t currently support You Tube. Your presentation in Movie Format. Media Releases if pictures of students are included in your presentation. GmailGmail - link to YouTube upload snowman video (docs-tsi-tsipd-youcreatedit-videos)

6 When you upload a video, by default it’s set as a “Public” video, which means that anybody can view it. ** I never use public if students are featured!** You can easily change the privacy settings while you’re uploading the video in the “Privacy Settings” section. Or, if you’ve already uploaded the video, you can change the privacy settings by following the steps below: 1.Visit your Video Manager.Video Manager 2.Find the video you’d like to change, then click the Edit button. 3.In the “Privacy Settings” drop-down menu, select Public, Unlisted, or, Private. 4.Click Save changes. A private video can only be seen by you and the users you select. The video won’t appear on your channel or search results and will be invisible to other users. If you use your Google+ identity on YouTube (your channel is linked to a Google+ page or Google+ profile), you’ll see a field under the “Privacy Settings” drop-down menu where you can add the profiles or email addresses of the people with whom you’d like to share your video. They’ll need a Google account to view your video. You can also share your videos with Google+ circles.ity on YouTube ( Unlisted (**What I typically Use**) means that only people who have the link to the video can view it. To share an unlisted video, just share the link with the people who you’d like to have access to it, and they’ll then be able to see it. Unlike private videos, the people you share the video with do not need to have a Google account to see the video, and they can share with more people simply by forwarding the link to them. Unlisted videos won’t appear in any of YouTube's public spaces, like your channel page or search results. Tips & Tidbits:

7 Private Videos A private video can only be seen by you and the users you select. The video won’t appear on your channel or search results and will be invisible to other users. I typically find this too restrictive for our sharing purposes, but use this to store projects I want to keep that can’t be made public. If you use your Google+ identity on YouTube (your channel is linked to a Google+ page or Google+ profile), you’ll see a field under the “Privacy Settings” drop-down menu where you can add the profiles or email addresses of the people with whom you’d like to share your video. They’ll need a Google account to view your video. You can also share your videos with Google+ circles.Google+ identity Tips & Tidbits Continued:

8 Please note our Filter is being changed this summer which should improve “blocking issues” however, the URl that comes up when the upload is complete often gets blocked in school. For that reason I currently click on the video & take the URL from the address bar in my web browser. It always contains the word “watch”. Can be blocked @ school. Go here instead. Then click on the video name. Copy address from URL bar. 1. 2. 3. 4. Blocked URL:

9 CLASSROOM If you do not currently have a Website, we strongly recommend Weebly for Education. The Free Version of Weebly Allows You to Showcase: Documents Slide Shows Videos (If first uploaded to You Tube) *The Pro Account for $40/year allows videos to be added directly to Weebly.

10 A class website can be used in many ways to showcase student work. Work can be housed directly on the Weebly. Links can be used to connect to student work elsewhere on the Internet.inks can be used to connect to student work elsewhere on the Internet. Sneak Peek @ Weebly Drag & Drop Interface

11 Upload videos, pics & documents (Microsoft or pdf) Create a folder to share for the school year... Create new folder Check box to left of the folder Click on the share icon

12 While you could invite specific people to have access to the folder that would limit you to only the parents that you have email addresses for & also would not allow for it to be shared with other family members.


14 Anyone who has access to this URL will have access to everything added to the folder going forward. If you prefer for them to not have access to everything within the folder then don’t send out the folder URL. Just send the link from each individual document. It can be found in the same place.

15 If you do not have an established classroom website: Notification can be done via paper or email. I would suggest sending both the project URL & QR Code. It’s on the Internet, Now What? With an established classroom website: Send home reminders to check the site weekly or after posting new projects. Reminders can be sent via paper, e-mail or student word of mouth.

16 QR Codes - Quick Response Codes A QR code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device (such as a camera) and processed using Reed–Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. The required data are then extracted from patterns present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image. Reed–Solomon https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com QR Code Generator is one of the many free generators that can be found via a Google Search.

17 Now you know where it can go & that is how I start every project... I decide how I want to showcase it! I then begin to think about the tool I would like to use & determine if it will allow me to transfer the final product to where I want it. If I don’t know for sure I do a quick test project to figure it out.

18 These are the things I look for... Ipads: Can the project be uploaded to You Tube? If so you know have a URL & can share it out.... I’ve also encountered Apps that will allow you to e-mail a URL, again allowing you to share it. Sometimes once you follow the URL the project can be downloaded if you have a need. ***Typically Apps use an arrow symbol to signify options for taking the presentation out of the App.***

19 Once the projects are in the Camera Roll: Can be uploaded to YouTube if the App didn’t have the option. Can be e-mailed home if the file is small enough. Can all be pulled into iMovie on the iPad to then Showcase as a single class show via YouTube or your Website. Ipads: I prefer apps that allow you to save or export to the camera roll.

20 I WANT TO MAKE A MOVIE OUT OF WORK ON MULTIPLE iPADS! Use the USB charging cable to plug into your iMac. Make sure iMovie is closed. iTunes may open - if this happens just quit iTunes. Open iphoto if it doesn’t open automatically. Hold the command key down while selecting everything you would like to import. If the items are consecutive you can hold the shift key & click on the first & last one, instead of using the command key. Do this for each device that has Projects on it. Open iMovie. You will get a message about “Creating Thumbnails”. You must do this for your newly imported videos to be available. You are ready to create an iMovie with your projects.

21 HOW TO EXPORT AN iMOVIE... Share-Export Movie I typically choose the Mobile version as it has the most display options. Due to the size of iMovies, I then upload them to YouTube

22 These are the things I look for... Computers: Documents convert into PDF’s so can be viewed by all when shared out. To save as PDF’s: File - Print Bottom Left Hand Corner - Save as PDF Presentations Can be turned into movies or image files via File-Export or File-Save (varies among programs) Can be turned into PDF’s via File-Print Movie’s can be sent to YouTube - PDF’s & Image Files to a Class Website.

23 In Summary: Decide where your project will be viewed. Determine what format you will need it in. Start evaluating the tools you would like to use for the project. Create the project. Share it out. ** Never underestimate the power of your students to complete the share out steps.** Next Steps: Consider Skyping with that Authentic Audience to receive feedback.

24 Time To Get Started: Either independently or in groups start to explore the areas of this pd that interested you most. This presentation is available under resources on our website Feel free to follow the active links & directions. We have iPads & computers available to explore. If necessary we can utilize the other lab. We will be circulating to assist.

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