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- 1 - Noticing the Work Julie Payne – SSE Street works Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "- 1 - Noticing the Work Julie Payne – SSE Street works Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 - 1 - Noticing the Work Julie Payne – SSE Street works Manager

2 - 2 - Contents  Background & Basics of Street works administration  How we apply for notices  When we get it wrong, fines and penalties

3 - 3 -

4 - 4 - In April 2008  Traffic Management Act 2004  Introduced Over run charges (section 74)  Introduced Fixed Penalties – noticing errors  Allowed Embargo of further Work (sect 58)  Allowed Authority to Direct where work takes place (Sect 56)

5 In April 2014 – Eton 6 This was new legislation which added extra responsibility to the utilities to give more information on our works for better co-ordination purposes. Highway incursion, Traffic signal notices, Excavation type, Collaboration of works (sharing the trench) and Attachments – allowing TM plans to be sent on the notice. - 5 -

6 - 6 - Background & Basics Who’s who?  Works Promoter – Organisation responsible for Works  Highway Authority – Organisation undertaking “road works” in order to maintain or improve Highway.  Street / Traffic Authority – Organisation with duties to co- ordinate.  Utility Company / Statutory Undertaker – organisation that undertakes “street works” on it’s apparatus using statutory powers.  Highway – any part of the carriageway, footway, verge, cycleway or footpath. (Footpath being an alleyway not attached to a carriageway)

7 - 7 - When do you need a notice?  Works Promoters must Register (or notice) all Works that :- Involve the breaking up or resurfacing any street, Involve opening the carriageway or cycleway of traffic-sensitive streets at traffic-sensitive times. Require any form of temporary traffic control as defined in the Code of Practice for Safety at Street Works and Road Works. Reduce the lanes available on a carriageway of three or more lanes. Require a temporary traffic regulation order or notice, or the suspension of pedestrian facilities. Require a reduction in the width of the existing carriageway of a traffic- sensitive street at a traffic-sensitive time

8 - 8 -  Planned  Minor up to 3 Working Days  Standard 4 to 10 Working Days  Major more than 10 Working Days or of any duration if planned more than 6 months in advance or require a Road Closure or Traffic Order.  Unplanned  Immediate:  Emergency = “Danger to life or Limb” (due to condition of Highway)  Urgent = “Restore or prevent Interruption to an Existing Supply.” “ Avoid Substantial Loss in relation to an existing service” This should be issued within 2 hours (or by 10:00 am of next working day if outside of “noticing” hours). Types of Notice and their durations

9 - 9 - NoticePeriod Validity Period AuthorityResponseTime Advanced Notice Notice of Start (Initial) Advanced Notice Notice of Start (Initial) Advanced Notice Notice of Start (Initial) Actual Start or Revised Duration Major 3 Months10 days15 days5 days1 month5 days Standard n/a 10 days n/a 5 daysn/a5 days Minor n/a 3 days n/a 2 days n/a 2 days Immediate n/a Within 2 hrs or 10:00 am next w/day n/a Any time during works 2 days Day = Working day = 8am to 4:30pm excluding W/ends & B/Hols Day 1 of Notice Period is Day Notice Raised Day 1 of Validity Period is Proposed Start Date of Notice Notice Periods

10 - 10 - Information required for the Initial Notice  The Initial notice is the most detailed and important as it contains all the information about your intended works including What? Why? When? Where? How? and Who?  Most information is mandatory including;-  Location of planned works and Eastings and Northings for start and stop of the works area  Traffic Management to be used  Proposed Start & End Dates  Phase type, asset activity, interim to permanent, remedial works, core sampling, Continued …………

11 - 11 - Information required for the Initial Notice  12 Fig OSGRs, single point, start & end or polygon  USRN and Street Name  Location Description  Works Description, plain English, (no industry jargon )- which should justify your duration.  Works Type – Major, Minor, Standard, Immediate  Estimated Inspection Units (how big will your excavation be)  Applicable Special Designations e.g. Traffic Sensitivity, Bridges etc  Any agreement Information from the HA  Working Hours / parking suspensions  Who you are and contact details  Contractor and contact details (advisable)  Carriageway incursion  Excavation type

12 Mapping systems and the gazetteer on Eton will give you basic information regarding the street and any special designations., https;//,, - 12 - Where do I get my information?

13 - 13 - What to Check Before Sending the Notice. Restrictions Sect 58 & 58A An Authority may place restrictions on further works following major utility, authority or reconstruction work in a Street.

14 - 14 - What to Check Before Sending the Notice.  One Notice per USRN.  Street Authority Boundaries.  Dual Authorities,  Trunk Roads – Highways England “99s”.  Authorities to whom we haven’t noticed before.  DANGER AREAS!  Junctions & Crossroads.  Building Sites.  Behind Hoardings.  Cable Damage Excavations.  Using someone else’s trench.  Private Roads.

15 - 15 - What to Check Before Sending the Notice. A SITE VISIT IS A GOOD IDEA!

16 - 16 - Permits and notices are sent via a web bases systems using ETON (electronic transfer of notices) there are several different service providers.

17 - 17 - Street Works – Notice Sequence  Forward Planning – Major only, advisory.  Initial Notice – how? where? what? when? who?  Confirmation notice, Major only but statutory, 15 days or used on minor or standard for an early start.  Start – when you start work on site (inc. SLG)  Stop – when you restore Highway to full public use  Registration – within 10 Working days of completion of reinstatement

18 - 18 - Street Authority Response  Request further information – via a works comment  Request a change to the proposed works eg working hours  Issue a Fixed Penalty Notice – if the notice details are incorrect  Challenge the Duration – by sending a duration challenge  Request a site visit to discuss the planned works  Give Direction under Sect 56 or 56A  Refuse the notice on the grounds another utility are working in the area  Give information to arrange collaborative working What happens next – you have sent your notice….. A Street Authority may;-

19 Notice status Forward planning sent :Forward planning (Major only) Initial sent (Major): Advance planning Initial sent :Planned Work about to Start Confirmation notice :Planned Work about to Start (Major) Actual start Date sent :Work in progress Works stop sent :Work completed Registration sent :Work completed (with excavation) ** Nil excavation – no registration required status at stop (works complete – nil excavation) ** - 19 -

20 When we get it wrong Defects Section 74 charges Fixed penalty fines - 20 -

21 Defects If our reinstatement is poor we get a defect and have to redo the reinstatement. All our works are guaranteed for 2 years. Each defect currently costs the Utility £47.50 + - 21 -

22 S 74 charges when we over run the agreed prescribed period of the notice

23 £100 for 2 cones - 23 -

24 £3500 for leaving these on site 14 days - 24 -

25 - 25 - Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN)

26 - 26 - The objective of the FPN system is to;-  Encourage accurate and timely notice data  Improve the co-ordination of works  Improve data quality  Minimise disruption Penalties

27 Awareness of pedestrians - Footway Closure - 27 - Safety of our customers paramount


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31 FPN’s are like accidents – avoidable. Think about your co-ordination and the safety of others. Thank You - 31 -

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