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Big Business. TR Personality, Politics and Presidency Read about TR’s personality, politics and presidency Based upon this information, what kind of president.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Business. TR Personality, Politics and Presidency Read about TR’s personality, politics and presidency Based upon this information, what kind of president."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Business

2 TR Personality, Politics and Presidency Read about TR’s personality, politics and presidency Based upon this information, what kind of president do you think TR will be?

3 Theodore Roosevelt Personality: competitive, strong-willed, and extremely energetic Politically: Progressive, Republican, “Square Deal” Presidency 1901 – McKinley dies and TR becomes president 1904 – TR elected Conservation – preserve the wilderness Added 100+ million acres to national forests Established 5 new national parks Created 51 federal wildlife reservations

4 Monopolies and Trusts Monopoly situation in which there is a single supplier or seller of a good or service for which there are no close substitutes Trust an arrangement by which stockholders in several companies transfer their shares to a single set of trustees in exchange, stockholders received a certificate entitling them to a specified share of the consolidated earnings of the jointly managed companies Sherman Anti-Trust Act Passed in 1890 – public opposition to economic power being controlled by the trusts US Congress prohibited trusts or monopolies of any kind Not strongly enforced for many years 1911 – found Standard Oil in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

5 Monopolies and Trusts Monopoly situation in which there is a single supplier or seller of a good or service for which there are no close substitutes Trust an arrangement by which stockholders in several companies transfer their shares to a single set of trustees in exchange, stockholders received a certificate entitling them to a specified share of the consolidated earnings of the jointly managed companies

6 Monopolies and Trusts Sherman Anti-Trust Act Passed in 1890 – public opposition to economic power being controlled by the trusts US Congress prohibited trusts or monopolies of any kind Not strongly enforced for many years 1911 – found Standard Oil in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

7 TR and Business TR and Business: supportive of businesses and trusts, believed they were efficient and part of the reason for US prosperity However, he worried that some trusts were hurting the public interests Began working to get rid of many trusts – TR became known as a “trust buster”


9 Small Group Work Read the information on the top of page two Four Profiles – Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Vanderbilt Divide up the profiles Read and write details on your assigned person DO NOT fill out the Robber Baron or Captain of Industry portion Share information – teach the other three people in your group about your assigned person Once you have details on all four Discuss as a group what information makes that person a robber baron and/or a captain of industry Most profiles will have details for both

10 Robber Barons vs. Captains of Industry Group Activity Political Cartoons One per group Answer the two questions Be prepared to share As we watch the videos and look at the political cartoons, add information and details as needed to your notes sheet

11 Robber Barons vs. Captains of Industry Group Activity Political Cartoons One per group Answer the two questions Be prepared to share As we look at the political cartoons, add information and details as needed to your notes sheet

12 John D. Rockefeller History Channel Video america/videos/rockefellers-standard- oil?m=5189719baf036&s=All&f=1&free=false america/videos/rockefellers-standard- oil?m=5189719baf036&s=All&f=1&free=false

13 Andrew Carnegie america/videos/the-men-who-built-america-andrew- carnegie?m=5189719baf036&s=All&f=1&free=false america/videos/the-men-who-built-america-andrew- carnegie?m=5189719baf036&s=All&f=1&free=false

14 JP Morgan america/videos/the-rise-of-j-p- morgan?m=5189719baf036&s=All&f=1&free=false america/videos/the-rise-of-j-p- morgan?m=5189719baf036&s=All&f=1&free=false

15 Cornelius Vanderbilt History Channel Video america/videos/the-men-who-built-america-the-rise-of- cornelius-vanderbilt?m=51896f797a81d america/videos/the-men-who-built-america-the-rise-of- cornelius-vanderbilt?m=51896f797a81d









24 Personal Analysis Complete the activity on the last page. Place each of the four men on the half circle. Provide details to support the location you placed that person on the half circle. Robber Baron Captain of Industry

25 Personal Analysis On the back of your packet, draw the spectrum to the right. Place each of the four men on the half circle. Provide details to support the location you placed that person on the half circle. Robber Baron Captain of Industry

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