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Developing and implementing the idea of SD – ten years ESD – Education for Sustainable Development Dec04 BUP/Kazimierz Dolny ss.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing and implementing the idea of SD – ten years ESD – Education for Sustainable Development Dec04 BUP/Kazimierz Dolny ss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing and implementing the idea of SD – ten years ESD – Education for Sustainable Development Dec04 BUP/Kazimierz Dolny ss

2 International framework UNCED (United Nations Conferences on Environment and Development, “Earth Summit”), Rio de Janeiro 1992 - The Rio Declaration on environment and Development (27 principles) - Agenda 21 United Nations Millenium Declaration, Millennium Summit, 2000 World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg 2002 UN General Assembly, 2002, UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

3 Europe -CRE Copernicus-declaration "University charter for sustainable development” 1993- - Baltic 21 1996, 1998 - Baltic 21 for Education 2000, Haga declaration - UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Environment for Europe (EfE) 2003, 2004

4 ”Baltic 21” a Regional Agenda & Action Programme for the countries of the Baltic Sea Region a multi-stakeholder process for SD initiated in 1996 by the Prime Ministers of 11 countries around the Baltic sea (Visby)

5 THE BALTIC SEA REGION PROCESS Declaration Visby, 3-4 May 1996 In the action program is listed the development of an Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region The Saltsjöbaden Declaration, 20-21 October 1996 "Towards an Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region" The Baltic 21 process should cover 7 (8) economic sectors of crucial importance for the development in the region: Agriculture, Energy, Fisheries, Forests, Industry, Tourism and Transport; and Spatial Planning.

6 Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs 22-23 June, 1998 Nyborg, Denmark The Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region – Baltic 21 was adopted

7 Baltic 21 Baltic 21 Baltic 21 E Haga conference & declaration - March 23 -24, 2000 Ministers of Education discussed the need for regional cooperation on education and S.D and decided:  to start a new sector on education in Baltic 21  to elaborate an Agenda 21 for education in the BSR Haga declaration  gives the framework for the process, organisation and financing of the implementation and the guidelines for the further elaboration of the agenda  concept of life-long learning  relationship between EE and SD  staff training and research on education for SD

8 Baltic 21 E The Education Sector network is headed by two Lead Parties: Sweden and Lithuania The E-sector has 3 working groups, chaired by different countries: Pre-school to upper secondary education and formal adult education – chair: Sweden Universities and university colleges and other institutions of higher education - chair: Finland Non-formal education (mainly adult level)- chair: Denmark each group has created national surveys of the situation on environmental education and ESD in the countries of the region

9 Baltic 21 Baltic 21 Haga declaration - definition on ESD “ESD should be based on an integrated approach to economic, environmental and societal development and encompass a broad range of related issues such as democracy, gender equity and human rights. This broad approach should be recognized in both natural science and social science, and should complement and build on existing initiatives in environmental education”

10 Overall goal for Education All individuals should have competence to support a sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising on the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Education for sustainable development should be based on an integrated approach to economic, societal and environmental development.

11 Baltic 21 Education Sector Action Programme The emphasis is on strengthening the capacity of knowledge building The emphasis is on strengthening the capacity of knowledge building. Policies and strategies Policies and strategies - the development of education of sustainable development guidelines & promotion of international co-operation for curricula, program & course development at all levels of education; Competence development within the education sector Competence development within the education sector - actions to increase the awareness of sustainable development issues among officials, principals & staff, to support co-operation in BSR between educators, researchers & practitioners to promote knowledge & skills in education for sustainable development; Continuing education Continuing education - sustainability related knowledge & skills; Teaching and learning resources Teaching and learning resources - such as stimulate the production of education for sustainable development material for schools, higher education & training; Research on and development of education for sustainable development Research on and development of education for sustainable development as well as stimulate the dissemination of results of research on issues concerning.

12 EE - ESD Environmental Education Deals with environmental problems Environmental problems depend on human activities and their impact on the environment Education for Sustainable Development Deals in an integrated way with protection of the environment, effective use of natural resources, maintenance of the ecosystem, a well-functioning society and a good economy The problem depends on a conflict between different human goals - environmental, social, cultural and economic.

13 ..EE - ESD Accounts biodiversity Desired outcome: A good environment Actions to protect the environment Responsibility for the environment Accounts cultural, social, economic and biological diversity Quality of life for today and future generations Motivation to change lifestyle based on important issues of personal life Responsibility for the human condition and the condition of the ecosystem

14 ..EE - ESD Deals with individual behaviour (environmental ethics) Environmental education has a local and global context Taught in some subjects Increases action competence, including competence to develop moral criteria, and stimulates public participation in decisionmaking Education for sustainable development should be applied and grounded in the local economic, social, cultural and ecological context and community, followed by regional, national and global contexts. Integrated in all teaching and learning and in all school life

15 Johannesburg 2002, Word Summit for Sustainable Development, WSSD Plan of implementation: § 121 “Integrate sustainable development into education systems at all levels of education in order to promote education as a key agent for change”.

