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1 FAS Training 2016 GAEC (Good Agricultural & Environmental Condition) Integrated Controls Division.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FAS Training 2016 GAEC (Good Agricultural & Environmental Condition) Integrated Controls Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FAS Training 2016 GAEC (Good Agricultural & Environmental Condition) Integrated Controls Division

2 Presentation Outline Introduction Legal Framework GAEC Standards Questions 2

3 Introduction Two aspects to Cross Compliance: (1)Statutory Management Requirements (SMRs) 13 legislative standards in respect of the environment, food safety, animal and plant health and animal welfare. (2)Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC) Set of 7 standards related to soil, the protection and maintenance of soil organic matter, avoiding the deterioration of habits and water protection. 3

4 GAEC Standards There are 7 GAEC Standards all of which fall under Area 1 (environment, climate change, good agricultural condition of land). GAEC 1 – Establishment of buffer strips along watercourses. GAEC 2 – Where use of water for irrigation is subject of authorisation, compliance and authorisation procedures. GAEC 3 – Protection of Groundwater against pollution. GAEC 4 – Minimum soil cover. GAEC 5 – Minimum land management reflecting site specific conditions to limit erosion. GAEC 6 – Maintenance of soil organic matter through appropriate practices. GAEC 7 – Retention of landscape features. 4

5 Legal Framework Council Regulation No 1306/2013 Annex II

6 Legal Framework Obligations of Member States relating to good agricultural and environmental condition  Article 94 of Regulation (EC) No 1306/2013 states “Member States shall ensure that all agricultural area, including land which is no longer used for production purposes, is maintained in good agricultural and environmental condition”.  “Member States shall define, at national or regional level, minimum standards for beneficiaries for good agricultural and environmental condition of land on the basis of Annex II, taking into account the specific characteristics of the areas concerned, including soil and climatic condition, existing farming systems, land use, crop rotation, farming practices, and farm structures.” 6


8 GAEC Standards - Water GAEC 1  Establishment of buffer strips along watercourses.  Nitrates buffer limits meets this requirement (SMR 1). GAEC 2  Where use of water for irrigation is subject to authorisation, compliance with authorisation procedure – Non Applicable in Ireland.

9 GAEC 1 – buffer strips

10 GAEC Standards - Water GAEC 3  Protection of groundwater against pollution.  Evidence of direct/indirect discharge of chemical fertilisers/agri-chemicals, hydrocarbons/waste oils or other List 1 substances to groundwater/water sources.  Evidence of poor management of sheep dip including land spreading & buffer zones.  Evidence of direct/indirect discharges of spent dip to groundwater/water sources.  Evidence of other discharges direct/indirect of List 2 substances including the unauthorised burial of animals on-farm.

11 Definitions Groundwater - all water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the soil/subsoil. Water source - any river,stream,lake, canal, reservoir, pond, watercourse or other inland water. 11

12 Definitions List 1 substances commonly found on a farm – constituents of sheep dip, agri chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, detergents) and hydrocarbons. List 2 substances – metals, dairy detergents, substances that effect the taste/odour of groundwater. 12

13 Definitions Direct Discharge – Discharge to groundwater (well, aquifer) without percolation through soil or subsoil. Indirect Discharge – Discharge through soil or subsoil. 13

14 14

15 Risk of oil leak to groundwater

16 Hydrocarbons Fuel Oil storage area - tank structurally sound, no evidence of leaks. Hydraulic fluids, lubricants. Dairy vacuum exhaust outlets. Waste Oils. Batteries. 16

17 Pesticides – Groundwater risk? 17

18 Sheep Dip Tank Dipping Tank structurally sound. No outlet pipe or bung at base of tank. Empty and cleaned after use. Drainage pens should be concreted, channelled back to tank, and cleaned after use. 18

19 Land Spreading of spent sheep dip Must never be disposed of to soak pit or dumped on sacrifice land. Dilution rate 3:1 and max rate of 5000 L/ha. All precautions pertaining to the spreading of livestock manures as per S.I. 31 of 2014 apply. 19

20 Other potential discharges Fallen animals should not be disposed of on farm. In exceptional circumstances, burial licence granted (DVO). Burials outside buffer zones. 20

21 GAEC Standards – Soil & Carbon Stock GAEC 4  Minimum soil cover –  Evidence of finely tilled soils but not in the process of crop establishment or other land with inadequate soil/ground cover.  Evidence of insufficient green cover within 6 weeks where land has been ploughed. (Nitrates 16 th October – 30 th November).  Avoid leaving land bare and without any cover on the soil for prolonged periods of time (max. of 4 months)

22 GAEC 4 - Erosion

23 23

24 GAEC Standards – Soil & Carbon Stock GAEC 5  Minimum land management reflecting site specific conditions to limit soil erosion.  Evidence of sand dunes being overgrazed or otherwise used resulting in erosion.  Evidence of rutting or poaching damage to permanent pasture caused by machinery or animals.  Evidence of Severe Poaching leading to Soil Erosion particularly around supplementary feeding points & sacrifice paddocks.  Are there any other activities likely to cause soil erosion such as poor tillage practices or inadequate disposal arrangements for soiled water.

25 Soil Erosion on Sand Dune

26 26

27 27

28 Poaching leading to sanction

29 29

30 30

31 31

32 Compacted Maize Stubble - Ruts

33 Poaching damage to Permanent Pasture 33

34 GAEC Standards – Soil & Carbon Stock GAEC 6  Maintenance of soil organic matter through appropriate practices.  Evidence of burning of crop residues such as straw or straw stubble. 34

35 GAEC 6 – SOM 35

36 GAEC Standards – Landscape, Minimum level of maintenance GAEC 7  Retention of landscape features – minimum level of maintenance  Evidence of damage/removal of designated landscape feature.  Evidence of the cutting of trees & hedges in bird nesting season (1 March – 31 August).  Evidence of encroachment of invasive plant species on to land including permanent pasture.

37 Landscape Features Landscape Features Designated in 2009 Hedgerows. Gappy hedges. Trees in a line. Drains. Combinations of hedge, drain and area within fence. Areas under these features are eligible and cannot be removed.

38 Landscape Features Hedgerows and drains must be retained and maintained. If hedgerows are allowed to encroach they will become ineligible in time. If drains have collapsed due to livestock damage or if they have not been maintained for a considerable length of time rendering them ineffective this is a breach of GAEC. Can remove them if a replacement hedge/drain is planted/dug in advance. Beware of EIA requirements, SAC/SPA land and nesting season.

39 Landscape Features Former REPS 3 & 4 habitats were designated as Landscape features in 2012. National Monuments and archaeological sites were designated in 2015. 39

40 Trees in a line

41 Well maintained hedge

42 Drain and hedge

43 Maintained Drain

44 Landscape Features If LF is removed on rented land –Who is penalised on inspection? 1. Removed by owner who has no entitlements: Applicant 2. Removed by Owner who has entitlements: Owner 3. Removed by Applicant: Applicant NOTE: Must be reinstated in all cases or further sanctions will apply.

45 Streams and Rivers are not Landscape Features under the Landscape Feature Designation

46 Invasive Species

47 Invasive Species Encroaching Developing Eligibility issues reductions may apply

48 Breakdown of GAEC sanctions 2014 48

49 Thank you for your attention. Any questions?

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