16 Baltic 21 Education: Finnish national BUP-centre supporting Baltic 21 E The national BUP-centre at Åbo Akademi university is, through fundings (2004-2006) via the Finnish Ministry of Education, supporting Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and the Baltic 21 E. arranging seminars, workshops and conferences (national and for the whole Baltic region) for teachers, researchers and educational planners (on educational and learning methods, case studies, concepts), encouraging and evaluating the implementation of the Baltic 21 E in higher education. maintaining a national BUP & Baltic 21 E webpage for the higher education and a ESD homepage, providing information on references (textbooks, publications, didactic methods), links to networks, departments, course descriptions and other tools promoting education for sustainable developmentESD homepage


18 Education for Sustainable Development Lead Parties: Sweden and Russia 2nd regional meeting on education for SD, Rome, 15-16 July 2004 Draft Strategy for Education for SD

19 UNECE Strategy for Education for SD Aim: develop & incorporate to encourage UNECE member States to develop & incorporate ESD into their formal education systems, in all relevant subjects, & in non-formal & informal education ESD into their formal education systems, in all relevant subjects, & in non-formal & informal education. This will equip people with knowledge of & skills in sustainable development, making them more competent & confident & increasing their opportunities for acting for a healthy & productive life in harmony with nature & with concern for social values, gender equity & cultural diversity.Objectives: Ensure that regulatory & operational frameworks support ESD (a) Ensure that regulatory & operational frameworks support ESD; formal, non-formal & informal learning (b) Promote SD through formal, non-formal & informal learning; Equip educators with the competence to include SD in their teaching (c) Equip educators with the competence to include SD in their teaching; adequate tools & materials for ESD are accessible (d) Ensure that adequate tools & materials for ESD are accessible; Promote research on & development of ESD (e) Promote research on & development of ESD; Strengthen cooperation on ESD at all levels (f) Strengthen cooperation on ESD at all levels within the UNECE region.

20 UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) World Summit on Sustainable Development recommended to the United Nations General Assembly that “it consider adopting a Decade of Education for Sustainable Development starting in 2005” (para. 117d, Plan of Implementation). In December 2002, resolution 57/254 on the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development beginning 1 January 2005 was adopted by consensus. The resolution had been introduced by Japan and co-sponsored by 46 countries. The United Nations General Assembly resolution designated UNESCO as the lead agency for the promotion of the Decade and requested the Organization to develop a draft international implementation scheme.

21 Distance Education Tools 1990- - Tele- X Space Bridge (BSE 1991-) - Videofilms (BSE 1991-, SBR ) - Videoconferencies (ISDN) -First Class (SBR), e-mails..2000- -E-learning plattforms (SWM ping pong)

22 ..Distance education..Tools Future ? -e-learning plattforms (open sources?) -Videoconferencies IP -Webbcameras -E-mails

23 From teaching to learning Different learnings styles (auditive, visual, kinetic) From teacher centered to student centered Problemoriented (PBL=Problem Based Learning) Activatings methods: discussions, presentations, teamwork, interactive,peer.. Create positive learning climate

24 Education tools for Teachers -Learning centers at universities (phycial and on internet): Pedagogical and technical support - ESD homepage (BUP)

25 Environmental Studies- subsidiary subject at Åbo Akademi University Environmental Studies – minor subject (22.5 ECTS – 60 ECTS) Initiated by students working group 1989, first courses starts 1991 is accepted as subject in almost all educations programmes at Åbo Akademi, all faculties (but not chemical engineering) Mostly multiciplionary subject, BUPcourses interdisciplionary Courses from all faculties, 3 type of courses: ordinary courses at departments courses for only this subject (special financing) courses at open university (BUP) 1991-1992 11 courses, 2004-2005 30 courses´, basic level intermediate level advanced level

26 ”Bologna”; new degree system in Europe “Bologna” system starts Autumn 2005- 2 steps degree Bachelor 3 year 180 study points Master2 year 120 study points 5 year 300 sp Challenge for implementing ESD !? Where, When ESD: bachelor level master level postgraduated Challenge for new courses, masterprogrammes, new studying methods in ESD

27 ESD summary Not only EE, ESD: ecological, social, cultural, economical aspects Tasks for Universities: 1. Education, 2. Research, 3. Development of the society (”3rd task”) Education research based and high quality. Produce competent, critical people with sense of responsibilty and skills to handle with compex issues in future Need for research and development of ESD

28 Thank You Good Luck with ESD ! Thanks for material Lars Rydén Christine Jakobsson Ea Blomqvist various webbpages

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